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Under the socialistic market economy system, constructing the modern system of government procurement in accordance with the requirements of market economy will play a very important role in both the reform of government procurement and the construction of market economy. Firstly, the government expenditure can be largely economized, avoiding heavy financial deficit. Secondly, this system helps to budget purchasing fund, thus keeps the corruptive practice to a low limit. Thirdly, the ability of government to macroscopically regulate the market is strengthened, in its endeavor of developing Hi-tech industry, protecting state-run capitals, and supporting the evolution of both small and medium-sized enterprises.
     Now a set of more efficient management system and operating mechanism that accords with requirements of market-economic system is formed. Government procurement has been functioning well in the course of theory as well as that of practice. Still though, there are problems existing in processes during government procurement like the personnel, the appliance of government procurement mode, the procedure of operation, the management of the supervision on government procurement, etc., which are the places we should put our effort in. The execution of the Government Procurement Law is far more difficult than the legislation of it.
     With a vision of development, as well as that of comparatively analytic method, the paper analyzed on topics relevant with government procurement, such as its characteristics, principles, historical development, methods of government procurement, etc. and is followed by a research on problems arising in operation procedures and the exploration of possible countermeasures. Last but not least, this paper gives a short introduction to a newfound technique applied to government procurement which is known as electronic procurement (EP), and paints a future frame of development of this new government procurement mode. It is hoped the work on this paper have reference value to China’s practice of government procurement.
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