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     通过对SP-C(SP指服务提供商service provider,C指客户client)互动的理念和模型研究和界定,深入分析SP-C互动的内涵、模式及平台,发现SP-C互动的本质及不同模式平台下互动的共性,对SP-C互动的特征进行提炼和总结,对服务业的SP-C互动模型进行了拓展,将互动特征,由技术、能力两大特征拓展为技术、能力、市场三大特征,并将客户企业的技术特征纳入技术特征的研究范畴,使得SP-C互动模型可以更好地应用到工业服务业企业的服务创新中。深入探析了工业服务业企业与客户在技术-能力-市场三特征,在互动过程中对服务创新绩效的影响。
Industrial services are very important in producer services, Modernization services, KIBSas they offer productive service to manufacturing. Based on the analysis of the status,functions, sub-industry and its characteristics of industrial services, it is found that industrialservices status is important, thus have key multi-functions and complex innovation model.However, in service providers and customer service innovation, technology, capacity andmarket bring the three common elements characteristics, and have a major impact on theprocess of service innovation and performance, which makes industrial services innovationresearch, both complex and possible for in-depth study of possible.
     Based on the definition and research of the SP-C interaction’s model and the concept, thein-depth analysis was given of the content, model and platform of SP-C interaction, found thecommon nature in the different modes of interaction. With SP-C interaction features’ refiningand summary, the SP-C interaction model was expanded from two interactive features of thetechnology and the capacity to three with the market characteristics, and customer enterprisetechnical characteristics was also added into the technical features, making SP-C interactionmodel can be better applied to the industrial service innovation. In-depth Analysis of theindustrial services business with clients in the technology-capacity-marketcharacteristics’ impact in service innovation performance was also given.
     Using Stackelberg game model, the three characteristics of technology-capacity-market of interaction of SP-C process was analyzed with its impact on the serviceinnovation performance. The technical characteristics, capacity characteristics, marketcharacteristics was added into the analysis of SP-C interaction game equilibrium one by one.With the joining of the technical characteristics of the customer, the status with the role ofcustomer enterprises was changed, and the game strategy to improve the game proceeds wasfound in only considering technology. With the joining of the capacity and marketcharacteristics, the complex relationships of the capacity, market and technical was found,which give interactive strategies under the complex conditions.
     Based on the theoretical analysis, an empirical study was given for the relationshipbetween SP-C interaction and the performance of the service innovation. With the theory ofthe Strength of interaction, SP-C interaction measure model was also given. With the in-depthinterviews and questionnaires Of12industrial services company, SPSS13.0software wasused to deal with263valid questionnaires, analyzed the characteristics of the sample, and tested the reliability and validity of the measurement model. On this basis, throughcorrelation analysis, variance analysis, structural equation analysis, the hypothesis was testedfor the relationship between the technology-Business–market3D interactive and industrialservices innovation performance, empirical results support the hypothesis. Contributions andinnovations are as follows:
     (1) With the innovative features of the industrial services, interactive innovation theorywas extended, the market features was added to the interactive model, and the technicalfeatures of the client companies was added into the model, thus the model was nearer to thethe actual business and customer interaction.
     (2) The in-depth analysis for the SP-C interaction was given with the technology-capacity-market characteristics, and the extension SP-C interaction model was constructedwith the technology-capacity-market characteristics. The complex relationship among thethree features was analyzed, and the game strategy to improve service innovationperformance was also gaven.
     (3) Based on the new extended SP-C interaction model and interaction strength model,the measurement model was constructed for the relationship between the the technology-capacity-market characteristics and the service innovation performance. In the model, furtheranalysis of the extended model SP-C interaction was given, with promotion of serviceinnovation through the service innovation track, the path to improve the innovationperformance was given at last.
     (4) Based on the empirical research, the main industry of the industrial services wasstudied with innovation characteristics, and the interactive features of the innovation processwas also given.
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