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User service is very important for library. The goal of library is providing good services and satisfying users. In order to realize the goal, library should recognize users' needs very well, and then provide good service, which can be called interactive service based on users' needs. To develop a good interaction relation between library and users, we should, on one hand, try our best to meet users' needs; on the other hand, we should induce users to participate in all kinds of work of the library. We can see, enhancing the communication and interaction between library and users is not only the need of providing good service, but the need of realizing library's value. From current researches, we can't find many on this theme. So we should pay more attention on this topic.
    The dissertation puts forward the interaction between library and users as an idea. It discusses the theme theoretically and expounds the main representations of interaction in library service according to the performance of domestic libraries. At the same time, based on referencing internal and overseas researches and introducing correlative points and methods of other subjects, it provides a series of views on how to develop an interactive mechanism in library service.
    The dissertation concentrates on two main aspects: one is analyzing the main representations of interaction in library service through surveying some libraries' services; the other is about how to develop a good interactive mechanism in library service. It consists of four parts. The first part discusses interaction theoretically, including the meaning, the kinds, the characteristics, the essential and the function of interaction. The second part analyzes and summarizes the main representations of interaction in library service, based on surveying some online libraries. The third part provides some opinions on how to develop an interactive mechanism in library service, including developing an effective evaluation standard on library service, introducing the marketing concept, strengthening the communication between library and users, the introducing of CRM, training the relationship quality of librarian. The fourth part points out some problems we should pay attention to and hopes for more consideration and
    recognition, including strengthening interaction consciousness of librarians and users, reinforcing several services based on interaction, making librarians' behaviors normative, and exploiting user resources actively.
    (11 diagrams, 8 tables)
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