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Lii Yi-jian was an important prime minister of the early Song Ren Zong Dynasty.
     He had been prime minister for three times, which lasted for more than twenty years. As
     a representative of the conservative force , he greatly influenced the politics of his
     time. Besides the Lii Yi-jian Bloc, there were also the Empress Doager Lu Bloc and the
     Fan Zhong ?yan Bloc at that lime. The former bloc?s political view was similar to the
     Lii Bloc?s, yet the latter one?s was widely divergent. By exploring the bureaucratic poli-
     tics of the early Song Ren Zong Dynasty from the political bloc梐ngle of view, the the-
     sis completes the research work that has been long ingriored by the academic circles.
     This thesis consists of four chapters, Chapter One expounds Lii Yi-jian?s political
     career; as well as the formation of the general conservative mood of the Northern Song
     Dynasty, and it?s influence to Lii Yi-jian. Chapter Two explores the construction of the
     111 Yi-jian Bloc. The members of it recommended each other. The study shows the na-
     ture of the LU Yi-jian Bloc as the representative of the upper bureaucrat and landlord
     class?s interests. Chapter Three analysizes firstly, the construction of the Emporess
     Dowager Lu Bloc; Secondly ,the nature of this bloc which was as same as that of the Lb
     Yi-jian Bloc ; and thirdly the alikeness of th~eneral and specific mental policies carried
     out by the two blocs and difference in protecting Zhao Song state power. In order to pro-
     tect Song Ren Zong?s imperial power, and to get on well with Empress Dowager Liu, Lii
     Yi-jian shilly ?shallied and racked his brains in scheming . He contributed to the polit-
     ical stability of his time . Chapter Four illustrates the abrupt rise of the Fan Zhong梱an
     Bloc , which represented the interests of the middle and lower landlord classes. More-
     over the conflict between the Fan and the Lii Bloc was discussed. This thesis inquires
     into the complicated and ruthless conflict inside of the fedual bureaucratic policicaf
     blocs, illustrates the negative influence of the conser~ive bureaucratic politics U~Ofl the
     development of the Northern Song Dynasty. Thereby Lu Yi-jian?s unavoidable responsi-
     bility for the awkward situation of the early Song Ren Zong Dynasty is revealed.
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