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The administrative litigation mode is a comparatively new subject not gaining enough study in the field of jurisprudence of china now. This article is intended to carry out an elementary but systematic analysis of it, only to do some good to the construction of China's administrative proceedings system.
     Except foe forewords, this article is divided into 5 chapters. Chapter one is concerned with the outline of the administrative litigation mode, which mainly involves its classification, concept, function and meaning, etc. in this chapter, the mode of litigation is rigidly distinguished from the sort of litigation when the meaning of administrative litigation mode is probe into. The sort of litigation is classified in allusion to the whole litigation. The author of this article defines the mode of administrative law in a wide sense: it refers to the mode, with the same constructive elements, which apply to the same trial rules and types, and makes appropriate sentences. It also can be called the category of administrative litigation.
     The meaning of the mode of administrative litigation embodied theoretically and practically. In theory, the mode of administrative litigation is classified and concluded to social disputes according to a certain standard. The basis of social concrete evidence has been founded by the make-up of litigation system and the design of proceeding remedy. In practice, the outstanding part of the mode of administrative litigation lies in the following points: first, provide appropriate remedy mode and method for litigants; second, help the effective running of administration; third, help the optimizing of the structure and procedure of administrative litigation; forth, help the formation of our country's legal system.
     Except for the basic functions, the functions of the administrative litigation are showing as follows: first, shows in the protecting of citizen's rights; second, shows in the systematically administrative litigation; forth, shows in the deepening theoretical research on administrative litigation.
     The second chapter concerns the comparison of foreign country's administrative litigation modes. In France, According to the traditional classification, it is classified into complete jurisdiction lawsuit; repeal lawsuit, lawsuit of interpretation and review of administrative decisions' significance and validity, sanction lawsuit. According to the subject matter, it is classified into subjective lawsuit and objective lawsuit. According to the Federal Administrative Court of Germany, it is clearly classified into regulates lawsuit, validation lawsuit, demanding-performance-of-liabilities lawsuit, other shaping suit, average performance lawsuit, continuative validation lawsuit, and other new kinds of lawsuits. In Japan, the mode of administrative litigation is classified into counter-appeal lawsuit, parties lawsuit, democracy lawsuit and administrative organ lawsuit in its Act of Administrative Proceedings. Then, the author introduced the judicial review; the mode belongs to the civil law system. The forms of judicial review of England can be classified into the average relief lawsuit and the exceptional relief lawsuit, which are very different in the form of writ. Judicial review of USA is mainly classified into statutory review and non-statutory review. Non-statutory review adopts the writ system of England. Furthermore, some special judicial review forms were produced in USA.
     The third chapter concerns the remarks on our country's administrative litigation mode. First, in term of the expert's ideas, this article studies classified our country's administrative litigation mode. The author pointed out that because the administrative proceedings mode is not regulated in China's Administrative Proceedings Law and the meaning of the administrative proceedings mode concluded by the academic circle is too narrow, a lot of problems emerge in administrative and judicial practice. Then, this article analyzed the elements which can influence our country's administrative litigation mode, to determine the standard defined by our country. As to the standard of administrative proceedings, the dissertation says that there are a lot of factors which influences the administrative proceedings mode, such as political system, economic base, cultural tradition, aim of academic proceedings, parties' solicitation, sort of administrative act, the kind of the right the administrative counterpart owns in term of administrative law, etc;
     Chapter four concerns the construction of our country's administrative litigation mode. It mainly discussed the related content of repeal lawsuit, validation lawsuit, demanding-performance-of-liabilities lawsuit , administrative validation lawsuit, and analyzing some related problems.
     Firstly, discuss administrative repeal lawsuit. It mainly analyzes its meaning, its scope of being applied, special litigation elements, acceptance and hearing, and decisions. As to the application scope, the dissertation points that it is too narrow after analyzing the status quo and suggest that the special-power-relation of the internal administrative act and the quasi-administrative act should be ascribed into the scope of repeal lawsuit. The special elements of repeal lawsuit are: the existence of the specific administrative act, the plaintiff's claim of the specific administrative act's violating the law and impairing his legal right or interest, the plaintiff's litigation within a certain legal period. During the course of repeal lawsuit, the defendant assumes the burden of proof, and in principle the court is forbidden to investigate evidence actively. In addition, the main forms of decisions the court can adopt are repeal decision, rectification decision, solicitation-rejecting decision and condition decision.
     Secondly, discuss administrative affirmation lawsuit. It mainly analyzes its meaning, its scope of being applied, special litigation elements, acceptance and hearing and decisions. The lawsuit of this kind is aimed to judge the validity of a certain specific administrative act being and the existence of a certain administrative legal relation. The application scope falls on the invalidation or irregularity of a certain specific administrative act and the existence of a certain administrative legal relation. The special litigation elements of invalidation-or- irregularity-affirmation lawsuit are: the subject matter of being affirmed is the invalidation or irregularity of a certain specific administrative act; antecedent procedures must be carried through; the plaintiff should claim that his legal right and interest has been impaired because of the defendant's violation. The special litigation elements of existence-of-administrative-legal-relationship lawsuit are: the subject matter of being affirmed is the existence of a certain administrative legal relation; the plaintiff s legal right and interest has been impaired because of the defendant' s violation; the plaintiff can' t institute other lawsuits. The decision the court should make is affirmation decision.
     Thirdly, discuss demanding-performance-of-liabilities lawsuit. It mainly analyzes its meaning, its scope of being applied, special litigation elements, trial and sentences. The subject matter of the lawsuit of this kind is non-performance of administrative act, including non-performance of burdening administrative act and granting administrative act. Demanding-performance-of-liabilities lawsuit can be classified into that of incomplete non-performance and that of complete non-performance.
     The special lawsuit elements of the lawsuit of this kind is non-performance of administrative act include that: the lawsuit subject matter that the plaintiff litigates is a certain specific administrative act; the plaintiff has applied for the administrative organ; the plaintiff should claim that his legal right and interest has been impaired because of the administrative refusal to perform its duty; the litigation should be brought in a certain legal period. Comparing these two kinds' lawsuit, there are different assumption of burden of proof: as to the former, the defendant has assumed the burden of proof, while, as to the latter, the plaintiff is to assume the burden of proof in a certain circumstance; the court can substantially review the incomplete non-performance and make a decision to require the defendant to perform its specific duty, while the court can review the incomplete non-performance only in a formalistic way and make the decision to require the defendant to perform his duty in a certain period.
     Fourthly, discuss administrative granting lawsuit. It mainly analyzes its meaning, its scope of being applied and sort, special litigation elements, acceptance and hearing and decisions. The main difference between administrative granting lawsuit and demanding-performance-of-liabilities lawsuit lies in their scope of being applied: the latter is applied to the specific administrative act the administrative organ makes, while the former is applied to what is excluded from the demanding-performance-of-liabilities lawsuit. So, in some sense, the former is supplementary to the latter. The administrative granting lawsuit is mainly applied to wealth granting, administrative contract, factual act and so on. Accordingly, it is classified into wealth granting lawsuit, non-wealth granting lawsuit, and administrative contract granting lawsuit and precautionary non-performance lawsuit and so on. The special litigation elements of lawsuit of this kind are: the lawsuit subject matter that the plaintiff litigates should be wealth granting or non-wealth granting which down' t belong to specific administrative act; the plaintiff should claim that his legal right and interest has been impaired because of the defendant' s violation to perform its duty; the solicitation can' t be put forward along in repeal lawsuit; antecedent procedures must be carried through; the litigation should be brought in a certain legal period. During the course of the lawsuit of this kind, the defendant's burden of proof should not be always emphasized too much. However, the assumption of burden of proof should be assigned to the plaintiff and the defendant according to the factual conditions. When the defendant can't fulfill his burden of proof, the court should try all out to help to investigate proof. There is a basic principle in Administrative Proceedings Law of China that mediation should be forbidden. But this dissertation claims that mediation can be applied to a certain kind of administrative act and a certain sort of administrative proceedings. The administrative organ should have substantial determination power in a certain situation, if the applications of mediation don't impair the interest of the government, the society and other citizens. Certainly mediation should be forbidden in virtue of solving the case and controversies quickly. The court can make a granting-offering decision or a solicitation-rejecting decision.
     Fifthly, discuss the review of abstract administrative act. It mainly analyzed the concept of abstract administrative act and the necessarities to be adopted in administration litigation. Abstract action is an executive, specific and repeated regulative act to a majority of people. From the administrative proceedings judicial practice and the current situation of development, it is necessary to take abstract administrative act into litigation. The scope of the proceedings of abstract administrative litigation is the abstract administrative act below administrative regulations. The precondition of prosecution is the legal rights and interests which have been influenced .In terms of litigation modes, administrative affirmation lawsuit can be taken and also can be dismissed or affirmed by the court.
     Sixthly, discuss on the related issues of administrative litigation modes. The author mainly analyzed the establishment of public interest litigation and administrative incidental civil. Firstly, the establishment and feasibility of public interest litigation, and then make clear those procurator organs mentioned as a plaintiff prosecution, and sentenced by courts. Secondly, the author analyzes the administrative incidental civil issues, and point out that the parties to the proceedings should not be set as our country's administrative litigation. The administrative incidental civil should be attached to civil administration as a solution and additional part to the civil and administrative disputes. The administrative incidental civil is a lawsuit for those who don't accept the following administrative acts: administrative decisions, administrative affirmation and administrative permission, etc. the author also analyzed the component elements to the proceeding requirements, procedures, the responsibility and the way to sentence. The last part concerns the administrative litigation modes and the revision of China's Administrative Procedure Law. In the end, the author put forward some legislative suggestions to perfect our country's administrative litigation mode system.
① 薛刚凌著:《行政诉权研究》,华文出版社1999年5月版,第196页。
    ② 心松年主编:《行政诉讼法学》,中国政法大学出版社1999年1月修订第1版,第187页。
    ③ 同上,第189页。
    ④ 应松年主编:《行政诉讼法学》,中国政法大学出版社1999年1月修订第1版,第2页。
    ① 薛刚凌著:《行政诉权研究》,华文出版社1999年5月版,第142、143页。
    ② (台)蔡志方著:《行政救济法新论》,元照出版社2000年11月元照初版第1次印刷,第170页。
    ③ (台)陈清秀著:《行政诉讼法》,翰芦图书出版有限公司,1999年6月初版,第103页。
    ④ 参见吴华著:博士学位论文《行政诉讼类型研究》,载于中国期刊网。
    ① 这种诉讼类型现为日本《行政案件诉讼法》所采用。最早是德国裁判制度的分类,1960年在制定《行政法院法》时,为避免因不易判断某一法律关系是上下级隶属关系或对等关系而造成法院拒绝权利保护的情况,《行政法院法》废止了这一分类方法,而采取与民事诉讼一样的形成、确认、给付三种诉讼形式。参照(日)南博方:《行政裁判制度》,有斐阁1960年3月版第204页注(4)。
    ① 见张其军《行政诉讼类型化初论》,载《江苏广播电视大学学报》2005年第1期。
    ② 马怀德:《行政诉讼原理》(M)北京法律出版社2003,第109页。
    ① 刘宗德、彭风至:《行政诉讼制度》(A),翁岳生:《行政法》(C)北京法制出版社,2002年第1338页。
    ① 张晋红著:《民事之诉研究》,法律出版社1996年4月版,第142页。
    ① 民事诉讼类型主要从诉讼请求的内容来划分,而行政诉讼类型除应考虑诉讼请求的内容之外,往往还要考虑其他标准。参见张晋红著:《民事之诉研究》,法律出版社1996年4月版,136—142页:薛刚凌著:《行政诉讼研究》,华文出版社1999年5月版,第142—144页。
    ② (台)蔡志方著:《行政救济与行政法学》(一),三民书局印行1993年3月版,第149页。
    ① 王名扬著:《法国行政法》,中国法制出版社1989年版,第639页。
    ② 王名扬著:《法国行政法》,中国法制出版社1989年版,第706页。
    ① 吴华著:《行政诉讼类型化研究》,中国政法大学博士论文,载《中国期刊网》。
    ② 王名扬著:《法国行政法》,中国法制出版社1989年版,第667、668页。
    ③ (台)彭风至:《德国行政诉讼制度及诉讼实务之研究》,台湾行政法院编撰,1998年6月,第38-49页。
    ① (日)市原昌三郎著:《抗告诉讼类型》,有斐阁1972年3月版,第143页。
    ② 日本采取三审制,二审称为抗告审,三审称为上诉审。
    ③ 参照《性病预防法》第25条;《独占禁止法》第25条、第26条及第84条的规定。
    ① 本部分内容参考:[英]威廉·书德:《行政法》,徐柄译,北京:中国大百科全书出版社1997年版,第233—237页;王名扬:《英国行政法》,北京:中国政法大学出版社1987年版,第179—192页;张越:《英国行政法》,北京:中国政法大学出版社2004年版,685—702页。
    ② 参见王名扬:《美国行政法》(下),中国法制出版社1995年版,第569—586页。
    ③ 参见王学辉:《行政诉讼制度比较研究》,中国检察出版社2004年1月第1版,第345页。
    ① 吴华:《行政诉讼类型研究》,中国政法大学博士论文,载《中国期刊网》。
    ② (台)翁岳生著:《行政法与现代法治国家》,国立台湾大学法学业书编辑委员会编辑,1990年9月第11版,第381、382页。
    ① 参见应松年主编:《行政诉讼法学》,中国政法大学出版社1994年版,第189-191页。
    ① 见国务院发展研究中心课题组:《中国发展高层论坛2002》主报告。
    ② 见国务院发展研究中心课题组:《中国发展高层论坛2002》主报告。
    ③ 见李桂英:《行政诉讼类型化研究》,武汉大学硕士学位论文,载《中国期刊网》。
    ④ 高家伟:《论行政诉权》政法论坛1998第1期,第170-172页。
    ① 应松年、薛刚凌:《论行政权》,政法论坛,2001年第4期,第57页。
    ① 李桂英:《行政诉讼类型化研究》,武汉大学硕士学位论文,载《中国期刊网》。
    ① 参加(台)翁岳生著:《行政法》(2册),翰芦图书出版有限公司2000年3月第二版,第359页。
    ② 罗豪才、应松年主编:《行政诉讼法学》,中国政法大学出版社1990年版,第115页。
    ① 参见马怀德:《行政诉讼原理》,法律出版社,2003年4月第1版,第183页。
    ② 甘文:《行政诉讼法司法解释之评论—理由、观点与问题》,中国法制出版社2000年5月1版,第38页。
    ③ 参见马怀德主编:《行政法与行政诉讼法》,中国法制出版社2000年版,第252、256页。
    ④ 马怀德:《行政诉讼范围研究》载樊崇义主编《诉讼法学研究》(第一卷),中国检察出版社2002年1月版,第339—345页。
    ① 王名扬著:《美国行政法》,中国法出版社1995年1月版1997年8月第二次印刷,第652页。
    ② 英美法系国家遵守“穷尽行政的原则”,而大陆法系国家,如德国等则在其有关的法律中将先经行政复议程序明确规定为提起撤销诉讼的特别诉讼要件。
    ① 应松年、袁曙宏主编:《走向法治政府—依法行政理论研究与实证调查》,法律出版社2001年5月版,第348、349页;张步洪、王万华编著:《行政诉讼法律解释与判例述评》,中国法制出版社2000年9月版,第196页。
    ① 高家伟著:《行政诉讼证据的理论与实践》,工商出版社1998年1月版,第66—70页;吕立秋著:《行政诉讼举证责任》,中国政法大学出版社2001年10月版,第10页。
    ② 吕立秋著:《行政诉讼举证责任》,中国政法大学出版社2001年10月版,第45页。
    ③ 高家伟著:《行政诉讼证据的理论与实践》,工商出版社1998年1月版,第72、73页。
    ④ 参见湛中乐、李凤英:《行政诉讼中的证明责任》,载湛中乐著:《法治国家与行政法治》,中国政法大学出版社2002年8月版,第338页。
    ① 参见应松年主编:《行政诉讼法学》(修订本),中国政法大学出版社1999年1月修订版,第262页。
    ① 译本见德国技术合作公司与中国国家行政学院合编:《联邦德国的宪法和行政法》,1999年版,第229页。
    ② (台)陈清秀著:《行政诉讼法》,翰芦图书出版有限公司1999年6月初版,第447、448页:杨伟东:《履行判决变更判决分析》,载《政法论坛》2001年第3期,第95页。
    ① 如我国台湾《行政诉讼法》第195条第1款规定:“行政法院认原告之诉为有理由者,除别有规定外,应为其胜诉之判决;认为无理由者,应以判决驳回之。”
    ② 详细内容参见甘文著:《行政诉讼法司法解释之评论—理由、观点问题》,中国法制出版社2000年5月版,第156—160页:应松年、袁曙宏主编:《走向法治政府—依法行政理论研究与实证调查》,法律出版社2001年5月版,第358页。
    ① 同上书,第41—45页。
    ② 见台湾《行政诉讼法》第199条。
    ① 这一区别的标准是德国学者哈契克(J.Hatscfek)提出的,即所谓明显理论(Evidenztheorie)。根据该理论,行政行为倘有特别重大、明显的瑕疵,一般理智、谨慎的市民依其一切足以斟酌的情况,在合理判断后均可辨别出瑕疵的存在,或“在某种程度上犹如刻在额头上般”明显的瑕疵,则归于无效。反之,行政行为则依然有效,只是得撤销。参见翁岳生编:《行政法》(上册),翰芦图书出版有限公司2000年3月二版,第605页。
    ② 例如,《行政处罚法》第49、56条,1988年《全民所有制工业企业泫》第33条,1988年国务院发布的《禁止向企业摊派暂行条例》第2条、第13条,《农业法》第18、19条。
    ① 参见吴庚著:《行政争论法论》(修订版),三民书局1999年5月修订版,第119页。
    ① 叶必丰:《行政不作为略论》,载《法制与社会发展》1996年第5期,第12页;姜明安主编:《行政法与行政诉讼法》,北京大学出版社、高等教育出版社1999年10月版,第146页;马怀德主编:《行政法与行政诉讼法》,中国法制出版社2000年版,第179页;应松年主编:《行政诉讼法学》(修订本),中国政法大学出版社1999年1月修订版,第271页。
    ② 参见林莉红著:《行政诉讼法学》,武汉大学出版社1999年版,第86、246页;罗豪才土编:《中国司法审查制度》,北京大学出版社1993年12月版,第169、179页:章剑生:《判决重作具体行政行为》,载《法学研究》1996年第6期,第29页。
    ① (台)吴绮云:《德国行政给付诉讼之研究》,司法院印行1995年版,第97页以下。
    ② 参见杨伟东:《履行判决变更判决分析》,载《政法论坛》2001年第3期,第93、95页。
    ① 应松年主编:《行政诉讼法学》(修订本0,中国政法大学出版社1999年1月修订版,第83页。
    ① 叶必丰著:《行政法的人文精神》,湖北人民出版社1999年11月版,第316、317页。
    ② 参见叶必丰著:《行政法的人文精神》,湖北人民出版社1999年11月版,第289、290页。
    ① 参见郑京水、余辛义:《行政合同纠纷纳入行政诉讼问题探讨》,载《行政法学研究》1996年第4期,第24页。
    ① 参见胡肖华:《论预防性行政诉讼》,载《法学评论》1999年第6期。
    ① 《若干解释》第23条。
    ① 参见应松年主编:《行政诉讼法学》(修订本),中国政法大学出版社1999年1月修订版,第222、223页。
    ② 吴华:《行政诉讼类型研究》,中国政法大学博士论文,载《中国期刊网》。
    ① 最高人民法院编:《中国行政审判研讨》,人民法院出版社2000年6月版,第100页。
    ① (台)翁岳生编:《行政法》,翰芦图书出版有限公司2000年3月第二版,第521页。
    ① 马怀德:《行政诉讼范围研究》,载樊崇义主编《诉讼法学研究》(第一卷),中国检察出版社2002年1月版,第335、336页。
    ② 李桂英著:《行政诉讼类型化研究》,武汉大学硕士学位论文,载《中国期刊网》。
    ③ 参见解志勇:《论公益诉讼》,载《行政法学研究》第2002年第2期,第42、43页。
    ① 见马怀德、吴华:《对我国行政诉讼类型的反思与重构》,政法论坛。2001年第5期,第70页。薛刚凌著:《论行政诉权》,华文出版1999年5月第1版,第177-178页。
    ① 袁曙宏著:《社会变革中的行政法制》法律出版社2001年5月第1版,第369页。
    ① 严本道:《行政附带民事诉讼有关问题探讨》,法商研究,1999年第5期,第84页。
    ① 见沈开举、王红建著:《中国行政诉讼类型研究》,发表于王名扬祝寿文集,北京大学出版社2006年版。
    ② 蔡志方:《行政救济法新论》,元照出版公怀2000年1月版,第196页。
    10、沈开举、王红建:《中国行政诉讼类型研究》,发表于《王名扬祝寿文集》,北 京大学出版社2006年版

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