基于Web Services的异构系统信息交换模型研究
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     基于以上考虑,本文提出了DEM(Data Exchange Model,数据交换模型)模型,通过使用XML和Web Services技术,完成分布式异构系统之间的信息交换。DEM模型可以在不对原有系统作较大改变的基础上,增加Web Services接口,提供数据交换服务。
     DEM的核心部分包括Web Services服务器的搭建和服务的发布、客户端对Web Services的调用及信息接收、数据标准的确定、XML和关系数据库之间的转化、XML的加密、解密和传输的方法,主要利用XML和Web Services的技术特点,结合东软信息学院的内部具体需求,完成了整个框架模型的设计。在DEM中,有Web Services的提供者和使用者两种角色,现实中的所有系统都是这两种角色的复合,提供者通过Web Services对外发布信息,使用者调用Web Services获取其他系统中的信息。为了解决异构数据库的问题,提供者和使用者都要遵守同一数据标准,在网络中通过SOAP使用XML的方式传输数据,本文中使用Schema描述数据标准。提供者从数据库中取得数据,并将其转化为XML,然后根据选项,确定是否要对XML进行加密,最后将XML传送给使用者;使用者调用Web Services,接受提供者发送的XML,并对其进行解密和解析以及相关处理,并根据实际情况作相关数据库化处理。
The dependence of business enterprise to the information system is more and more high now, but the information can't be exchanged and shared because of the existence of the information isolated island. The information system helped the development of the business enterprise but now it changed to the opposite.
     How to make the information own the biggest value and how to exchange and share the data expediently become the great problems. There are two kinds of solutions,one is to develop a new solution completely which costs lots of time, money and material resources. The other is to rebulid the system which is being used to exchange and share data with other systems.
     This paper is based on the demands in NEU-IIT which is to exchange and share data among different information systems.In NEU-IIT, just like the information systems in business enterprise, there are different internal information systems which are isolated islands. Lots of public information like student information, teacher information and so on are required by these different systems. The data can't be exchanged directly because of the isolation of the existed systems and all the affairs concerned are carried out manually,not by computer. But there are many problems such as duplicated data collection, increased work and decreased work efficiency.
     In the technique aspect, different information system distributes in different geography position. The programming language, the database management system and the design of the database in different information systems are completely different. Each system is important, so the new model should not effect the original system and must be able to exchange information safely in the complex network conditions, not changing the configuration of the existing firewalls.
     Considering the topices above, this paper discusses the DEM data exchange model which is to do the information exchange among the heterogeneous systems, using the XML and Web Services technology. The DEM model adds the Web Services interface to provide the data exchange service without too many changes to the origional system.
     The kernel parts of DEM include the configuration of Web Services server and the publication of the services, the calling to the Web Services from the client, the acknowledgement of the data format standard, the transformation between XML and relational database management system, the encryption and decryption, the method of data transportation. Based on the technology of XML and Web Services, considering the internal demands of NEU-IIT, this paper discusses the design and realization of the DEM framework model.
     There are two kinds of roles in the DEM, one is Web Services provider and the other is Web Services user. In the reality, each information system can be regarded as one of the two roles or both. The provider gets data from database and transforms it into XML, and to encrypt the XML according to the option and transports the XML to the user. The user calls the Web Services from the server, receives the XML from the provider, decrypts and parses the XML according the option, deals with the data and saves it to the database according to the actual circumstance.
     In the aspects of realization, this paper selects the Java platform and uses Apache Axis framework to realize the DEM model.
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