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Natural resources, which is the source of wealth human access to and the material basis of economic and social development, affects the stable operation of the national economy and even determines the survival of the human, just as William Petty said:"work is the father of wealth, landis the mother of wealth", the "land"refers to the natural resources. However,the scarcity of natural resources determines that natural resources can't unlimited meet the human needs, and also unlimited support the economic and social development. With the development of market economy,the economy and sociality are more and more depends on natural resources, which gave birth to the capitalization of natural resources. Namely, through the capitalization of natural resources, taking natural resources as assets and operating it, then natural resourcestransforms into resource assets. Obviously,the resources assets taking natural resources as its carrier, determines that resources assets have the natural properties of the natural resources; and resource assets belonging to the category of assets, means the resource assets also have assets with economic attributes.
     As a developing country, China's rapid economic growth requires the full support of the resource assets, but the scarcity and non-renewability of resource assetshighlights the contradiction between economic growth and resource assets exploitation. The fundamental way to settle this contradiction is to reasonable price and paid use resource assets to achieve the efficient allocation of resource assets. Reasonable pricing of resource assets, however, needs improved the system of property rights arrangements, so as to ensure fair and equitable transactions, then the value of the market price of the resource assets will not deviate from its real value.Promoting market pricing and property rights transactions ofresource assets is the key to get rid of the economic and social development barriers.
     The resource assets pricing and trading issues both belong to the scope of the study of economics also belong to the scope of the accounting studies.From the economics perspective, the purpose of exploring resource asset pricing and transactions is to improve the resource assets property rights arrangement and promote reasonable pricing, so as to enlarge the effectiveness of resource assets supportingeconomic and social development, then ease even resolve the contradiction between resource assets and economic development. From the accounting perspective, establishing and improving evaluation index system and information disclosure system of resource asset pricing and trading, and introducing public and media oversight mechanisms, is conductive to fair pricing and fair trade resource assets, so as to really improve the efficiency of resource allocation. Clearly, studying the resource asset pricing and transactions, can't stick to simple economics or accounting perspective, but stand on a higher level of resource asset pricing and trading. This not only discuss the establishing of market pricing mechanism and property rights trading market, but also the evaluation index design and public disclosure of information discussed. So, economics issues(market pricing and transactions of property rights) and accounting issues (evaluation and information disclosure) closely combine, which resolves the resource assets fair pricing and fair trade issues, and help to improve the efficiency of the exploitation of the resource assets.
     This dissertation consists of12chapters, which are arranged by the logic of "total-sub-total".
     Chapter2to chapter5is the total-study part. Chapter2introduces the concept, properties and characteristics of resource assets, and discusses value theory and property rights theory about the resource assets pricing and treading, which builds a base for the subsequent pricing mechanism and property rights market. In fact, chapet3is the real beginning of this study. Chapter3discusses the different types of resource asset pricing model selection, and compares and analyses two model-government pricing and market pricing. Chapter3views that, for the vast majority of resource assets, market pricing is superior to government pricing. However, the object of the market pricing is property and pricing process is market transactions. Therefore, establishing market pricing mechanism requires transactions, which spawned the fifth chapter-the establishment and improvement of property rights trading market.It can be said, chapter2to chapter5studies pricing and trading issues of resource assets from the macro-level, which builds a framework structure for the large-scale systems of the resource asset pricing and trading. But in view of the different characteristics and properties of different resource assets, it is necessary to study for a single resource asset pricing and trading issues.
     Chapter6to chapter9is the sub-study part. Resource assets, taking the natural resources as its carrier, are a class of assets. Its attributes depend largely on properties of natural resources, which means that different types of resource assets to be differentiated pricing and trading treatment. Based on this, the paper stands on a more specific level, and respectively studies the pricing and treading of four categories of resource assets--land resources, mineral resources assets, assets of the forest resources, water resources asset. And, the paper examines the establishment of property rights trading market supervision, as well as relying on the property rights trading market pricing.
     Chapter10to chapter12is also the total-study part. To produce good results, a good mechanism not only improve and perfect itself, but also needing to highlight external supervision and regulatory. So, establishing and improving resource assets market pricing mechanism and property rights trading market, requires to introduce public oversight mechanisms. Chapters10and chapter11respectively give the given the resource asset pricing transactions evaluation design strategy and information disclosure system arrangement ideas. Of course, promoting fair pricing and trading of the resource assets also requires a series of supporting reforms, so the final chapter explores this issue and proposes a series of policy recommendations, such as improving assessment criteria and accounting standards, building legal system and promoting resource asset securitization.
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