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As the global economy developed faster and faster, Corporate Social Responsibilities (CRS) are given more emphasis by many companies. Through the theory and practise studies on CRS in developed countries and China, this dissertation analyses the present situation of the Chinese Construction Corporations’Social Responsibilities to employees and urges construction companies to perform Social Responsibilities further to their employees.
     This dissertation does a lot of studies on SA8000, Social Responsibility theories, and Labor Law seriously, combined them with the features of construction companies, and puts forward the theory of the Construction Corporations’Social Responsibilities to employees. It should include two major parts, one is the responsibilities which companies should have for their employees, they are, health and safety working environment, standard working hours, reasonable welfares and remunerations, further job-training and other concerned responsibilities. The other is that the companies should help employees to build senses of responsibilities for employees themselves, for company and for the whole society, they are, legal consciousness, devoted consciousness, environmental consciousness, first-aid consciousness and sense of responsibilities for consumer.
     This dissertation also does some cost and benefit analyses of Chinese Construction Corporations’Social Responsibilities to employees. Companies will have direct and indirect costs to fulfill Social Responsibilities to employees, but they will get corresponding benefits. We should use qualitative and quantificational methods to do the costs and benefits analyses and put the analyses in a long term. Through building the Social Responsibilities to employees, construction companies can reduce the transaction costs between corporate and employee, enhance the economic performance of enterprise, improve the core competitive ability, get the extra supports from the government, benefit to sustaining human resources development strategy of enterprise, give positive effect to the companies in relative industry and benefit to the social stability and flourish.
     According to SA8000, Social Responsibility theories and Labor Law this dissertation gives construction companies some suggestions about how to perform Social Responsibilities to employees, they are, protecting employees safe and healthy working rights, complying with applicable laws and industry standards on working hours, paying reasonable and punctually, giving employees further job-training and reasonable welfares and helping employees to build senses of Social Responsibility.
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