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Bridge innovation is the soul of the bridge development,which shows the designer'screativity and the spirit of exploration. The modern innovative bridge is the highest levelsof’according to local conditions” and “wonderful artical excelling nature”. It is the bestcombination and perfect unity of mechanics and aesthetics. Contemporary bridgeinnovation adapts to urban development and economic prosperity,and it makes bridge to bea local landmark. As an example, The innovation of Tianjin Haihe River bridge is thedevelopment of modern bridge innovation. It breaks the inherent balance between thetraditional bridge aesthetics and mechanics, and makes the bridge to be a symbol and soulof the local cultural and social.
     This paper relies on Anyang Bridge. The horizontal thrust of the spacial large spansteel mesh arch bridge on soft ground, the overall stiffness of the special steel mesh archbridge structure and the connections between arch and beam, the stiffness matching of archand beam, and overall stability of the bridge with single point of translational support arestudied.
     The concerns are also including the structure of the biaxial symmetry spacial meshmain arch, node formation, processing stiffness mutation, construction techniques, designand layout of large tonnage trolley, and complex stress analysis of the key nodes.
     Main arch of Anyang Bridge is spacial stencil structure consisting of14small arch,which has bridge construction artistic originality. The main arch is different from theconventional concept. Anyang Bridge structure is complex, overall stiffness is weak, andmore intersection nodes are included. In the design of the main arch, the structural stiffness,force requirements, construction technology, transportation and installation are not onlyconsidered, but also the construction of the main arch artistic originality.
     In this thesis, eigenvalue buckling and nonlinear buckling of the bridge are conducted.In the study of nonlinear buckling, first order buckling mode with the dome surface outsideoffset0.22m (L/1000) is treated as a representative value of the installation error. Stressgenerated by the one tenth of weight is treated as a representative value of the residualstress. Also it studies the stability factor at the extreme points and the deformed shape ofthe typical load case instability.
     It studies the dynamic characteristics of the bridge, mechanical performance of thespacial steel mesh arch bridge with response spectrum and time-histories wave. In thesystem of Anyang bridge earthquake-reduction and seismic-isolation, the hyperboloidspherical less isolation bearings and dampers are brought in. Isolation bearings can effectively reduce the seismic response of the lower part of the structure, and the dampercan effectively reduce the longitudinal displacement of the main beam.
     It studies wind resistance of the spacial steel mesh arch bridge. Although aerodynamiccoefficients of the main arch and the main beam and the pressure of the structure of theflow field around can be accurately calculated, It needs to the evaluate dynamic windstability of the bridge structure with the main arch segment model test, the main beamsegment model tests and full-bridge aeroelastic model test, due to the specificity of AnyangBridge.
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