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     第一部分(第二章和第三章):对外语自主学习理论与实践研究进行了回顾(详见第二章),对国内外“外语自主学习”的定义进行了分析和评述,发现几乎所有关于“外语自主学习”的定义都忽视了学习条件和学习环境因素,分析了可能导致这种现象的原因。从学习理论、二语习得理论和自主学习理论的视角,论证了“学习与环境”的关系,主张把“主动营造和利用有利于外语学习的物质条件和社会条件的能力”作为定义外语自主学习的维度,把“外语自主学习”定义为“学习者具有的与语言学习密切相关的一种意识和能力,包括主动为自己的语言学习承担责任的意愿、能够有效使用语言学习策略、并能主动营造和利用有利于外语学习的物质条件和社会条件以掌握目标语的能力”。“主动为自己的语言学习承担责任的意愿和有效使用语言学习策略的能力”是影响外语自主学习实现程度、与学习者自身有直接关系的因素,我们称之为“外语自主学习的内部指向性条件”(the internal factors of foreign languageautonomous learning),把“对外语自主学习可能产生影响的物质条件和社会条件”称为“外语自主学习的外部指向性条件”(the external environmental factors of foreignlanguage autonomous learning,简称“外部指向性条件”/the external environmentalfactors)。外语自主学习的内部指向性条件和外部指向性条件共同决定了外语自主学习的实现程度(详见第三章)。把利用“外部指向性条件”的能力作为定义自主学习的一个维度,是本研究的第一个创新点,其意义在于:有助于教育政策的制定机构、各级教育行政管理部门、教育执行机构和教师在注重培养学生自主学习意识和自主学习能力的同时,重视自主学习的外部指向性条件建设,主动改善有利于自主学习的社会环境和物质条件,促进学习者自主学习意识和自主学习能力的形成与发展。
     第二部分(第四章):从人本主义学习论的视角出发,指出以往需求分析和课程设计往往只关注语言需求,对学习者的重视不够。我们主张把学习者的智力因素和非智力因素以及学习者的个体差异纳入需求分析和语言课程设计之中,提出“基于个体差异的课程设计原则”(individual-based curriculum principle)。其主要内涵是,在课程设计和实施的全过程对学习者的智力因素和非智力因素,以及学习者的个体性差异予以关注,充分考虑学习者的学习风格、学习动机、学习策略和语言基础等智力因素和非智力因素,其宗旨是,创造和改善外语学习的外部指向性条件,优化课程自身的内部生态和外部生态,以合适的方式向学习者提供合适的学习内容,满足个性化学习需求,为自主学习创造条件,帮助学习者实现学习目标。
     “第五章,自主学习与大学英语课程设置”:通用英语、通识教育英语和专门用途英语(English for Purposes,简称ESP)是构成我国大学英语课程体系的三个必要组成部分。我们建议利用学习资源平台同时提供通用英语课程、通识教育英语课程和专门用途英语课程内容,学生自主选择、自主学习,学校和教师提供必要的辅导和支持,使大学英语学习兼有“学习方式个性化”和“学习内容个性化”的双重特点,实现个性化学习“形式”与“内容”的统一,为自主学习提供课程条件。
     “第六章,自主学习与大学英语教学材料”:全面系统分析学习者的语言基础和非智力因素对教学材料研发的影响,阐述了“能够促进自主学习的教学材料”(autonomy-facilitating teaching materials)应该具有的基本特征。把学习者的非智力因素及个体差异作为教材选择、使用和研发的参考因素,这个视角在教材研究领域并不多见。
This dissertation, mainly by means of qualitative research method, aims to make asystematic study of major curriculum factors, which are involved in College EnglishCurriculum Requirements. These factors are crucial in satisfying needs of individualizedlearning and facilitating efficient autonomous learning. This dissertation is mainlycomposed of four parts.
     Part One (including Chapter Two and Chapter Three): In this part, the writertraces the progress and achievements made in theory and practice research in the field oflanguage autonomous learning. He then makes critical comments on definitions thatscholars and researchers have developed so far and argues that the ability to utilize andimprove material and social factors should be taken as a dimension to define the concept offoreign language autonomous learning, on the basis of the impact of social environmentaland material factors on learning. The author updates the definition of language autonomouslearning as follows: foreign language autonomous learning is the learner·s willingness andability which is related closely to language learning, including the willingness to takeresponsibilities for his own language learning and the ability to make full use of learnerstrategies and utilize the social and material factors, which help grasp the target language.
     The willingness to take responsibilities for learner·s own language learning and the abilityto make effective use of learner strategiesμ is termed as the internal factors of foreignlanguage autonomous learningμ, for it is possessed by learners themselves and it affects thedegrees of foreign language learning. While the material and social factors, which mayaffect foreign language learning, is termed as the external environmental factors offoreign language autonomous learningμ. Both the external environmental factors andinternal factors work together and determine the degrees of foreign language autonomouslearning. It is an innovation to regard the external environmental factors as a dimension indefining foreign language autonomous learning, for it lays a solid foundation for theoverall research project.
     Part Two (Chapter Four): This part, based on the critical analysis of three majorcurriculum models from the perspective of humanistic learning theory, exposes their limitations that the previous need analysis and curriculum theory overemphasize languageneeds and ignore the learners as learning agents. It is proposed that learners· intellectualfactors, non-intellectual factors and their individual differences should be taken intoconsideration in the course of need analysis, and syllabus and curriculum designs as well.The author, thus, puts forward individual-based curriculum principleμ, whose highestprinciples are to highlight learners· intellectual factors, non-intellectual factors as well astheir individual differences. Only in this way can we create and improve the externalenvironmental factors, and optimize both internal and external ecology of foreign languagecurriculum, and only in this way can we satisfy the need of individualized learning, thusfacilitating effective foreign language autonomous learning
     “Individual-based curriculum principleμ is another innovation and the core conceptof this research, which reflects College English Curriculum Requirements thoroughly.Some proposals are raised and illustrated on college curriculum in the following fourchapters respectively.
     Part Three (from Chapter Five through Chapter Eight): The main standpoints aresummarized as follows. In Chapter Five, the author focuses on College English coursesetting and proposes that General English, English for General Education and ESP are theessential components of College English curriculum. It is believed that the threecomponents of the courses are provided through learning resource platform in order for thelearners to choose without any restriction and conduct autonomous learning.
     Chapter Six discusses the impact of learners· language level and non-intellectualfactors on the choice and development of teaching materials, and illustrates the basicfeatures of autonomy-facilitating teaching materials.
     Chapter Seven centers on the integration of modern information technology andCollege English teaching and autonomous learning in particular. This chapter explains thenecessity and theoretical foundation for the integration of modern information technologyand College English teaching. It also illustrates the framework of the integratedtechnology-based teaching models and the way to combine in-class teaching andout-of-class autonomous learning and cooperative learning. The learners can takeadvantage of the model to meet their need of individualized learning.
     Chapter Eight reviews the evolution of formative assessment and sums up its sevenmajor features, whose mission is to optimize the learning process, to emphasize thelearners· development and to facilitate their learning. By its reference, we examine someconcerned research reports and practice in some universities of Heilongjiang Province(refer to Appendix Two through Appendix Nine), and point out the five outstandingproblems in formative assessment practice. The author also analyzes the underlying causesand corresponding solutions.
     Part Four (Chapter Nine): The part briefly summarizes the main contents andviewpoints discussed in the research as well as the difficulties and flaws occurring duringthe process.
     The research is the first time in China to make a systematic study of College Englishcurriculum as a whole aiming to ensure the realization of individualized learning andCollege English autonomous learning.
     The research, however, can not discuss all external environmental factors. The otherfactors, such as the relation between teacher autonomy and student autonomy, schoolautonomy, social cultural factors and the like, need to be studied in the near future.
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