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In the past few decades, Global communications industries have been maintaining asteady high-speed development momentum. The development of information technologyand telecommunications industry has speeded up the pace of the globalization and thedevelopment of the world economy. Satellite, optical fiber, mobile communicationtechnology and the advance of the Internet and World Wide Web have greatly improvedcommunication around the world, reduced the cost of communication, enhanced exchangesand cooperation among regions,enhanced exchanges and cooperation among regions,promoted the globalization of production and market operation.
     Since the1990s, China has begun a series of major reforms of the telecommunicationsindustry through many times of split, reorganization and the introduction of competitionmechanism. In2008, the six basic telecommunications enterprises called China Telecom,China Netcom, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Satcom, China Railcom integrate andrestructure to split for China mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom. This is a largertelecommunications market restructuring since the establishment of China Unicom in1994to promote the duopoly competition pattern, the stripping of China Mobile from ChinaTelecom in1999and the North-south split of China telecom to break the single fixed-linemonopoly in2001. The industry continues to maintain developing healthily and placidlyafter restructuring. In2011, the industry earns1.1772trillion yuan from the volume oftelecom business, brings in988billion yuan as the income of telecom business, increases118million users of the national telephone, reaches the total number of1.27billion unitsand156million access subscribers of Internet broadbanding including30.2million newusers.
     But now there are still some outstanding contradictions and problems intelecommunications industry which facing new situation of economic and socialdevelopment. So, it is extremely important for the empirical study of efficiency andproductivity in the Chinese telecom sector. It both expands the connotation of theoreticalstudy in telecommunication industry, and has important practical significance on healthyand orderly development of China telecom.
     Therefore, based on a large number of reading, combing and sorting about relatedliterature at home and abroad, insisting on the principle of combining qualitative researchand quantitative research, combining empirical study and normative study, this paper bring in the nonparametric measure method to the study of efficiency and productivity intelecommunications industry and study of efficiency and productivity growth of Chinesetelecom industry production. It takes the way of literature investigation, social investigationand expert consultation in the research of data, and integrated the use of Eviews5.1software, Deap2.1software, SPSS19.0operation to auxiliary software for data analysis inthe aspect of data processing.
     This paper mainly divides into three main parts, the first part is the theoretical basisfor research and analysis of present situation, the second part is the empirical research, thethird part puts forward countermeasures and suggestions.
     The first part is theoretical research and the present situation analysis. This part is thetheoretical basis and reality basis of the paper, providing support for following study.
     1. The productivity theory and methods review. It describes productivity and themeasure of productivity from three aspects of the definition, development and classificationof productivity.
     2. The development course of China's telecommunications industry and analysis ofpresent situation. For one thing, this chapter clears the basic concepts of the telecomindustry, digs the connotation of the telecommunications industry from the definition oftelecom, makes sure the research object for the special industry--Telecom service industry,and analyses on the economic characteristics and the service function of thetelecommunications industry. For another, China's telecommunications industrydevelopment can be analyzed as five stages. It analyses the market structure of Chinatelecom from the perspectives of telecom operators, and summarizes the maincharacteristics of China's telecommunications industry development. Finally, the paper hasfurther analysis of the development of China's telecommunications industry status quofrom the basic telecom business, value-added telecom business, telecommunicationsnetwork capacity, investment in fixed assets, the management benefit, the difference ofregional development, the provincial telecommunications development and basic telecomoperators and so on.
     The second part is the empirical research. This part is the focus of the full text content,it also is the difficulty of this study, the main research conclusion of this article and thepaper's core part.
     1. The research of China’s telecommunications industry capital stock and contributionto national economy. First, it measures the capital stock of China telecom by using theperpetual inventory method, gives sequence of industry's capital stock from1952to2010, and the capital stock has reached to900billion yuan by2010.Second, it studies in-depththe direct contribution from telecoms to the national economy from three aspects: the directcontribution from telecoms, pull role for other industries and telecommunications priceseffect on CPI drop-down.Finally,it measures the indirect contribution from China telecomsto the national economy by using the German model. The national economy is calculatedthat it will eventually increases3.007units of output when Chinese telecom industryincreases for every1unit of output.
     2. The empirical research of China's telecommunications industry productivitymeasuring. This paper measures production efficiency of China's telecom industry by usingDEA method in the CCR and BCC model. First of all, the productivity change of Chinatelecom industry were studied with time series data from1983to2010about28years, theproduction efficiency of China telecom gradually improved these years, and to achieve thebest efficiency level in2010, China telecom reform was considered fruitful through theresearch, and was confirmed that the competition can promote technological progress.Second, it studies China's provincial telecom production efficiency by taking the2003-2010panel dates of the31provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions inmainland China telecom as the research sample, finds out the unbalanced development anddifferent production efficiency of the provincial telecommunications, so thetelecommunications industry development of different provinces and regions should takedifferent measures.
     3. The empirical research of China's telecoms sector productivity growth measuring.The paper measures the growth rate of TFP (total factor productivity)of China telecomindustry in the31provinces during2003-2010by using the Malmquist productivity index,carries on the analysis from the perspective of time and geography angle, the conclusionshows that the provincial telecommunications productivity continues to grow, andtechnological progress's contribution to the TFP growth is bigger in the composition oftotal factor productivity change, but the development degree of the provincial telecom indifferent areas, then the telecom industry of different provinces and regions should takedifferent measures for further development.
     The third part is countermeasures and suggestions. Final foothold of this paper isputting forward feasible countermeasures in view of the conclusion of empirical researchand existing problems. On the one hand, this paper points out focal points of thedevelopment within the telecommunications industry, one is to speed up the informationnetwork evolution, and plan the layout of information network as a whole; two is to comprehensively deepen the information service application, cultivate and grow emergingservice business; Three is to promote three nets fusion, and accelerate the industrializationprocess of the Internet of things; four is to promote safety emergency support capability,and promote the green development of information network. On the other hand, someguarantee measures are put forward from telecom policy environment angle, first,strengthen strategic planning guidance, and optimize industry development environment;second, increase tax financial support, and improve the universal service mechanism; third,strengthen the telecom resource management, and perfect the market regulation system;fourth, strengthen international cooperation and exchange, to strengthen the construction oftalent team.
     This article has certain theoretical and practical significance, but this study still hasmany deficiencies because of the limitation of research time and resources. From thethinking of research direction, research objects, research process and research results, theauthor thinks if comparative research of telecommunication from China telecom and othercountries was carried on, telecom industry investment, industry development and therelationship between economic growth, and the industry technological progress,technological innovation, technology standardization, technological change can be furtherstudied in-depth.
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