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Primary and secondary education is the critical period in which teenagerslearn their knowledge, form their attitude and develop their skills andabilities. All countries regard cultivating qualified citizens as theimportant purpose of primary and secondary education, and build up more perfectgoals and content system positively at the same time. Since the new century,as the influence of development of economic globalization, process of politicaldemocratization and cultural pluralism, primary and secondary educationundertakes the primary responsibility by cultivating qualified citizens.Primary and secondary citizenship education should adjust to needs ofdevelopment of the times by set of goals and contents, in order to advance thecommunication between different culture and spread of world's universal valueson the basis of respecting human common ethics. My research is to reveal actualcircumstance of goals and contents of primary and secondary citizenshipeducation by using literature and interview research. On the basis of analyzingproblems and shortage, we should reconstruct the system of goals and contentscombining concept of citizenship education at home and abroad.
     The part of introduction discusses the research questions, theoretical andpractical significance, Innovation, existing research, research ideas andframeworks and definition of some core concepts.
     The first chapter is about historical evolution of educational goals andcontents of primary and secondary citizenship education and the challenge inthe new era. During the history review of primary and secondary citizenshipeducation, we can see the course of historical evolution which is fromcultivating national people to political citizens, to modern citizens. Theprocess was more standardization and modernization gradually. Primary andsecondary citizenship education merged contents of moral education, socialeducation and historical education and integrated them into the content systemof citizenship education. Looking back the development of western citizenshipeducation, the educational goals modernized gradually and focused ontransformation from cultivating national citizens to world citizens. Theeducational contents completed following the development of times and stressedthe needs of time factors on the development of citizenship education. Primaryand secondary citizenship education will meet the challenge of extrinsic time and environment factors which include globalization, democratization, humancommon ethics and cultural pluralism in the future development. The futuredevelopment of citizenship education will focus on cultivating world citizens,break through the requirement of cultivating national citizens, mix the humancommon ethics, pay attention to globalization problems and grasp socialuniversal values.
     The second chapter is about circumstance and problems of educational goalsand contents of primary and secondary citizenship education. There iscomprehensive system of curriculums from primary schools to high schools inChina. They provided good carrier for citizenship education. By analyzing thecircumstance of citizenship educational goals and contents, I choosecurriculum of “Morality and Life”,“Morality and society” in primaryschools, curriculum of “Ideological Morality” in junior high schools andcurriculum of “Ideological Politics” in senior high schools. I analyzed andcompared the different version of these teaching materials by using methodsof frequency statistics and content analysis in order to reflect the situationof educational goals and contents. On the basis of reasonable and problems,I will analyze the citizenship educational goals comprehensively and supplythe realistic foundation to construction of goals and contents.
     There are some problems in existing citizenship educational goals ofprimary and secondary schools. The aspects of skill and behavior in citizenshipeducational goals lack in different stages. The values with main feature ofpolitical ideology are cultivated too much in high schools. The aspects ofpublic goal lack in different stages. The aspects of individual subjectivityof students lack in different stages. There are too much concern aboutcultivating civic values of students and too less about cultivating civicawareness and world citizenship goals. There are some problems in existingeducational contents of primary and secondary citizenship education. Theconstitution of contents in different stages is unreasonable and shows defectsand overlap. The civic morality focuses on cultivating personal qualities andbe short of public morality. The civic awareness pays more attention to aspectof obligation and be short of cultivating aspect of right. The cultivation ofpolitical ideology is too concentrated and be short of cultivating values. Thecivic skills are too less and be short in three stages. The contents of world citizen are not enough and be short in proportion of globalization.
     The third chapter is about reconstruct of citizenship educational goalsof primary and secondary schools. On the basis of existing citizenshipeducational goals and analysis of problems and shortage, I will combine themwith foreign experience of civic education. Emphasis on character of differentstages, the primary and secondary education includes primary school, juniorhigh school and senior high school. The reconstruct of goals deepens graduallywith growth of grade according to the character of student development indifferent stages. There are three aspects of goals including cognitive,attitude, value and skill, from basic goals to higher level goals. I willreconstruct the specific goals of each stage and stress the characters ofstudent development. From the model of goals system, we can see citizens linkwith different mediums closely. In the cultivation of citizenship educationalgoals, students should handle the relationship between individual and family,school, community, country and world. From the different stages to differentaspects, we should reconstruct the goals according to the developing charactersof students.
     Primary education pays more attention to cultivation of basic awarenessof the rules, self-awareness and preliminary awareness of their rights. Theyare the basis of citizenship education. From the system of goals, primaryeducation decreases from aspect of individual to world, but still focuses onindividual development of students and development of qualities in theenvironment of school and family. Junior high school pays more attention to civicknowledge, civic value and civic skill. We should improve and complete thecultivation of these aspects and cultural pluralism, engagement into the socialactivities. Senior high school focuses on aspects of nation and world, increasingfrom individual to world. The final aspect of cultivation will be nationalcitizen and world citizen. The cultivation of student focuses on political rightin aspect of individual and public in aspect of society, paying more attentionto public interests.
     The forth chapter is about reconstruct of citizenship educational contentsof primary and secondary schools. On the basis of reconstructed goals framework,I reconstruct the specific contents system. The system of contents correspondswith the reconstructed goals, explaining the goals deeply and constructing targeted contents. When explaining the goals, it should comply with severalprinciples and meet the requirement of construct of citizenship educationalgoals and contents.
     Primary education pays more attention to cultivation of basic awarenessof the rules, self-awareness and preliminary awareness of their rights. Weshould add contents of public ethics, extend the activities from school tocommunity and let the students participate into the public activitiespositively. We also should strengthen students’ understanding of worldgeography and cultural knowledge on the basis of preliminary cognitive andactivity ability of world aspect.
     Junior high school pays more attention to cultivation of awareness of rightand obligation, complying with the rules and order and subjectivity andparticipatory of students. We should add public morality, focus on publicinterests, social virtues, concern others, respect others and character oftolerance. We should cultivate the world awareness and core idea, designactivities according to content system and skill and ability of students inthe process of participating in activities.
     Senior high school pays more attention to cultivation of civic moralityof students, from personal morality to social morality, internalized into civicvirtues. We should focus on cultivation of students’ subjectivity and public,strengthen cultivation of public good and social value, form individualcognitive of social civic value and advance the participation of social publicactivities. At the aspect of world, we should focus on cultivation of culturalpluralism, human common ethics and participation of international affairs.
     The fifth chapter is about implementation of citizenship educational goalsand contents of primary and secondary schools. Reconstructed citizenshipeducational goals and contents frameworks need corresponding means ofimplementation. We need to solve the existing problems in implementation ofprimary and secondary citizenship education. Such as school education, socialeducation and family education are separate from each other, contents ofcitizenship education are separate from real life. Teaching methods still focuson tradition teaching and remember. We need to argue how to implement the goalsand contents system on the basis of reconstruct of citizenship educationalcontents.
     During the implementation of constructed goals and contents, we need tohandle the relationship between national citizen and world citizen andintegrate them together in the process of implementation. On the basis ofconstructed goals and contents, we should construct corresponding curriculumsystem, organize educational resources around subjects and cultivate qualifiedteachers. From the specific implementation, we should organize the teachingcontents by theme and stress core concept and value. We should emphasizecontroversial issue of teaching and cultivate ability of solving problems. Weshould advocate group cooperation learning and focus on critical reflectiveteaching. We should highlight student-centered position and change traditionalways of teaching evaluation. We should take school-based position and combinethe school education, family education and social education. We shouldimplement various ways of activity teaching by taking advantage of differentsocial mediums.
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