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Farmers' cooperation is an important and feasible path to get rid of the "three rural" dilemma, drive agricultural development, promote rural progress and realize farmers' income growth. Theoretically speaking, when individual farmer faces a larger market, is naturally in a weak position, especially the existence of biological characteristic, geographic dispersion and scale heterogeneity in agricultural products, which determines the necessity of farmer's cooperation. International experience also shows that farmers'cooperation provides a unified supply of agricultural resources, unified sales of agricultural products, collective investments of agricultural products packaging or fashioning, unified offering of technology and information, and other services to its members which are able to overcome the problems encountered by small farmers in the process of modern market economy. However, from the view of China's reality, the current low level of cooperation among Chinese farmers, relying on rural elite, professional investors, agricultural related enterprises and other social forces, or with the aid of government agricultural sector is difficult to effectively drive farmers'enthusiasm to cooperate. The low participation degree and poor performance in the cooperation are long-term prominent problems in Chinese farmers'cooperation development.
     In order to interpret the constraints of farmers'cooperation in China, the existing studies provide important inspiration and reference to discuss policies and paths to promote farmers' cooperative. However, the existing studies lacked the elaborate analyses of the farmers'cooperation behavior and perfonnance in the condition of mountains. Guizhou is a typical mountainous area with its more than90%lands covered by highlands and hills. Because of its laggard economy and special geographical environment, Guizhou lags behind seriously in the development of mountainous agriculture. Besides, its unique environment and attribution have proved that the more people stick in the use of traditional small farmer business model, the weaker and poorer they will be. The development of mountainous agriculture must explore a proper way and cooperative management will be an important choice. By referring to the theories of industrial organization, cooperative organization, and transaction cost, by taking the basic attribution and feature of mountainous agriculture into consideration, this study analyzes the farmers' cooperative need in the mountainous agricultural development of Guizhou Province. It also analyzes its internal and external predicament in accordance with the current situation of mountainous farmers' cooperation in Guizhou Province. In addition, this study combines the on-site questionnaire survey with mathematical statistics to try to find out the dominant factors which restrict farmers'cooperation under the special mountainous circumstance, find out the main difficulties of the fanners' cooperation in agricultural development of mountainous area, and discusses the specific paths to promote farmers' cooperation in the mountainous environment.
     Ⅰ. Main contents of the study
     The first part is the literature and theory analysis. The current literature of Chinese farmers' cooperative awareness, behavior and performance are abundant, however, there lack the elaborate analysis of the farmers' cooperative behavior and performance in the condition of mountainous area. This part will clarify the current situation of foreign and domestic researches to identify the foothold and important meaning of this study. In addition, this part will clarify the theories of industrial organization, cooperative organization, transaction cost, and other related ones to establish the theory fundamental of this study.
     The second part is the analysis of current situation and problems. This part will based on the basic condition and specific characteristic of mountainous agricultural, start with the general mechanism and specific incentive to depict the necessity of the produce of farmers' cooperative requirement in the mountainous agricultural development. In addition, based on the statistical data from the Guizhou agricultural department and the other related ones, combine the typical sample analysis, and identify the organization carriers and promotion policies of mountainous fanners' cooperation in Guizhou Province to analyze the realistic dilemma in the current promotion of mountainous farmers' cooperation in Guizhou Province.
     The third part is about survey and empirical analysis. This part will introduce the field research selected from three areas (suburbs, agriculturally developed regions, and remote regions), and the questionnaire is about the farmers' cooperative willingness, cooperative behavior, and cooperative performance, then the empirical analysis of the constraints of farmers' cooperation in mountainous agricultural development of Guizhou Province with the application of ordered Porbit model, Logistic model, Heckman two-step modified method and other related measurement methods.
     The forth part is the analysis of route and strategy. This part will aim at the constraint factors of the farmers' cooperation in the mountainous agricultural development, provide the basic principle of the route selection of the farmers' cooperation in mountainous agricultural deveiopment with the characteristic of the mountainous agriculture in Guizhou Province, and base on the identification of the general thoughts of mountainous farmers' cooperative route selection then from the factors of cooperative carrier, internal and external guiding force to explore the optimized path that promote farmers'cooperation under the background of mountains.
     Ⅱ. Main conclusions of this research
     1. Farmers'cooperation is a must way to develop the specialized and professional business of mountainous agriculture. The diversity of mountainous resources and ecological environment, and the abundant resources of bare place are the advantages of mountainous agriculture, however, there exists the disadvantages of remote geographical location, unprogressive infrastructure, and highly occurring natural disasters. So, these characteristics give a rise to the adoption of a different developing model with the one in plains. Farmers must rely on the cultivation of specialty industries to promote the agricultural development and farmers'income growth. The mountainous farmers'cooperation is not only the integration of farmers'power to protect their benefits, but also the need of specialty program development with advantage resources optimization; it is the need of industrialization improvement with market chain opened, and the need of production efficiency improvement with the function of scale effect. In the mountainous agricultural development, there exists a widely need of farmers'cooperation.
     2. The internal and external difficulties in Guizhou mountainous farmers'cooperation. Base on the current situation of Guizhou mountainous farmers'cooperation, and combine with the case analysis to explore the internal and external difficulties in the promotion of farmers' cooperation in the mountainous agricultural development. The specific internal difficulties include:(1) the scale development of specific industries with local advantages is restricted by mountainous farming space;(2) standardization production of characteristics of competitive industries is restricted by technology and talents;(3) advantageous industries cultivation is restricted by farmers' shortsighted. The specific external difficulties include:(1) support policies are not in place;(2) support funds are weak and unfocused;(3) the development of farmers'cooperation organizations is bull management, and each arrays.
     3. There exist many constraints in farmers'cooperation of mountainous agricultural development. Due to the questionnaire survey and analysis of the three types of districts and nine administrative villages:(1) with the application of ordered Porbit regression model to find that the constraints in farmers'cooperative willingness mainly because the mismatching of the. rural labor force structure with the cooperative agricultural development, the farmers are lack of cooperative awareness with the restriction of traditional farming, the farmers are lack of confidence to the cooperative economy, and the low business performance of mountainous agriculture;(2) with the application of Logistic aggression model to find that the constraints in mountainous farmers' cooperative behavior mainly reflect on the mismatching of the promotion and demonstration extent of cooperative organizations with the farmers' demand, the discrepancy of the economic benefit of cooperative organization with the farmers anticipation, and the difficulty to achieve scale effect with the scale level of cooperative organization;(3) with the application of Heckman two-step modified method to find that the constraints in mountainous farmers'cooperative performance mainly exist on the cooperation's capital scale and distribution system cannot satisfy the farmers' operational demand, the cooperation's technology spillover effect is not obvious enough to improve the farmers' operational technology, and the farmers have difficulty to apply the marketing channel and operational information.
     4. The mountainous farmers'cooperation must take the development paths accord with its own characteristic. The basic thoughts of mountainous farmers'cooperation should insist on the bases of suitable principle, inclusive principle, long-term principle, demonstrable and promotable principle, preferential policy orientation principle, and organized principle; establish the industrial carrier with special advantage resources, the concentration carrier with characteristic industrial base, the policy carrier with preferential policy of financial, monetary, and revenue; rely on the solid organization carrier with professional cooperation. This study provides that the mountainous farmers'cooperation must take the specific advantage resources as the industrial carrier, take the characteristic industrial base construction as the concentration carrier, take the poverty relief project as the policy carrier, and take the professional cooperation as the organization carrier. In addition, it points out that the promotion of mountainous farmers'cooperation must take the leisure agriculture as the assistance industry, take mutual benefit and mutual trust as internal operation bond, take the government guide as the main development orientation, and take the "talent" drive as the main operational model.
     Ⅲ、Research innovation
     1. Innovative points of research perspective. Existing studies more explore the constraints of mountain farmers'cooperation and its promoting policies from the general sense, while ignoring the special laws of farmers'cooperation under mountain conditions, and did not analyze farmers' behavior and performance to cooperation according to mountain conditions. In fact, diversity of mountain resources and ecological environment, rich non-cultivated land, geographical remoteness, poor infrastructure, fragile ecosystems, and many others determine the mountainous farmers in agricultural development must expand farmers'cooperation. If the farmers'cooperation in plains is related to the improvement of performance problems, then farmers'cooperation in mountain agricultural development is directly related to the question whether the mountain economy develops.
     2. Innovative points of research idea. In previous studies, both the development and transformation of mountain agriculture are discussed according to disadvantages from resource environment. Researches on giving full play to the advantages for mountain resources, relying on cooperation organization carrier, and take farmers closely together to develop agricultural production, almost did not appear. In fact, mountain agriculture is characterized by resource diversity and ecological diversity also determines the mountainous agricultural development can pursue development through the farmers'cooperation and characteristic industrial operation. Furthermore, the mountain is often easier to become a radiation zone of national preferential policies, which provides important support for mountainous farmers'cooperation.
     3. Innovative points of research contents. In the past of farmers'cooperation research, most started with the single aspect of cooperative willingness, cooperative behavior, or cooperative performance, and the researches were lack of systematic investigation. This research will base on the questionnaire survey of farmers'cooperation in Guizhou mountainous agricultural development, from the three aspects of cooperative willingness, cooperative behavior, or cooperative performance to analyze the constraints factors of the farmers'cooperation in mountainous agricultural development. And base on the constraints factors that we discovered to innovative put forward the specific path that broke the mountainous farmers'cooperative dilemma and promote the mountainous farmers'cooperation.
     Ⅳ. Issues for further studies
     1. Study on Mountainous farmers'cooperation organization's interior system design and micro-management Since the focus of this study is to explore the main factors in restricting farmers'cooperative willingness, cooperative behavior and cooperative performance, and the focus also launched around this central idea. So the specific system design inside the mountain agricultural cooperative economic organization and how to improve operational efficiency and other aspects of micro-management in organization did not do in-depth research, the further research is needed.
     2. Study on multiple fusion of mountain agriculture cooperation organization. This paper studies the economic effects of farmers'cooperation economic organization, but in fact that the farmers are co-mingled with culture and other multiple properties. These aspects did not explore too much in this paper, which is the direction of next research.
     In addition, mountain agriculture research is quite difficult, which determines the data collected in this study is limited. And may not completely show the whole picture of mountain agricultural development, more detailed research is needed in the future.
① 数据来源http://gzcts.cn/last.aspx?id=474
    ① 数据来源:贵州统计年鉴(2013),中国统计出版社。
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