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There are several essential components in the area of operations management inmanufacturing, including the allocation of container yards in a container-terminal, theperformance evaluation of the production systems, and the oversea parts ordering in aautomobile transfer case manufacturing company. Multiple attribute decision makingmodels established in dealing with these issues could help the enterprise make moreprofits and save costs. However, in actual decision processes, where there are complexsituations and combinations of subjective judgments from the decision makers with theobjective circumstances at scene, it is more appropriate to represent the evaluations inthe decision making problems as in the form of fuzzy sets, intuitionistic fuzzy sets,interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets or even linguistic information, fuzzy variables,etc. Through various forms of fuzzy sets, decision experts’ subjective thoughts andattitudes, which are of uncertain information, could be reflected in a more accurate way.Then aggregation operators and ranking methods based on fuzzy quantities could beemployed to derive the final ranking order of the original MADM problem.
     First of all, in the container yards allocation problems under intuitionistic fuzzynumber and the interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy number settings, the sets of thesegeneralized fuzzy numbers are proved to be of the construction of a completedistributive lattices with respect to the order relations, and they form commutativesemi-groups with identity with respect to union, intersection, addition andmultiplication operations, respectively. In the ranking problems with intuitionistic fuzzynumbers, two innovative approaches are developed, one of which applies anoptimization model in setting the ideal weight vector of the attributes, the other methodis based upon a memory-less revote process model. In order to deal with the morecomplex uncertainty contained in MADM problems, in this thesis, generalized(interval-valued) intuitionistic fuzzy numbers and their fundamental operations areproposed. Furthermore, these fuzzy quantities are applied to solve the container yardsallocation problems.
     Secondly, in order to deal with the incomplete attribute weight problems from themodel of oversea parts ordering strategy problem, a framework is introduced which consists of three aspects, the magnitude of optimistic attitude of the decision expert, theconfidence level of the decision maker and the dissonance of the expert during thedecision process. This framework is dedicated to design an optimal attribute weightvector in order to approximate the decision maker’s thought and minimize the degree ofdissonance during decision making.
     Thirdly, compared with knowledge reduction methods in rough set theory,algorithms for deriving order-preserving attribute reductions and order-preservingattribute core are developed in fuzzy MADM counterpart within the module ofcontainer yards allocation problem. Meanwhile, a comparative study betweengeneralized rough sets and several topological structures is conducted.
     Besides, a revised fuzzy TOPSIS method is developed in the production systemevaluation module, since a partial order has been detected in the ranking order ofalternatives. Several extra functions are introduced to help fuzzy TOPSIS method todistinguish each pair of different alternatives under fuzzy environment.
     Last but not least, three fuzzy dominance models are introduced in order tofully distinguish each pair of different triangular fuzzy variables. Then anotherapproach in ranking fuzzy variables is developed through a new distancebetween two fuzzy variables. Finally, the conception of intuitionistic fuzzyvariable is introduced in order to represent the uncertain information existed inthe production system evaluation process, which is the extension of ordinaryfuzzy variables. And the ranking methods of intuitionistic fuzzy variables aredemonstrated with numerical examples of the manul performance evaluation in theproduction systems.
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