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This article explored the western regions labor export models and experiencesunder the background of adjustment of industrial structure, ascertained therelationship and intrinsic mechanism between regional development and labor export;explored different models as well as basic social and economic conditions ofurbanization development, summed up the typical experiences of rural humanresource development, labor export, industrial development and urbanizationdevelopment of underdeveloped area in the west of China, and based on this,formulate policies for regional development of Dingxi by combining its uniquehuman resources and regional development environment.
     An intrudction was made first, which mainly introduces the context, significanceand methods of this study, as well as the data collection methods and main structureand content of this paper. Then related theory were reviewed, which contained modelsand theory of labor export and regional development, and provides an overview of theworld research situation of labor export and regional development, these basictheories, will work as the basis of the case study. And then there were researches oninteraction mechanism between labor export and regional development, aftersumming up the output way and strategy of labor export, its economy function andsocial functions were generalized, and finally establish labor output and regionaldevelopment interaction mechanism. The present condition of Dingxin’s economicdevelopment, social development and the rural labor force resources developmentwere also analysed, as well as the interactive status of Dingxi’s labor export andregional development. Based on a review of different urbanization developmentmodels, which respectively, several suggestions were proposed.
     Innovations are as follows:(1) the ways, policies and functions of labor exportwere systematically analysed.(2) the study was based on Dingxi’s situation whichmade this research practical.(3) urbanization was considered when analyzing, andrelatively experiences were learned by west regions. Based on the learning, a route ofdevelopment for labor intensive regions was pointed out: elementaryeducation-second education-labor export and talents-SYB in hometown and serveoutside-industrial cluster-urbanization.
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