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Limited by the features of production technology, continuous production enterprisesare used to dealing with competition by the production of homogeneity products and theexpansion of the scale, and this rigid production mode is challenged by the diversifiedbuyer’s market environment, hence continuous production enterprises urgently need totransform the production mode and increase the flexibility to adapt to the changes of theenvironment.
     The existing literature focuses on the study of manufacturing flexibility of discreteenterprises. Based on the realistic needs, the thesis chooses flexible manufacturingmode of continuous production enterprises as the object of study, through theoreticalresearch, combined with research methods, such as physical option, game analysis, casestudy, etc, explores and discusses it systematically from multiple perspectives of thetheory, value analysis, governance mechanism and evolution.
     The thesis studies the basic framework of continuous production enterprisesstructuring flexible manufacturing mode, and based on this study, it further analyses theevolution of internal task flexibility, external association flexibility and flexiblemanufacturing mode. In the end, it inspects the case of Jia Hua Company and providesresponse for the theoretical study.
     The study forms the following conclusions:
     Firstly, as the technological process can not be separated, the key technology oflarge scale flexible manufacturing mode discussed by the theory, such as concurrentengineering and group technology, which is difficult to support the structure of flexiblemanufacturing mode of continuous production enterprises. Continuous productionenterprises mainly depends on the integration of enterprises’ internal resources andexternal association activities to structure flexible manufacturing mode, for the purpose,the thesis puts forward a matrix framework of structuring flexible manufacturing mode,and takes all kinds of methods of continuous production enterprises structuring flexiblemanufacturing mode into the unified matrix framework.
     Secondly, the study of physical option proves that the internal task flexibility has more valuable investment than non-flexible production line. The study finds out that themain way in which continuous production enterprises realize the internal task flexibilityis based on three kinds of flexible technology: component flexibility,control flexibilityand mixed flexibility. The key of its low cost production lies in “alternate body”produced in the process of product conversion. The thesis views centralization is themain governerance mechanism of continuous production enterprises realizing internateflexibility.
     Thirdly, the external association contains three forms: horizontal association,vertical association and network connection. The external association is a kind ofrelational contract, which has the multilateral trading and non-integration featuresdominanted by continuous production enterprises. Trust transmission helps improve theoverall efficiency of the flexible contract relationship. But in horizontal associationsituation, outsourcing, for example, trust transmission can become the factor thatexternal association organizations reversely coerce continuous production enterprises,which makes trust produce the paradox. Knowledge transference is helpful to improvethe association flexible manufacturing level. But as a relational investment, it can bringthe risk of opportunism. Game analysis on OEM contract proves that in the situation oftwo types of information leakage about knowledge and trust, Continuous productionenterprises will easily suffer Opportunistic risk.
     Fourthly, the evolution of the large scale flexible manufacturing mode ofcontinuous production enterprises relies on the drive of the diversified buyer’s value,entrepreneur, external power and enterprise capacity, and the protfolio mode structuredby the four dimensions can explain this dynamic non-equilibrium development process.
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