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National security has been the core issue of international politics all along.In the sovereign state era under anarchy,the international society,which has been trying to persue the security of balance,experienced all kinds of wars continuously.Thus,the idea of collective security emerged,which is characterized by the organizational form of inward national security cooperation,by preventing wars of aggression through collective force and by the promotion of orderization in the international siciety.After the Second World War,the designers of the order in the post war built the collective security regime of the United Nations(UNCSR),which was based on developing reasonable factors of the League of Nations and discarding what was not.
     UNCSR is the key functional regime in UN,the largest international organization,but during the period of Cold War,the international bipolar structure caused UNCSR not to play an important part owing to the contention for hegemony between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R.. In the post Cold War era,it seemed UNCSR would gain a larger space to develop,but there should be a long way to go.In the new century, UNCSR is still in an awkward predicament,especially after the“9·11”Event.Thus,the call for the UNCSR reconstruction is rising and it has become one of the hot issues in the international society.
     Specifically speaking, UNCSR is in four sorts of the predicaments,including inward predicaments,outward predicaments,predicaments of principle and jurisprudential predicaments.Because of absence of UNCSR premise,the U.S. A. hegemony has been giving a serious impact to UNCSR,and therefore it caused UNCSR to be a paradox. UNCSR reconstruction is a leading target in the current UN reform.The Neo-security View,which has discarded the traditional concept of zero-sum game,has something much in common with the view of UN collective security.Thus,we should stick to the the Neo-security View,promote the democratization of international relations,enhance the non-traditional function of UNCSR and intensify the decision-making mechanism of UN collective security to reconstruct UNCSR and to make it satisfy the needs of international security in the new century.
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