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As one of the most important carrier for the capital and technology to flow within the
    world, FDI is widely considered as a good way to improve the economy of
    developing countries. But more and more found that FDI can hardly bring any
    benefits for the host country if it only plays the role of manufacturing and assembling
    plant for the MNCs. The advantages of cost, market and tax can bring FDI to the host
    country, but it's not for sure if it can also bring the technology and manage skills that
    the host country really needs. To attain the goal of "Change the market for the
    technology", we must think enough of the relationship between regional innovation
    systems and the innovation activities caused by MNCs, because only a good regional
    innovation circumstance can attract FDI with high degree of innovation.
    At the view of regional innovation system, we investigate effects of the regional
    innovation circumstance to the capital input and innovation input from FDI, and the
    spillover effects of FDI to the productivities and innovation performance of local
    Based on the statistic data cross provinces from 2000 to 2005, we use factor analysis,
    regression method to study the subjects, and get some conclusion as below:
    First, the regional economic circumstance, regional innovation capacity and regional
    human resource are all the key factors for the capital input and innovation input of
    Second, as a whole, the capital input of FDI is not significantly positive related to the
    productivity growth of local firms, and the FDI from other west countries is the main
    reason for it. Because the capital input from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan can
    improve the productivity of local firms, but the FDI from west countries is negatively
    related to it at some extent, which means it causes the "squeeze out" effects to the
    local enterprises.
    At last, the innovation input of FDI is positively related to the innovation performance
    of local firms. Combined with the above finding, we conclude that although the
    MNCs from west countries which are comparably more advanced in technology level
    may restrain the productivity growth of local firms in short terms, can improve the
    technology level of local firms and cause spillover effects in the long terms.
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