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History of world economy development indicates that long-term, sustained economic growthrequires the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure. The imbalance of industrialstructure not only reduces the efficiency of economic operation, hinder the development ofeconomy, but also lead to the waste of resources, environmental pollution, the widening incomegap and other various social problems. Therefore, exploring the ways to optimize the regionalindustrial structure becomes the key problem in academic circles and government need to solve.Since the reform and opening up, Guizhou's economic development has made remarkableachievements, but because of natural conditions and historical reasons, the economicdevelopment of Guizhou province lags behind the national long term, although the reasons are inmany aspects, but the Guizhou industrial structure contradictions have become increasinglyprominent, has become restricts the healthy development of the economy an important factor.This study shows that, endowment industry structure and elements in Guizhou decided to deviatefrom the comparative advantage, resulting in the overall production efficiency three industries isnot high, lack of competitiveness, sustainable development of regional economy is extremelyunfavorable. Therefore, in the current critical period of China's economic structuraltransformation, Guizhou can seize the opportunity, optimize the industrial structure, related to thesustained and healthy economic development of Guizhou province.
     The mainstream view of traditional economics structure for the optimization of industrialstructure mainly through the transformation of agricultural society to industrial society, the firstindustry leading into second, three industries, and labor-intensive to capital-and technologyintensive turn mode, and that this is a universal standard model, basically no difference toendowment the area. In fact, in some areas due to the unreasonable industrial structureadjustment, contrary to the regional comparative advantages, have a negative impact oneconomic growth. On the basis of the new structure economics theoretical framework, inaccordance with the "factor endowments decision areas of comparative advantage, and determinethe industrial structure of the region, research ideas finally decided to region economydevelopment", this paper discuss the problems and optimization approach of industrial structureof Guizhou.
     The conclusion and innovation of this research mainly lies in:(1) By econometric analysisof panel data collected by Guizhou, the imbalance of industrial structure is the important factor torestrict the sustainable and healthy development of Guizhou economy.(2) According to the threeindustries to use proportional relations between labor and capital, Propose a measure ofcomparative advantage index, the empirical analysis found that there is a big difference betweenthe industrial structure and comparative advantage of Guizhou, mainly for the first industry laborcapital stock is far lower than the average level of the whole of Guizhou, while the secondindustry lack of employment absorption capacity, and the third industry in the capital outputefficiency is low. So we should increase investment in agriculture, increase agriculturalproductivity, speed up the transfer of rural surplus labor force secondly,,improve the quality ofindustrial development with resource advantages, In resource and environmental constraints;thirdly, scientific planning, improve the use efficiency of the third industry capital.(3) This papertries to analysis from the Guizhou Province industrial structure optimization path of threedimension number,"quantity, quality and space". Guizhou's industrial structure and comparativeadvantage from a restricted the development of Guizhou's economy efficiency, on the other hand,is not conducive to the sustainable development of Guizhou economy and narrowing the incomegap, while at the same time, the layout of industry space also need to follow the regional factorendowment distribution.(4) The adjustment and optimization of industry structure should adaptto the trend of changes in future comparative advantage and factor endowment. In this paper,regression analysis and forecasting the capital stock and the employment population of the timeseries data of Guizhou Province, found that the next10years Guizhou's capital stock is far higherthan the growth rate of labor, so the optimization can allocate more capital intensive industries,the industrial structure of Guizhou, in order to adapt to the rapid growth of the capital stock ofGuizhou's future.(5) In the course of industrial structure adjustment should be based on marketregulation, on the other hand, the government should also follow the principle of comparativeadvantage, play a positive role in the light of its general trend, provides the infrastructure andpolicy support to support and promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure.
     The main contents of this paper are as follows: Firstly, the second chapter and the thirdchapter is the review of the theory of industrial structure and the new structure economics, thenanalysis of the Guizhou factor endowments conditions in the fourth chapter, compare theproduction factors such as natural resources, capital formation, the quantity and quality of laborbetween the Guizhou and other domestic provinces, explore Guizhou's comparative advantage.Secondly, this paper carries on the present situation of the industrial structure of Guizhou in thefifth chapter, and then analyze the comparative advantage and the industrial structure of Guizhou.Again, in the sixth chapter of this paper to investigate the influence of the deviation of Guizhouindustrial structure to comparative advantage on the economic development, empirical studyfound, the deviation of industrial structure and comparative advantage has a negative significantimpact on the efficiency of industry development; at the same time, the industrial structure andcomparative advantage of departure also expanded industry development gap and income gap,industrialization achievements did not generally benefit the people; deviation of industrialstructure to comparative advantage also affects the sustainable economic development of Guizhou. Since the deviation between industrial structure and comparative advantage is notconducive to the sustainable development of Guizhou's economy, therefore, in the seventhchapter analysis reasons of deviation of industrial structure to the comparative advantage, mainlyfrom the natural and geographical conditions, incomplete market economy, the level of economicdevelopment, policy system, technological level and other reasons such as the nationalpsychology.
     Finally, based on the theory of the new structure economics growth parting, commendatiethe suggestion on the optimization of industrial structure of Guizhou policy in the eighth chapter,mainly includes the following five aspects:(1) The comparative advantage is dynamic, so theadjustment of industrial structure should be forward-looking;(2) Choose the leading industrieswhich have potential comparative advantage, this paper is mainly on the basis of industrialstructure in developed areas, and combining with the actual development of Guizhou industries;(3) Based on the determine of the future leading industriest, the government can introducepreferential policies to guide and support those industry with potential comparative advantage togive priority to the development of;(4) Government by improving the infrastructure supply,reduce the cost of running the economy, conducive to the optimization and upgrading ofindustrial structure;(5) In addition, combined with the national characteristics in Guizhou area,this paper also puts forward relevant policy suggestions to optimize the national industry ofGuizhou.
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