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     ①To investigate the syndrome features of Traditional Chinese Medicine for sub-healthy state with insomnia.
     ②To explore the therapeutical effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine with the Method of "Hewei Anshen" for sub-healthy state with insomnia.
     ①Measuring TCM syndrome features and Pittsburg sleep quality index (PSQI)value of 262 insomniacs by Measuring Scale of TCM Syndrome for Sub-healthy State and PSQI Scale respectively,and detecting sleep architecture, heart rate variability(HRV)and Encephalofluctuograph(EFG)characteristics of 168 insomniacs by Micro-movement Sensitive Mattress Sleep Monitoring System (MSMSMS)and EFG technique respectively.
     ②According the design proposal of randomized control trials(RCT),156 insomniacs were randomly divided into the control group and the trial group,78 in each.The control group was treated with Anshen Buxin Capsule and the trial group was treated Chinese Medicine of "Hewei Anshen".Both groups took 4 weeks for a period of treatment.All the 156 insomniacs were measured and detected by Measuring Scale of TCM Syndrome for Sub-healthy State,PSQI, MSMSMS and EFG before and after treatment.
     ①Most of sub-healthy people with insomnia were male(about 58.8%),and most of them were married(about 77.8%)and 30-50 years old(about 76.3%).The main influencing factors of sub-healthy state with insomnia included seldom entertainment(93.1%),lack of physical exercise(92.4%),short amusement-time (92.3%),often overtime-work(80.6%),un-regular dietary(71.4%)and so on. The main clinical manifestations consisted of lower satisfaction in sleep quality, difficulty falling asleep,early wake-up,more dreams and festless sleep,etc.The common symptoms were mainly summarized by 10 factors including sleep factor, Fatigue factor,character-mental factor,spleen-stomach-intestine factor,heart-lung factor and so on.The main TCM syndromes were liver QI stagnation with spleen deficiency,spleen-stomach incoordination,heart-spleen deficiency,heart-kidney disharmony,liver-stomach incoordination,spleen-stomach QI deficiency,liverstomach QI stagnation,splenasthenic fluid-retention,stomach-intestine QI stagnation,stomach-fire excessiveness.Sleep architectures of sub-healthy people with insomnia were abnormal including prolonging sleep latency,insufficient deep sleep and REM sleep,excessive light sleep and total wake time.The results of HRV were abnormal obviously,and the changes mainly existed in notable elevation of SDNN、rMSSD and LF、HF、LF/HF.The results of EFG were also abnomal,and the changes mainly existed in decrease of main central neurotransmitters' power,increase of excite-inhibition index and Entropy value. The PSQI value of each insomniacs exceeded 7,and the value of most objects was between 8 and 17(about 98.5%).
     ②The total effective rate on ameliorating the clinical symptoms of the trial group was 92.0%,which of the control group was 71.2%(P<0.01).The improving rate of the sleep architecture and the sleep quality of the trial group was 81.3% and 48.0%respectively,which of the control group was 64.4%(P<0.05)and 28.8%(P<0.05).Comparison of the detecting values of HRV after treatment between the two groups showed significantly different(P<0.05 or P<0.01).The improving rate of EFG of the trial group was 36.0%,which of the control group was 20.5%(P<0.05).
     ①The social roles of the crowd of sub-healthy state with insomnia are obviously outstanding,which is relative to the influencing factors including social life condition,mentality and personality,unhealthy habits and un-regular dietary. The main clinical manifestations include four contents of sleep,body,vigour, mentality and social fuction.The common symptoms are represented by 10 factors and there are ten varieties of main TCM syndromes.Characteristics of sleep architectures are difficulty falling asleep,superficial sleep and festless sleep. Characteristics of HRV are increased excitability of sympathetic nerve, parasympathetic nerve,vagus nerve,dysequilibrium of them and disorder of autonomic nerve function.Characteristics of EFG are abnormal activity of central neurotransmitters,increased excitability of brain central nerve and disordered state of brain function.Degree of insomnia is from low to middle range mainly.
     ②As compared with the control group,the general therapeutic effect of TCM of "Hewei Anshen" in the trial group is satisfactory obviously.The treatment strategy of "Hewei Anshen" in the trial group has been shown better than that of "Buxin Anshen" in the control group on ameliorating clinical symptoms, enhancing sleep quality,improving sleep architecture,regulating autonomic nerve function,accelerating rehabilitation of central neurotransmitters activity and brain function state.
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