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The role of university teacher experienced the ancient times, modern andcontemporary in the gradually deepen progress of evolution. The new century putforward higher challenge to university teacher—professional development. Theteacher professional development of university has been highlighted in theory andpractice circles. Make a general survey of the existing document, most of scholarsfocused their attention on the professional development of teachers’ own, but theresearch on the teacher professional development combined with the external supportsystem and the internal management is few. The continuing teacher professionaldevelopment of university is systematically studied theatrically and practically in thisdissertation,based on these existing situations and the researches inland and oversea。The main contents are summarized as following:
     Firstly, as to discussion on the way of continuing teacher professionaldevelopment, built a continuing teacher professional development of universities’model. The model included three aspects, they are: education management department,universities and teacher themselves.
     Secondly, presented4factors that affect teacher professional developmentcapability: support from upper levers, culture construction, system of educationdesigning and resources security. Then verified the factors’ validity is based on thedata which came from the questions on more than10universities of Henan.
     Thirdly, set a system of education management department, which is made up of3modules: Policy Support, Systematic Management, and Economic Security.Analyzed the obstacle factors of teacher professional development,which come fromthe universities. Further, put forward some tactics to advance the teacher professionaldevelopment’s process. Based on the theory of Career Lifecycle, analyzed theemphases of teacher professional development of universities in the teacher’s careerlife cycle curve.
     Fourthly, the continuing teacher professional development capability model andthe continuing teacher professional development capability assessment system werebuilt, which can evaluation the continuing teacher professional developmentcapability in universities. And combined with3universities in Henan, the relevantevaluation study was also done in this thesis; further more resolved the problem of relatively weightiness of assessment indexes by using Flexible negotiation method and Analytic Network Process.
     Fifthly, starting from the universities level and teachers’ personal level, thecontinuing teacher professional development countermeasures have been discussed.The continuing teacher professional development system can be built with2aspects:construct professional learning organization and establish individual teacher reflectiontype growth mode. At the end, the dissertation summarizes the limited and thecontents and proposes the direction for further study.
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