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稻瘟病菌(Magnaporthe oryzae)是目前研究丝状真菌的重要模式生物。为了探索水稻与稻瘟病菌互作的分子机理,本文从稻瘟病菌全基因组基因芯片中挑选了三个该菌侵染水稻后表达上调倍数比较高的基因,对它们进行基因敲除,同时对其中的两个基因进行过量表达,分析它们的表型变化,以初步确定它们在稻瘟病菌侵染致病过程中的作用。
Magnaporthe oryzae is one of model organisms in the research of Filamentous fungi. To explore the interaction between Magnaporthe oryzae and its host in molecular level, three genes which high expression during fungal infection were chosen for functional analysis. The knock-out mutans of all three genes and overexpression mutants of two genes were obtained to test their phenotypes in this paper.
     The gene deletion mutants of MGG_03356.6, MGG_06834.6 and MGG_03891.6, and gene overexpression mutants of MGG_06834.6 and MGG_03891.6 were obtained. The results indicated that there is no obvious difference between MGG_03356.6 deletion mutant and wild type strain in fungal colony morphology, conidial germination and pathogenicity. However, the appressoria formation on the hydrophobic surface was slightly low in the mutant. The deletion of MGG_06834.6 and MGG_03891.6 genes did not effect the fungus obviously, while the overexpression mutant of MGG_06834.6 showed low conidiation, fast appressoria formation but less virulence, and the overexpression mutant of MGG_03891.6 showed slow appressoria formation, as well as less virulence. The expressions of MGG_06834.6 and MGG_03891.6 in wild type were low by RT-PCR analysis. The results suggestted that these two genes may play certain roles during infection of Magnaporthe oryzae.
     Meanwhile, the cell wall integrity of three deletion mutants was tested by SDS stress. The results showed that the mutant of MGG_06834.6 but no MGG_03356.6 and MGG_03891.6 demonstrated weak resistance to the SDS stress, suggesting that the MGG_06834.6 gene may be a regulator in the cell wall integrity.
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