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The Arab countries have undergone great changes from agrarian (and Animal Husbandry) society to Modern industrial civilizations after World War II. With the construction of nation-state and the modernization driving, the great changes of the social structure have taken place in Arab countries. The diversity is a basic characteristic for social structure evolution of Arab countries. The changes of ruling group caused the enormous transformation in regime, economic development, and the choice of modernization, the diplomatic idea and policies as well as social life in Arab countries. The growth of the social intermediate strata has impacted the foundation of traditional social structure, the changes of social relationship between urban and rural areas which have profound influenced on the political life, economic life and social life of Arab countries.
     This dissertation is to investigate the social structure and social stratification in Contemporary Arab Countries. Firstly, it analyses the theory of social structure and social stratification in Arab countries which based on the theory of Western social structure. Secondly, it analyzes and summarizes the social stratification system, the factors which result in the changes of social structure, effects and significance of the social structure changes, and the basic characteristics and types of social structure evolution of Arab Countries since World WarⅡ. It depends on multi-disciplines intercourse of history, sociology, and statistics in methods.
     This dissertation includes six Parts.
     In the introduction, I mainly present the issues and objects will to be solved in the article, review relevant achievements, give the aims and meanings of the study, and state the framework of analysis, the writing methods and the innovation in the dissertation.
     In Chapter 1,I explain the research field and object which based on the western theories of social structure, and then I discuss the criterions of social structure and social stratification in Arab Countries.
     Chapter 2 provides the main social classes in the contemporary Arab Countries, which include upper classes (tribes and the royal members, landlords, ulema, military elite, big bourgeoisie), middle classes and lower classes (Nomads and farmers, industrial working class, foreign labor, Muslim women and nation and religious denomination). Take Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt and Syria for instance, through the analysis of the social class, social stratum and social groups in these countries, I attempt to Present social structure evolution of the Contemporary Arab Countries objectively.
     Chapter 3 examines the factors which result in the changes of social structure in Arab countries since World WarⅡ, for example, social revolution, modernization, oil prosperity, agrarian reform and social relations in rural areas, urbanization and development of education.
     Chapter 4 analyses the influence of transformation of social structure in Arab countries. It includes reconstruction of political system, changes of political thought and foreign policy and several dimensions social change, etc.
     Chapter 5 discusses the basic characteristics and types of social structure evolution in Arab countries, and then focuses on the analysis of the chief obstacle to construction of Arab civil society.
    [1]Hanna Batatu,The Old Social Classes and Revolutionary Movements of Iraq,Princeton University Press,1978.
    [2]Valentine M.Moghadam,Modernizing Woman—Gender and Social Change in the Middle East,Lynne Rienner Publishers,2003.
    [3]Gabriel Baer,translated from the Hebrew by Hanna Szoke,Population and Society in the Arab East,Routledge and Kegan Paul,1964.
    [4]Halim Barakat,The Arab World,Society:Culture and State,California University Press,1993.
    [5]Phebe Marr,The Modern History of Iraq,Westview Press,1985.
    [1]Volker Perthes,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,I.B.Tanris,1997.
    [2]Nicholas Hopkins and Saad Eddin Iborahim eds.,Arab Society:Class,Gender,Power and Development,Cairo,1997.
    [3]Roger Owen,Sevket Pamuk,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,I.B.Tauris Publishers,1998.
    [4]Alan Richards and John Waterbury,A Political Economy of the Middle East:State,Class and Economic Development,Westview Press,1990.
    [5]Saad Eddin Ibrahim,The New Arab Social Order:A Study of the Social Impact of Oil Wealth,Westview and Croolm Helm,1982.
    [6]Mordechai Abir,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites:Conflict and Collaboration,Croom Helm,1988.
    [7]Peter W.Wilson and Douglas F.Graham,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,New York,1994.
    [8]Ayman Al-Yassini,Religion and State in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,Westview Press,1985.
    [9]Jill Crystal,Oil and Politics in the Gulf:rulers and merchants in Kuwait and Qatar,Cambridge University Press,1990.
    [10]Bryan S.Turner,Capitalism and class in the Middle East:theories of social change and economic development,Heinemann Educational Books,1984.
    11 Joel Beinin,Workers and Peasants in the Modern Middle East,Cambridge University Press,2001.
    12 Farhad Kazemi and John Waterbury,Peasants and Politics in the Modern Middle East,Florida International University Press,1991.
    13 Ellis Jay Goldberg,The Social History of Labor in the Middle East,Westview Press,1996.
    14 Richard H.Adams,Jr,Development and Social Change in Rural Egypt,Syracuse University Press,1986.
    15 Ann Elizabeth Mayer,Property,Social Structure,and Law in the Modern Middle East,State University of New York Press,1985.
    16 Martin Sicker,The Middle East in the Twentieth Century,British Library Cataioguing,2001.
    [3]Syed Aziz-al Ahsan,"Economic Policy and Class Structure in Syria 1958-1980",International Journal of Middle East Studies,1984,16(3).
    [4]James A.Bill,"Class Analysis and the Dialectics of Modernization in the Middle East",International Journal of Middle East Studies,1972,3(4);"The military and modernization in the Middle East",Comparative Politics,1969,2(1).
    [5]Volker Perthes,"A Look at Syria's Upper Class:The Bourgeoisie and the Ba'th",Middle East Report,1991,21(170).
    [6]Raymond A.Hinnebusch,"Rural Politics in Ba'thist Syria:A Case Study in the Role of the Countryside in the Political Development of Arab Societies",The Review of Politics,1982,44(1).
    [7]Z.Keilany,"Socialism and Economic Change in Syria",Middle Eastern Studies,1973,16(3).
    [8]E.Garzouzi,"Land Reform in Syria",Middle Eastern Studies,1963,17(1/2).
    [9]Rasool M.H.Hashirni,Alfred L.Edwards,"Land Reform in Iraq:Economic and Social Implications",Land Economics,1961,37(1).
    [10]William Rugh,"Emergence of a New Middle Class in Saudi Arabia",Middle East Journal,1973,27(1).
    11 Survey of Economic and Social Development in the ESCWA Region,1996.
    12 世界银行:《世界发展报告》,中国财政经济出版社。
    [2]Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore,"Some Principles of Stratification".American Sociological Review,1945,10(2),
    [2]T.H.Marshall,Class,Citizenship and Social Development,New Jersey,1965,p.193.转引自舒小昀:《分化与整合:1688-1783年英国社会结构分析》,第25页。
    [1]Valentine M.Moghadam,Modernizing Women:Gender and Social Change in the Middle East,Lynne Rienner Publishers,2003,p.22.
    [1]阿明关于阿拉们世界的研究,参见Samir Amin,The Arab Nation:Nationalism and Class Struggle,Zed Press Ltd.,1978.
    [1]Peter M.Blau,Otis Dudley Duncan,The American Occupational Structure,Wiley and Sons,1967.
    [1]阿拉伯传统的社会集团依高贵程度分。从高到低依次是:沙漠里的强大游牧部落:作为前者一部分迁移到定居地区的成员;饲养牛羊、务农的部落;不重要的部落,被遗弃的部落;工匠、黑奴、释奴:永久定居的人如农民.属于无血统的人。见,Gabriel Baer,translated from the Hebrew by Hanna Szoke,Population and Society in the Arab East,Routledge and Kegan Paul,1964,p.126.
    [3]Gabbriel Baer,Population and Society in the Arab East,1964,p.209.
    [3]Halim Barakat,The Arab World:Society:Culture and State,California University Press,1993,p.81.
    [1]Halim Barakat,The Arab World:Society:Culture and State.p.82.
    [2]Halim Barakat,The Arab World:Society:Culture and State,p.82.
    [3]Halim Barakat,The Arab World:Society:Culture and State,p.82.
    [6]Halim Barakat,The Arab World:Society:Culture and State,p.82.
    [2]Gabriel Baer.Population and Society in the Arab East,p.208.
    [3]Halim Barakat,The Arab World:Society;Culture and State,p.87.
    [1]Gabriel Baer,Population and Society in the Arab East,p.208.
    [2]Hanna Batatu,The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq,pp.55,56,57.
    [3]Mordechai Abir,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites:Conflict and Collaboration,Croom Helm,1988,p.19.
    [2]Al-Yassini,Religion and State in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,Westview Press.1985.p.67.
    [1]James A.Bill,"The military and modernization in the Middle East",Comparative Politics.1969.2(1).
    [1]F.W.费雷:《土耳其的政治精英》(F.W.Frey,The Turkish Political Elite)剑桥1995年版,第41页;转引自王彤主编:《当代中东政治制度》,第525页。
    [5]Halim Barakat,The Arab World:Society,Culture and State,p.87.
    [2]Jill Crystal,Oil and Politics in the Gulf:rulers and merchants in Kuwait and Qatar,Cambridge University Press,1990,p.133.
    [3]Jill Crystal,Oil and Politics in the Gulf:rulers and merchants in Kuwait and Qatar,p.138.
    [4]Kiren Aziz Chaudhry,"Economic Liberalization and the Lineages of the Rentier State:Iraq and Saudi Arabia Compared",in Nicholas Hopkins and Saad Eddin Ibrahim eds.,Arab Society:Class,Gender,Power and Development,Cairo,1997,p.374.
    [1]Halim Barakat,The Arab World:Society,Culture and State,p.88.
    [2]Volkcr Perthcs,"A Look at Syria's Upper Class:The Bourgeoisie and the Ba'th",Middle East Report,1991,21(170).
    [2]Kemal H.Karpat,"Society,economics,and politics in contemporary Turkey",World Politics,1964,17(1).
    [3]Valentine M.Moghadam,Modernizing Women:Gender and Social Change in the Middle East,Lynne Rienner Publishers,2003,p.22.
    [1]James A.Bill,"Class Analysis and the Dialectics of Modernization in the Middle East",International Journal of Middle East Studies.1972,3(4).
    [2]Halim Barakat,The Arab World:Society,Culture and State,p.89.
    [3]Gabriel Baer,Population and Society in the Arab East,p.213.
    [3]Halim Barakat,The Arab World:Society,Culture and State.p.90.
    [1]Gabriel Baer,Population and Society in the Arab East,p.214;James A.Bill,"Class Analysis and the Dialectics of Modernization in the Middle East",International Journal of Middle East Studies,1972,3(4).
    [2]Valentine M.Moghadam,Modernizing Women:Gender and Social Change in the Middle East,p.17.
    [3]James P.Jankowski,I.Gershoni,Rethinking Nationalism in the Arab Middle East,Columbia University Press,1997,p.19.
    [4]Michael Eppel,"The elite,the Effendiyya,and the growth of nationalism and Pan-Arabism in the Hashemite lraq,1921-1958",Middle East Studies,1998,30(2).
    [1]Phebe Marr,The Modern History of Iraq,Westview Press,1985,pp.273-280.
    [2]Raymond A.Hinnebusch,"Rural Politics in Ba'thist Syria:A Case Study in the Role of the Countryside in the Political Development of Arab Societies",The Review of Politics.1982.44(1).
    [3]Raymond A.Hinnebusch,"Rural Politics in Ba'thist Syria:A Case Study in the Role of the Countryside in the Political Development of Arab Societies",The Review of Politics,1982,44(1).
    [1]Syed Aziz-al Ahsan,"Economic Policy and Class Structure in Syria 1958-1980",International Journal of Middle East Studies.1984,16(3).
    [2]Syed Aziz-al Ahsan,"Economic Policy and Class Structure in Syria 1958-1980",International Journal of Middle East Studies.1984,16(3).
    [3]Syed Aziz-al Ahsan,"Economic Policy and Class Structure in Syria 1958-1980",International Journal of Middle East Studies.1984,16(3).
    [1]Volker Perthes,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,I.B.Tauris,1997,p.101.
    [3]Bryan S.Turner,Capitalism and Class in the Middle East:Theories of Ssocial Change and Economic Development,Heinemann Educational Books.1984.p.106.
    [6]Saad Eddin ibrahim,The New Arab Social Order:A Study of the Social Impact of Oil Wealth,Westview and Croolm Helm,1982,p.5.
    [7]Mordechai Abir,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites:Conflict and Collaboration,p.ⅩⅧ.
    [1]Hanna Batatu,The Old Social Classes and Revolutionary Movements of Iraq,Princeton University Press,1978,p.139.
    [1]James A.Bill,"Class Analysis and the Dialectics of Modernization in the Middle East",International Journal of Middle East Studies,1972,3(4).
    [1]Gabriel Baer,Population and Society in the Arab East,p.226.
    [2]Gabriel Baer,Population and Society in the Arab East,p.227.
    [3]Gabriel Baer,Population and Society in the Arab East,p.227.
    [4]Gabriel Baer,Population and Society in the Arab East,p.225.
    [5]Phebe Marr,The Modern History of Iraq,p.275.
    [6]Phebe Marr,The Modern History of Iraq,p.280.
    [2]Gabriel Baer,Population and Society in the Arab East,p.225.
    [3]Gabriel Baer,Population and Society in the Arab East,p.225.
    [4]Volker Perthes,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.95.
    [5]Volker Perthes,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.96.
    [6]Volker Perthes,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.96.
    [1]Volker Perthes,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.97.
    [2]Volker Perthes,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad.p.97.
    [4]H.M.M.Arikat,"The Arab Gulf Economy:A Demographic & EconomicPmfile",in Center for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies,Economic Research Patter,No.17,University of Durham,1987,p.34.
    [3]Robert J.Lapham,Allan G.Hill,and Charles B.Keely,"International migration in the Middle East:effects on property and social structure",in Ann Elizabeth Mayer,Property,social structure,and law in the modern Middle East,State University of New York Press,1985,P.173.
    [2]Jill Crystal,Oil and Politics in the Gulf:rulers and merchants in Kuwait and Qatar,pp.139-145.
    [4]Seyyed Hossein Nasr,Traditional Islam in the Modern World,London and New York,1987,p.35.
    [1]Phebe Marr,The Modern History of Iraq,p.172.
    [2]Phebe Marr,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.272-273.
    [3]笔者借用了20世纪美国民权运动以来出现的“肯定性行动计划”(Affirmative Action Program)一词,其宗旨在于更快更好地改变少数种族在教育和经济上的长期的劣势地位,补偿的方式是在就业、就学、接受政府贷款、分发奖学金或助学金,以及分配政府商业合同时,在竞争者能力和资格同等的情况下,黑人、亚裔、拉美裔、印第安人等少数种族和妇女有被优先录用或得到政府合同的权利。
    [3]Statistical Abstract of the ESCWA Region,16~(th) issue,UN,New York,1996,p.119.
    [5]Statistical Abstract of the ESCWA Region,16~(th) issue,p.127;《1988年世界发展报告》,中文版,中国财政经济出版社1988年版,第281页。
    [1]Eleanor Abdella Dounmto,Women and Globalization in the Arab Middle East Gender,Economy,and Society,Lynne Rienner Publishers,2003,p.66.
    [1]Kiren Aziz Chaudhry,"Economic Liberalization and the Lineages of the Rentier State:Iraq and Saudi Arabia Compared",in Nicholas Hopkins and Saad Eddin lbrahim eds.,Arab Society:Class,Gender,Power and Development,pp.359-390.
    [3]Phebe Marr,The Modern History of Iraq,p.282.
    [1]Roger Owen,Sevket Pamuk,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,I.B.Tauris Publishers,1998,p.102.
    [2]Roger Owen,Sevket Pamuk,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,pp.274-275.
    [2]James A.Bill,"The military and modernization in the Middle East",Comparative Politics,1969,2(1).
    [4]Z.Keilany,"Socialism and Economic Change in Syria",Middle Eastern Studies,1973,16(3).
    [5]E.Garzouzi,"Land Reform in Syria",Middle Eastern Studies,1963,17(1/2).
    [1]Syed Aziz-al Ahsan,"Economic Policy and Class Structure in Syria 1958-1980",International Journal of Middle East Studies,1984,16(3).
    [2]Raymond A.Hinnebusch,"Rural Politics in Ba'thist Syria:A Case Study in the Role of the Countryside in the Political Development of Arab Societies",The Review of Politics,1982,44(1).
    [3]Syed Aziz-al Ahsan,"Economic Policy and Class Structure in Syria 1958-1980",International Journal of Middle East Studies,1984,16(3).
    [4]Raymond A.Hinnebusch,"Rural Politics in Ba'thist Syria:A Case Study in the Role of the Countryside in the Political Development of Arab Societies",The Review of Politics,1982,44(1).
    [1]Syed Aziz-al Ahsan,"Economic Policy and Class Structure in Syria 1958-1980",International Journal of Middle East Studies,1984,16(3).
    [2]Syed Aziz-al Ahsan,"Economic Policy and Class Structure in Syria 1958-1980",International Journal of Middle East Studies,1984,16(3).
    [1]Raymond A.Hinnebusch,"Rural Politics in Ba'thist Syria:A Case Study in the Role of the Countryside in the Political Development of Arab Societies",The Review of Politics,1982,44(1).
    [2]Joel Beinin,Workers and peasants in the Modern Middle East,Cambridge University Press,2001,p.133.
    [3]Rasool M.H.Hashirni,Alfred L.Edwards,"Land Reform in Iraq:Economic and Social Implications",Land Economics,1961,37(1).
    [1]Rasool M.H.Hashimi,Alfred L.Edwards,"Land Reform in Iraq:Economic and Social Implications",Land Economics,1961,37(1).
    [2]Joel Beinin,Workers and peasants in the Modern Middle East,p.133.
    [3]Hanna Batatu,The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq,Princeton University Press,1978,p.55.
    [4]Hanna Batatu,The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq,p.1117.
    [1]Alan Richards and John Waterbury,A Political Economy of the Middle East:State,Class and Economic Development,Westview Press,1990,p.405.
    [2]Adeed Dawisha and I.William Zartman eds.,Beyond Coercion:The Durability of the Arab State.Croom Helm,1988,p.195.转引自黄民兴:《当代中东产油国的社会变迁》,《阿拉伯世界研究》2007年第4期。
    [2]Peter W.Wilson and Douglas F.Graham,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,New York,1994,p.234.
    [4]William Rugh,"Emergence of a New Middle Class in Saudi Arabia",Middle East Journal,1973,27(1).
    [1]Alan Richards and John Waterbury,A Political Economy of the Middle East:State,Class and Economic Development,p.413.
    [1]James A.Bill."The military and modernization in the Middle East",Comparative Politics,1969,2(1).
    [1]C.W.Mills,Power Elite,Oxford Press,1956.
    [3]Michalle L.Browers,Democracy and civil society in Arab political thought,Syracuse University press,2006,p.70.转引自姚大学:《论中东市民社会及其特征》,《西亚非洲》2008年11期。
    [1]Ramin Jahanbegloo and Shlomo Avineri,"Secularism,National Identity,and the Role of the Intellectual",http://www.bitterlemons-dialogue.org/dialogue2.html,Dialogue no.2,May 2005.
    [1]Abir,M.,Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era:Regime and Elites:Conflict and Collaboration,Croom Helm,1988.
    [2]Adams,Jr.R.H.,Development and Social Change in Rural Egypt,Syracuse University Press,1986.
    [3]Amin,S.,The Arab Nation:Nationalism and Class Struggle,Zed Press Ltd.,1978.
    [4]Baer,G.translated from the Hebrew by Hanna Szoke,Population and Society in the Arab East,Routledge and Kegan Paul,1964.
    [5]Barakat,H.,The Arab World:Society,Culture and State,California University Press,1993.
    [6]Batatu,H.,The Old Social Classes and Revolutionary Movements of Iraq,Princeton University Press,1978.
    [7]Beinin,J.,Workers and Peasants in the Modern Middle East,Cambridge University Press,2001.
    [8]Blau,P.M.,and Otis Dudley Duncan,The American Occupational Structure,Wiley and Sons,1967.
    [9]Browers,M.L.,Democracy and Civil Society in Arab Political Thought,Syracuse University Press,2006.
    [10]Crystal,J.,Oil and Politics in the Gulf:Rulers and Merchants in Kuwait and Qatar,Cambridge University Press,1990.
    [11]Dawisha,A.,and I.William Zartrnan eds.,Beyond Coercion:The Durability of the Arab State,Croom Helm,1988.
    [12]Dounmto,E.A.,Women and Globalization in the Arab Middle East Gender,Economy, and Society,Lynne Rienner Publishers,2003.
    [13]Goldberg,E.J.,The Social History of Labor in the Middle East,Westview Press,1996.
    [14]Hopkins,N.,and Saad Eddin Ibrahim eds.,Arab Society:Class,Gender,Power and Development,Cairo,1997.
    [15]Ibrahim,S.E.,The New Arab Social Order:A Study of the Social Impact of Oil Wealth,Westview and Croolm Helm,1982.
    [16]Jankowski,J.P.,and I.Gershoni,Rethinking Nationalism in the Arab Middle East,Columbia University Press,1997.
    [17]Kazemi,F.,and John Waterbury,Peasants and Politics in the Modern Middle East,Florida International University Press,1991.
    [18]Marr,P.,The Modern History oflraq,Westview Press,1985.
    [19]Marshall,T.H.,Class,Citizenship and Social Development,Princeton University Press,1965.
    [20]Mayer,A.E.,Property,Social Structure,and Law in the Modern Middle East,State University of New York Press,1985.
    [21]Mills,C.W.,The Power Elite,Oxford Press,1956.
    [22]Moghadam,V.M.,Modernizing Woman—Gender and Social Change in the Middle East,Lynne Riermer Publishers,2003.
    [23]Nasr,S.H.,Traditional Islam in the Modern World,Kegan Paul International,1987.
    [24]Owen,R.,and Sevket Pamuk,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,I.B.Tauris Publishers,1998.
    [25]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,I.B.Tauris,1997.
    [26]Richards,A.,and John Waterbury,A Political Economy of the Middle East:State,Class and Economic Development,Westview Press,1990.
    [27]Sieker,M.,The Middle East in the Twentieth Century,British Library Cataloguing,2001.
    [28]Turner,B.S.,Capitalism and Class in the Middle East:Theories of Social Change and Economic Development,Heinemann Educational Books,1984.
    [29]UN,Survey of Economic and Social Development in the ESCWA Region,New York,1995.
    [30]UN,Statistical Abstract of the ESCWA Region,16~(th) Issue,New York,1996.
    [31]Wilson,P.W.,and Douglas F.Graham,Saudi Arabia:The Coming Storm,New York,1994.
    [32]Yassini,A.,Religion and State in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,Westview Press,1985.
    [1]mhsan,S.A.,"Economic Policy and Class Structure in Syria 1958-1980",International Journal of Middle East Studies,16(3),1984.
    [2]Arikat,H.M.M.,"The Arab Gulf Economy:A Demographic & Economic Profile",Economic Research Paper,No.17,Center for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies,University of Durham,1987.
    [3]Bill,J.A.,"Class Analysis and the Dialectics of Modernization in the Middle East",International Journal of Middle East Studies,3(4),1972.
    [4]Bill,J.A.,"The Military and Modernization in the Middle East",Comparative Politics,2(1),1969.
    [5]Chaudhry,K.A.,"Economic Liberalization and the Lineages of the Rentier State:Iraq and Saudi Arabia Compared",Arab Society." Class,Gender,Power and Development,Nicholas Hopkins and Saad Eddin Ibrahim eds.,Cairo,1997.
    [6]Davis,K.,and Wilbert Moore,"Some Principles of Stratification",American Sociological Review,10(2),1945.
    [7]Eppel,M.,"The Elite,the Effendiyya,and the Growth of Nationalism and Pan-Arabism in the Hashemite Iraq,1921-1958",Middle East Studies,30(2),1998.
    [8]Garzouzi,E.,"Land Reform in Syria",Middle Eastern Studies,17(1/2),1963.
    [9]Hashimi,R.M.H.,and Alfred L.Edwards,"Land Reform in Iraq:Economic and Social Implications",Land Economics,37(1),1961.
    [I0]Hinnebusch,R.A.,"Rural Politics in Ba'thist Syria:A Case Study in the Role of the Countryside in the Political Development of Arab Societies",The Review of Politics,44(1),1982.
    [11]Jahanbegloo,R.,and Shlomo Avineri,"Secularism,National Identity,and the Role of the Intellectual",http://www.bitterlemons-dialogue.org/dialogue2.html,Dialogue no.2,May 2005.
    [12]Karpat,K.H.,"Society,Economics,and Politics in Contemporary Turkey",World Politics,17(1),1964.
    [13]Keilany,Z.,"Socialism and Economic Change in Syria",Middle Eastern Studies,16(3),1973.
    [14]Lapham,R.J.,Allan G.Hill and Charles B.Keely,"International Migration in the Middle East:Effects on Property and Social Structure",Property,Social Structure,and Law in the Modern Middle East,Ann Elizabeth Mayer,State University of New York Press,1985.
    [15]Perthes,V.,"A Look at Syria's Upper Class:The Bourgeoisie and the Ba'th",Middle East Report,21(170),1991.
    [16]Rugh,W.,"Emergence of a New Middle Class in Saudi Arabia",Middle East Journal,27(1),1973.

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