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With the development of modern economy, more and more people pay attentions to the importance of the construction of economic integration in the social economic activities, one hand,it reflects the level of economic development of the megalopolis;the other hand, it is the inevitable trend of economic development. Explore the meaning of economic integration, significance, mechanisms and methods to better guide regional economic practice, and to enhance the competitiveness of the megalopolis.
     This article selects "megalopolis economic integration "as the research topic is based on the background of the following three aspects:First, since the1990s, the world economy is showing a trend of economic globalization and regional economic integration coexist; Second, as the economy growing needs of the city as the core components of the megalopolis is an important form of organization of urban space, it plays an important role in promoting regional economic development in China; Finally, on December7,2007, the State Council officially approved Wuhan Megalopolis "resource-saving and environment-friendly society building comprehensive reform experimental zone", the proposal of the concept of the" two-oriented society "led the development of the central region of strategic importance.
     With the above context, the Wuhan Megalopolis-Wuhan as well as within a100km radius Huangshi, Ezhou, Xiaogan, Huanggang, Xianning, Xiantao, Qianjiang, Tianmen8cities constitute "1+8" megalopolis as the study area, This article use the method of "expand the questions-analysis of the problem-solve the problem "to research. First of all, expand the questions. Based on the real background and significance, refers to "the Wuhan Megalopolis economic integration". Second, analysis of the problem. Exploration of relevant theories of megalopolis economic integration of the basic requirements and the construction of three major mechanisms; combined with the current development of the Wuhan Megalopolis, econometric analysis of the process of integration of the Wuhan Megalopolis, including five aspects empirical analysis of "the infrastructure, the industrial layout, the regional market, urban and rural construction, environmental protection and ecological construction ", summed up the problems in the construction of Wuhan Megalopolis integration mechanisms-" The market mechanism is not perfect, the government mechanisms in place, civil society organizations mechanisms are inadequate."Finally, solve the problem. Puts forward the development mechanism optimization measures and security system.
     Papers in theory-depth understanding of the meaning and mechanisms of economic integration; continue to promote the reform and opening up in reality, the implementation of the scientific concept of development, explore new urbanization pattern of land development, accelerate the construction of "two-oriented society" to cultivate an ecological civilization such areas have a certain significance. The difficulty of this research are:Firstly, to clarify the meaning and characteristics of the megalopolis economic integration; Secondly, to build an integrated operating mechanism, and proposed evaluation index system and method of the megalopolis economic integration; Thirdly, to combined with the reality of the development of Wuhan Megalopolis the level of integration of the evolution of recommendations on how to promote megalopolis economic integration.
     The thesis is divided into nine parts.
     Chapter1, Introduction. Firstly, an explanation of the background and significance. Secondly, a brief review of research progress at home and abroad about the "Megalopolis " and "Economic Integration" and sort out the theoretical preparation for the study. Thirdly, on the specific research area and research content. Fourthly, the article summarizes the research methods and analytical framework. Finally, summed up the main innovation of this article may be insufficient.
     Chapter2, the basic concepts and basic theory. Firstly, clear the three basic concepts of the "City","Megalopolis "and "Megalopolis economic integration". Secondly, explains the basic theory of the megalopolis economic integration, including:classical location theory, spatial interaction theory, the regional division of labor theory. Through the above analysis, forms the basis of the theoretical part of this article.
     Chapter3, the basic requirements of megalopolis economic integration and evaluation system. Firstly, elaborate the basic requirements of the megalopolis economic integration, clear its basic elements, content development and development goals. Secondly, the megalopolis economic integration evaluation system. Select five categories,15subcategories evaluation by analyzing the build systematic evaluation system, oriented, the importance of independence, operability and dynamic principle, refers to five areas of "infrastructure, industrial layout, regional markets, urban and rural construction and environmental protection and ecological construction", integration of judgments and comments, further comprehensive evaluation of the level of economic integration of each city using principal component analysis of the five aspects.
     Chapter4, Build Megalopolis economic integration mechanism. Firstly, the proposed institutional architecture of the megalopolis economic integration, that is, from the market, the government, non-governmental organizations, three aspects of institution-building. Secondly, divided into three parts one by one elaborate the role of the three and inherent defects.
     Chapter5, The Development and Enlightenment of the domestic and international megalopolis economic integration. Firstly, the four metropolitan development megalopolis of New York, London, Tokyo, Paris, summed up the experience and inspiration of their experience. Secondly, the development of the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei three megalopolis, summed up their own development experience and enlightenment. Finally, summed up the megalopolis economic integration of the common revelation, provide useful experience for the integration of the construction of the Wuhan Megalopolis.
     Chapter6, Analysis of Wuhan Megalopolis economic integration. Firstly, the introduction of the proposed process of Wuhan Megalopolis. Secondly, described the situations of Wuhan Megalopolis. Thirdly, followed by an empirical study on the current development of Wuhan Megalopolis economic integration. Finally, compare the inadequacies of Wuhan Megalopolis mechanism construction.
     Chapter7, The mechanism optimal design of Wuhan Megalopolis economic integration. This chapter gives a solution for each of three mechanisms proposed in Chapter6. It pointed out that the megalopolis needs mechanism innovation, and it needs to give full play to the role of government, market, civil society organizations.
     Chapter8, The Wuhan Megalopolis integrated security system. First, the development status and obstacles of Wuhan Megalopolis, the general idea of the urban development and basic principles of the megalopolis, second, give the appropriate measures for the development guidance.
     Chapter9, Conclusion and Outlook. This chapter is the full text of research to draw conclusions summarized, and summarized some of the major revelation in the paper.
     In this paper, the study adhere to the theory and practice focus on innovation to explore and try in the following areas:
     (1) In the background of the study, the background of economic globalization, regional integration, and Wuhan Megalopolis "two-oriented society", combined with the country "Rise of Central China" strategy.
     (2) In the theoretical research, the paper clearly defines the concept of " Megalopolis ", and the author elaborate the meanings of" Megalopolis Economic Integration", and its development objectives and basic content analysis, and give her own opinions and views.
     (3) In the empirical research, the paper established a new exploration of the evaluation index system of the megalopolis economic integration and its evaluation methods.
     (4) In terms of policy recommendations to promote the economic integration of Wuhan Megalopolis, the paper elaborated this from five aspects of the integration. Including:improvement of infrastructure construction and the industrial centralization, optimization of the functions of government coordination, promote equalization of public services, use specific measures to strengthen resource protection legislation, and so on.
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