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本文着重研究对等(Peer-to-Peer, 简称P2P)计算。对等网应用在近
     当前支持分布式哈希表(Distributed Hash Table, DHT)功能的结构
    化系统(如CAN [5]、Chord [6]、Pastry [7]和Tapestry [8])易扩展但不能
    构—语义对等网(Semantic Peer-to-peer Networks, SPNs),其中语义相关
    的结点互相连接在一起。基于内容编址网(Content Addressable Networks,
    CAN),我们分别构造了粗粒度语义对等网pGroup 和细粒度语义对等
    大多数DHTs如CAN、Chord、Pastry和Tapestry 需要O(logN)的邻居
    度的DHTs是很重要的。最近的文献 [70, 73, 74]提出了基于de Bruijn 图
    进一步改进了其中的路由算法,并使用连续-离散方法 [75] 构造了DHTs。
This thesis focuses on Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing. P2P networking
    applications have seen explosive growth in recent years. One of the most
    important applications of P2P computing is P2P ?le sharing system. The
    success of P2P ?le sharing system highly depends on the scalability and
    versatility of its search mechanism.
     Existing structured P2P networks (such as CAN [5], Chord [6], Pastry
    [7] and Tapestry [8]) supporting Distributed Hash Table (DHT) functionality
    are scalable, but they can not support partial-match queries e?ectively. On
    the opposite, unstructured P2P networks (such as Gnutella) rely on ?ood-
    ing for search, thus supporting partial-match queries, but such ?ooding does
    not make the systems scalable. We propose a novel architecture called Se-
    mantic Peer-to-peer Networks (SPNs) where semantically related nodes are
    connected to each other. Based on Content Addressable Networks (CAN),
    we construct coarse-grained SPNs (pGroup) and ?ne-grained SPNs (fGroup)
    respectively. According to the di?erent querying, we present correspond-
    ing search algorithms in pGroup and fGroup respectively. As is shown by
    simulations, search e?ciency is improved greatly compared to Gnutella.
     To expedite the reception of a large ?le, many P2P systems such as
    Kazaa, Grokster and Morpheus have employed the scheme of parallel down-
     2This work is supported by a grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology (grant
    #2001CCA03000), National Natural Science Fund (grant #60273045) and Shanghai Sci-
    ence and Technology Development Fund (grant #025115032)
    loading. To investigate the impact that this scheme might have on the net-
    work if multiple clients simultaneously use it, we formulate parallel down-
    loading as a non-cooperative game. To the best of our knowledge this is
    the ?rst work that analyzes the parallel downloading problem in a nonco-
    operative game theoretical fashion. Within this framework, we present a
    characterization of the tra?c con?guration at Nash equilibrium in a general
    network, and analyze its properties in a speci?c network. We also establish
    the dynamic convergence to equilibrium for two speci?c networks. Finally,
    we investigate the e?ciency of Nash equilibrium from the point of view of
    the clients and the system respectively, i.e., downloading latencies perceived
    by individual clients and total latencies over all connections. We ?nd that
    although the tra?c con?guration at Nash equilibrium is optimal from the
    point of view of the clients, it may be bad from the point of view of the
     Most DHTs such as CAN, Chord, Pastry and Tapestry require O(logN)
    neighbors and have O(logN) pathlengths. In order to maintain the e?ciency
    and correctness of routing, they require O(logN) repair operations of their
    routing tables when a node joins or leaves. Given the highly transient user
    populations in P2P systems, it is therefore of great importance to construct
    DHTs with O(1) neighbors and O(logN) pathlengths. Several recent papers
    [70, 73, 74] have proposed de Bruijn graphs for peer-to-peer networks. But
    they all use links in only one direction. By introducing bi-directionality of
    links, we further improve the routing algorithm and construct such DHTs by
    using the continuous-discrete approach [75].
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