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Since1980s, American philanthropy has rapidly accelerated, with totaldonation giving rise faster. For a cycle time of a decade, American philanthropy hasshown different characteristics of development in the1980s,1990s and the2000s.During the1980s, it is reflected as the inconsistent charity tendency for inter-ethnic,increasing female charitable impact force, the middle class to participate in charity inmore diverse forms, based on the perspective of “human”. During the1990s, the shineof a new generation of tycoons and their charitable foundations are founded. Duringthe first decade of the21stcentury, charitable donations for contributions to the greatpower of the civilian population became the most important part of a charity anddeveloped a solid foundation in the United States. In the U.S., philanthropy’s donation,use and monitoring aspects have formed a complete system, in which volunteerservice is an important supplement to philanthropy today. The evolution ofphilanthropy in the United States is affected by factors such as economy, socialwelfare and tax system. Therefore, its evolution has not been easy, but is developingstably. U.S. charities are of great significance and role for American society and evenfor the world, and provide a reference for the development of philanthropy in China.
    ⑥Robert H. Bremner, American Philanthropy,(Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1988).
    ①Robert S. Ogilvie, Voluntarism, Community Life and the American Ethic,(Indiana University Press,2004).
    ②非营利时代(The Nonprofit Times):http://www.nptimes.com/
    ③非营利管理联盟(Alliance for Nonprofit Management):http://www.allianceonline.org/
    ④慈善事业杂志(Philanthropy Journal):http://www.philanthropyjournal.org/
    ⑤医疗慈善协会(TheAssociation for Healthcare Philanthropy):http://www.ahp.org/
    ⑥慈善通道(Charity Channel):http://www.charitychannel.com/
    ①Marc H. Morial,“Ethnic Philanthropy in the Face of Major Demographic Change in the Twenty-First Century,”Susan U. Raymond, Mary Beth Martin, Mapping the New World of American Philanthropy: Causes andConsequences of the Transfer of Wealth, New Jersey: John Wiley&Sons, Inc.,2007,p.11.
    ②Marc H. Morial,“Ethnic Philanthropy in the Face of Major Demographic Change in the Twenty-First Century,”Susan U. Raymond, Mary Beth Martin, Mapping the New World of American Philanthropy: Causes andConsequences of the Transfer of Wealth, New Jersey: John Wiley&Sons, Inc.,2007,pp.11—12.
    ①Marc H. Morial,“Ethnic Philanthropy in the Face of Major Demographic Change in the Twenty-First Century,”Susan U. Raymond, Mary Beth Martin, Mapping the New World of American Philanthropy: Causes andConsequences of the Transfer of Wealth, New Jersey: John Wiley&Sons, Inc.,2007,p.12.
    ②Center for Women’s Business Research,“Top Facts About Women-owned Businesses,2005,” Susan U.Raymond, Mary Beth Martin, Mapping the New World of American Philanthropy: Causes and Consequences ofthe Transfer of Wealth, New Jersey: John Wiley&Sons, Inc.,2007,p.19.
    ③Preston R. Speece,“Wising Up to the Women’s Market,” National Underwriter, Vol.110, Issue7, February20,2006, pp.19—20.
    ④U.S. Department of Labor,“Employment Status of Women and Men in2005,” Monthly Labor Review, Bureau
    ①U.S. Bureau of the Census and Historical Statistics of the United States,“Millenium Edition,” Susan U.Raymond, Mary Beth Martin, Mapping the New World of American Philanthropy: Causes and Consequences ofthe Transfer of Wealth, New Jersey: John Wiley&Sons, Inc.,2007,pp.106—112.
    ②Key Facts in Community Foundations, Foundation Center, September2006, http://foundationcenter.org/
    ①Susan U. Raymond, Barbara Yastine,“Philanthropy with Less Than Nine Zeros: The Philanthropic Participationof the Middle Class and the Next Generations,” Susan U. Raymond, Mary Beth Martin, Mapping the New World ofAmerican Philanthropy: Causes and Consequences of the Transfer of Wealth, New Jersey: John Wiley&Sons, Inc.,2007, p.28.
    ③Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,6th Edition (November1,2011), p.1.引自EBSCO数据库。
    ①Campbell&Company, Generational Differences in Charitable Giving and in Motivations for Giving, May2008.
    ②Michael H. Hall,“Measurement Issues in Surveys of Giving and Volunteering and Strategies Applied in theDesign of Canada’s National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating,” Susan U. Raymond, Mary BethMartin, Mapping the New World of American Philanthropy: Causes and Consequences of the Transfer of Wealth,New Jersey: John Wiley&Sons, Inc.,2007, p.106.
    ④Warren Weaver, eta l, U.S. Philanthropic Foundations: Their History, Structure, Management, and Record,New York: Harper&Row, Publishers,1967, p.19.转引自李韬《:慈善基金会何缘兴盛于美国》《,美国研究》2005年第3期,第139页。
    ②The Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey,2000.http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/data_access/data/datasets/social_capital_community_survey.html#.T3mYiBLhmSo
    ④“社会资本社区调查”(The Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey,SCCBS)是一个主要用于衡量慈善行为和公民行为的重要数据源,由来自不同大学的研究者与罗博公共研究中心(Roper Center for PublicOpinion Research)和哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院(Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government)的仙人掌研究会(Saguaro Seminar: Civic Engagement inAmerica Government)合作于2000年7月至2001年2月启动,目的是对市民社会和慈善行为的各种假设进行实证。引自【美】亚瑟·C.布鲁克斯:《谁会真正关心慈善:保守主义令人称奇的富于同情心的真相》,王青山译,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2008年,第
    ⑤The Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey,2000.http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/data_access/data/datasets/social_capital_community_survey.html#.T3mYiBLhmSo
    ①The Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey,2000.http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/data_access/data/datasets/social_capital_community_survey.html#.T3mYiBLhmSo
    ②The Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey,2000.http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/data_access/data/datasets/social_capital_community_survey.html#.T3mYiBLhmSo
    ②Highlights of Foundation Yearbook,2007. http://foundationcenter.org.
    ③Joseph C. Kiger, Philanthropic Foundations in the Twentieth Century, Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press,2000, p.3.
    ②Robert Frank,“Motivation Cognition and Charitable Giving,” In. Jerome B. Schneewind (ed.), Giving: WesternIdeas of Philanthropy, Indiana: Bloomington and Indianapolis Indiana University Press,1996, pp.130—152.转引自高鉴国:《美国慈善捐赠的组织运行机制》,《学习与实践》2010年第4期,第120页。
    ①Friedman, Michael Jay,2006,“美国民间慈善捐款新趋势”,美国国务院国际资讯局《美国参考》
    ①Charity Navigator. Top Ten Lists. http://www.charity-navigator.org.转引自:高鉴国:《美国慈善捐赠的外部监督机制对中国的启示》,《探索与争鸣》2010年第7期,第69页。
    ①“William Aramony”, U.S. News&World Report,4/17/95, Vol.118Issue15, p.17.引自EBSCO数据库。
    ②“William Aramony,” U.S. News&World Report,4/17/95, Vol.118Issue15, p.17.引自EBSCO数据库。
    ②Barack Obama. Proclamation:National Volunteer Week,2009[EB/OL].2011-3-8.http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/
    ①Robert Mcclell, Arthur C. Brooks,“What is the Real Relationship between Income and Charitable Giving,”Public Finance Review, September2004, vol.32, no.5, pp.483—497.
    ①Judith Miller,“Booming Stock Market Changes Rankings in Philanthropy,” New York Times, January26,1998,p.10.
    ②Charles T. Clotfelter, Lester M. Salamon,“The Impact of the1981Tax Act on Individual Charitable Giving,”National Tax Journal, Jun82, Vol.35, Issue2, pp.171—187.
    ③Lawrence B. Lindsey,“The Effect Of The President's Tax Reform Proposal On Charitable Giving,” National TaxJournal, Mar86, Vol.39, Issue1, pp.1—12.
    ④Jon M. BaKija, William G. Gale and Joel B. Slemrod,“Charitable Bequests and Taxes on Inheritances andEstates: Aggregate Evidence from across States and Time,” American Economic Review, May2003, Vol.93, Issue2,pp.366—370.
    ⑤Michael J. Brunetti,“The Estate Tax and Charitable Bequests: Elasticity Estimates Using Probate Records,”National Tax Journal, Jun2005, Vol.58, Issue2, pp.165—188.
    ①David Joulfaian,“Estate Taxes and Charitable Bequests by the Wealthy,” National Tax Journal, Sep2000,Vol.53, Issue3, pp.743—763.
    ①“收入动态人群追踪研究”(The Panel Study of Income Dynamics, PSID)是一个可用于交接美国慈善捐赠格局的数据资源,从1968年至2009年不间断的进行国内追踪调查并发布报告(21世纪后每两年发布一次),特别有助于研究低收入群体的慈善行为。http://psidonline.isr.umich.edu/
    ①1992、1997、1998年的美国慈善年鉴摘要The Nonprofit Sector In Brief
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