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With the continuous progress of the urbanization process in China, a large amount of farmland was changed for non-agricultural usage. It becomes common phenomenon that peasants lose part or all of their farmland and a large number of land-losing peasants emerge. The long-term existence of urban-rural dual structure and the unreasonable land requisition compensation system, make it difficult for land-losing peasants to fundamentally protect their rights and interests. Since peasants-usually with no other skills-depend on their farmland for survival, once they lose it, it is hard for them to adjust to city life. Most would face situations of losing-land and losing-job simultaneous, which would result in living difficulties. Thus we should attach importance to solve the problem of these peasants' basic living. In the practice in solving social security issues for land-losing peasants, Jiangsu supplies itself as a good example in China, while Jiangsu also has its own characteristics on this issue. Thus the investigation and study of social security for land-losing peasants in Jiangsu, and relevant analysis,evaluation and comparison on different security patterns will help to further improve the level of welfare of land-losing peasants, making them share the results of economic development. In the background of sticking to scientific development, speeding up the socialist construction of new countryside and harmonious society, it is of great significance to establish and improve the land-losing peasants' social security system, in order to improve their welfare level, and then to promote the development of the whole economy.
     Scholars domestic and foreign have studied the social security of land-losing peasants from different disciplines and perspectives, mainly focusing on the land requisition compensation system arrangement, social security system arrangement, source, supervision and operation mechanism of security fund, as well as the guarantee for work, etc.. According to the existing problems, scholars have also put forward corresponding suggestions. However, the present researches have not done enough on the specific policy design of land-losing peasants' social security content and the comparison among regional placement modes, etc. Therefore, this study made a certain degree of complement and perfect on these aspects. Based on the review of historical evolution of the social security policy for land-losing peasants in China, this study took Jiangsu province as an example, constructing the land-losing peasants' welfare-evaluation index system on account of Amartya Sen's practical-ability analysis method. By using the fuzzy mathematical evaluation method, this study also determined the land-losing peasants' welfare levels before and after losing land, in order to investigate the functional substitutability of the present social security on the traditional land security. Under the semi-natural experiment framework, evaluation and comparison between different security patterns for land-losing parents were done. Via the structural equation model, influence factors' quantitative empirical analysis on the individual level of land-losing peasants' welfare was done, and the results show the individuality of Jiangsu social security for land-losing peasants, and provide a roof for perfecting and development of social security policy for land-losing peasants. The main focus and research results of this study are as follows:
     THEORETICAL ANALYSIS. From the perspectives of the marginalization theory, urban-rural dual structure theory, social security theory, land rent theory, welfare economics theory and practical ability theory, this study elaborated the theory basis of land-losing peasants' social security all around for the further empirical study. Among these theories, the practical ability's theory, which puts forward the "function" and "ability" concept, defining from the essence of the sense of freedom, is the main theoretical basis of this study. It also includes five kinds of basic instrumental freedom-political freedoms and civil rights, economic condition, social opportunity, social guarantee transparency, as well as safety protection security-with which the essence of freedom promotes mutually. In this theory, individual practical ability is not only a development goal, but also a kind of means and conditions for self-value realizing.
     CONCEPT AND MODE ANALYSIS. In the review and carding concepts of land-losing peasants and social security, the concept of social security for land-losing peasants was defined, its characteristics and the relationship with the current social security system was analysed, and evolution of the social security policy for land-losing peasants after the establishment of the open and reform policy was historically reviewed. On this basis, this study summarized the present situation in China of land-losing peasants' social security, as well as the problems, such as no unified farmers' social security system, take-home compensation was less because of part entrapment, security content was with low level, employment security and skills'training were difficult to get, and sustainable financing channels was not been established yet, etc.. Meanwhile, this study also summarized, analysed and compared the five social security modes for land-losing peasants in our country-city insurance mode, agriculture insurance mode, town insurance mode, business insurance mode and special system mode-and advantages and disadvantages of each mode and their applicable conditions were elaborated, too. This study suggested that, under the current economic and social development level in our country, the special system mode was relatively most appropriate. However, in the system design, its linking-up to current urban social security system should be considered, in order to reduce the system conversion cost.
     SOCIAL SECURITY STATUS IN JIANGSU. Based on the analysis of the social security policy construction for land-losing peasants in Jiangsu, it is reasonable to conclude that Jiangsu is a typical representative throughout our country. Through analysing the status quo and problems of social security policy for land-losing peasants in Jiangsu, results shew that the basic life safeguard measures for land-losing peasants were better to meet the different demands of land-losing peasants with different age groups. The measures also paid attention to the principle of combining basic-protecting and development-promoting. playing an important role in the course of urbanization, indicating the great efforts made by Jiangsu government. The achievement in Jiangsu can owe to the better economic development compared to the average level of the whole country, the financial power, and the general social security system. The current problems are:the social security system lacks human-development related policies and dynamic adjustment mechanism, and the unified compensation standard is still remained to be established.
     ANALYSIS OF JIANGSU'S SOCIAL SECURITY FOR LAND-LOSING PEASANTS. Specific social security patterns for land-losing peasants in Jiangsu-the monetary-compensation pattern, the basic-life-safeguard pattern and quasi-civic-security pattern-were introduced, summarized and compared. This study found that the three patterns each had advantages and disadvantages. The monetary-compensation pattern could be simply operated, its hindering degree was relatively small. However, its weakness was that it was difficult to solve the land-losing peasants' living in the long run. The basic-life-safeguard pattern gave consideration to both the basic life safeguard for, and the development needs of land-losing peasants, but its switching cost was bigger. Quasi-civic-security pattern complied with the development trend with small switching cost, and was conducive to ensuring the land-losing peasants'"civil treatment". The three patterns played positive roles to guarantee the economic development and to speed up the industrialization and urbanization construction respectively, in different periods and different regions of Jiangsu province. From the point of view of social economic development, the quasi-civic-security pattern will be the trend in the social security system for land-losing peasants.
     EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF WELFARE CHANGE. Using the investigation data from Yixing and Taicang, and on the basis of Sen's practical ability theory, Jiangsu's land-losing peasants' welfare level before and after losing land, and welfare changes under different patterns were calculated through the fuzzy mathematics method. The policy effect of current social security for land-losing peasants and the efficiency of different compensation patterns were then evaluated. The average treatment effect between the two cities-and then their compensation patterns-was then calculated. The results shew that:①under the current social security and compensation patterns, the welfare of land-losing peasants had been improved but with a limited range;②the family economic situation of land-losing peasants had been worsened after losing land, therefore measures aiming at promoting re-employment, improving vocational skills and increasing non-agricultural income should be carried out;③the differences of land-losing peasants' welfare change were mainly come from differences of social security policies, the quasi-civic-security pattern shew better effect than the monetary-compensation pattern, the former one was more conducive to solve the long-term livelihood problems for the land-losing peasants.
     INFLUENCE FACTOR ANALYSIS ON LAND-LOSING PEASANTS'WELFARE. On the welfare level measurement basis, the infuence factors analysis was done by using the structural equation model. The results shew that:①the income among the individual characteristics had a significant influence on the realization of the individual function, through the increase of income, the welfare of land-losing peasants could be significantly improved;②the reason latent variables of land-losing peasants'individual characteristics, had significant relationships with the latent variables such as personal living conditions, social opportunities and social security, and their order in accordance with the contact degree were living conditions, social opportunities and social security;③establishing and improving the social security policy for land-losing peasants were beneficial to reduce the gap between rich and poor among land-losing peasants, so as to promote the realization of social fairness.
     SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION FOR LAND-LOSING PEASANTS. On the basis of empirical analysis, this study tried to build the social security system for land-losing peasants in Jiangsu, including contents such as the social security framework for land-losing peasants, the enforcement routing selection and the specific details, etc.. This study suggested that, in the system framework, certain principles should be followed; in the overall level, the city integrating level should be ascended to the province level. As the integration of urban-rural social security became an inevitable trend, this study also discussed two examples in detail-the cohesion and switching problems between social security policy for land-losing peasants and urban social security policy in Taicang, and the historical problems during the course of bringing land-losing peasants into urban social security system in Nanjing.
     POLICY SUGGESTIONS. Through in-depth analysis, this study finally suggested that some measures should be taken through the following methods to perfect the social security for land-losing peasants in China:①improving land requisition compensation mechanism, establishing land assets appraisal system, making scientific land compensation standard, allowing peasants to participate in the interests distribution, and change the singular currency-resettlement way;②selecting the combination way between the social security for land-losing peasants and the urban social security system, making the two systems effectively linked to reduce system switching cost;③improving the content social security for land-losing peasants, gradually bringing in other securities such as inductrial injury insurance, birth insurance and unemployment insurance, etc., in order to constantly make improvement;④perfecting the re-employment mechanism to provide more employment opportunities and enhance the employment skills training for land-losing peasants;⑤providing relevant legal aid for land-losing peasants, and paying attention to their children education, etc.
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