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In higher plants, apical dominance is the phenomenon whereby the main central stem of the plant is dominant over other side stems. In the present study, the natural loss of apical dominance Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica mutant and the wild type which by grafting the mutant and normal branches respectively were used as materials, and the mutant displayed the phenotypes with no obvious morphological trunk, a large number of side stems, shorter internode and leaves, and dwarf. The cell biology examination indicated that the meristem was dramatically changed in mutant, being with irregular cell arrangement, no obvious layer between meristem and mature tissue, and rapidly divisional and differentiated cells. Then 49 different proteins were successfully identified by further proteomics analysis of the apical buds using 2DE-ESI-MS/MS at different processes of development (including the dormancy period, the germinating period,10 days after germination,15 days after germination). GO analysis showed that these proteins were involved in stress response, protein metabolism, developmental regulation, DNA and RNA metabolism, electron energy transfer, material transport, and many other complex biological processes. Moreover, according to document retrieval and bioinformatics, abscisic acid-and stress-induced protein, cytoplasmic aconitate hydratase and Rad23 screened from the different proteins were likely to participated in ABA responding, Fe ion controlling and ubiquitin/26S protesome pathway to regulate apical dominance at cascade levels, thus Rad23 gene was cloned and made preliminary sequence analysis, then Rad23 protein was expressed and purified in vitro to raise polyclone antibody. This work will provide important clues and basis for further studying plant apical dominance.
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