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There are chiefly three abnormal phenomena in the process of IPO, namely, initial under-pricing, IPO’s long-run underperformance hot-issue market. Scholars overseas have conducted vast researches on these phenomena for decades, and put forward many theories and hypothesis, of which there are mainly two explanations: unreasonable primary market IPO pricing based on effective market hypothesis, and second market over-reaction based on un-effective market hypothesis. But none of scholars’empirical research completely supports a certain explanation. Therefore, IPO under-pricing extremely inspires the interest of finance theory field and practical field, the problem of IPO under-pricing is still one hotspot in finance, more and more scholars devote in its theoretical and empirical researches.
     The stock market in China is an emerging economic market, and inevitably, IPO under-pricing phenomenon exists in new stock issue market, what is different with matured stock market is that the degree of IPO under-pricing is high and hardly falls down for a long time. The aftermath of“undefeatable new stock saga”includes: huge amount of capital unreasonably stock up in issuing market, resulting low effect of market resource allocation, and how to assign IPO new stock, furthermore, the huge non-risk profits behind it. Actually, IPO under-pricing also remains a practical problem that plagues market supervisors, frequent issue regulation change may be a good evidence for this. Unfortunately, IPO initial under-pricing hasn’t shown corresponding obvious decline with the reform of issue regulation. Therefore, it is necessarily to study the inherent rules of China IPO under-pricing intensively. Domestic scholars have conducted a lot of research from the aspect of IPO under-pricing with underwriter’s reputation, issue regulation reform, and investor’s sentiments, but they get different study conclusion.
     Whereas, this paper will conduct empirical research on IPO high under-pricing phenomenon in China’s new stock issue market, and to answer with empirical conclusion the explanation effect of issuing intermediation reputation on under-pricing, how to influence IPO under-pricing extent, if there exist lag effect in second stage market for IPO, etc.
     In this paper, begin with the signal theory, we select IPO companies in Small and Medium Enterprise Board,these companies have finished share allocation reform, through separate rank, joint rank, fee ratio to evaluate underwriter and Client Firm Agency’s reputation and internal control information disclosure quality, empirical study relationship between issuing intermediation reputation and IPO initial under-pricing, middle term abnormal return rate, and get a conclusion that issuing intermediation has no significant influence on IPO under-pricing, and no obvious promotion on pricing efficiency.
     Secondly, by Stochastic Front Approach method, to decompose and empirical study IPO under-pricing, on the purpose of analyzing explanation effect on IPO under-pricing of primary and second market, thus to extend IPO under-pricing research to second market.
     What is more, based on behavior finance study, as to finite rational investors on second market, one feature they participate in IPO transaction is to refer last IPO under-pricing extent, and present serial relativity, thus to use GARCH model to describe lag effect of IPO under-pricing on second market. The conclusion is: there is lag effect in second market, GARCH(1,2)model with best fit effect show that, there is significant positive correlativity relation between the IPO under-pricing level’s volatility of listed company at t and t-1, but negative correlativity relation at t and t-2, and IPO under-pricing rate volatility is highly relevant with that. Based upon this, policy and advice of reasonably guide IPO investor are put forward.
     The main innovations of this paper are as follows:
     First, the paper starts from investors’finite sense, last IPO under-pricing level is the decisive factor for IPO initial transaction investors, then construct non-continuous time series of IPO initial under-pricing rate, GARCH model is adopted as numerical finance method, and get the empirical conclusion that there is lag influence on IPO initial under-pricing. Comparing with existing literature on concentrating IPO second market study to investors’sentiment measuring and its influence on IPO under-pricing, the combination of behavior finance with numerical finance analysis is a beneficial attempt.
     Second, the paper selects internal control information and disclosure situation of IPO companies as cut-in point. Most extant internal control research start from the aspects of risk management and criterion audit, few of them develop analysis from IPO aspect. But internal control information and its disclosure is one of reputation index of Client Firm Agency which acts as IPO issuing intermediation, its activity is different with the four level audit opinion listed in IPO financial report, and is more flexible, it has certain explanation function on IPO under-pricing, study conclusion also proves the value of selecting internal control information disclosure and IPO under-pricing as cut-in point.
     Third, the paper integrate underwriter reputation and Client Firm Agency reputation as issuing intermediation reputation, and use ratio of IPO company’s total issue expenditure to total funds collected as supplementary index at the same time, to judge issuing intermediation reputation and IPO under-pricing by one group of signals. Comparing with vast extant studies that only use underwriter reputation or Client Firm Agency reputation on IPO under-pricing, this treatment is closer to actual business of IPO issue agency, but needs further study.
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