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The leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization is a type of organization thatrepresents the advanced agricultural productive force at the present stage in China;furthermore, it is significant carrier in realizing the industrialized agricultural operations andserves as the main force that drives China’s agriculture to make it more competitiveinternationally under the background of WTO. As the market entity, with a view to realizingthe maximum stakeholder value finally, it is a must to exist and pursue development in thisdrastic market competition and understand how to identify, assess and deal with all kinds ofrisks brought about by the external market environment and internal management operationsand to build a perfect integrated risk management system. This paper, based on the researchand review of the advanced risk management standards abroad and at home, combined withthe identified major risks and features of leading enterprises of agricultural industrializationas well as the status quo of and major problems occurred in risk management, has built athree dimensional integrated risk management framework concerning the leading enterprisesof agricultural industrialization, which comprises integrated risk management foundation,integrated risk management procedure and integrated risk management objectives. Inaddition, in this paper the framework is discussed in details and an integrated enterprise riskmanagement system is formed. This risk management system is formed by drawingexperiences from the marrow of risk management standards abroad and at home and realizesan organic integration of the theory of integrated risk management and the daily productionand management activities of leading enterprises, which can be used for reference to acertain extent by the leading enterprises when they carry out the integrated risk management.
     This paper has given a comprehensive commentary on the contents of such advanced riskmanagement standards abroad and at home as New Basel Capital Accord, COSO EnterpriseRisk Management-Integrated Framework and Central Enterprise Risk ManagementGuidelines. In this paper, as for the risk management standards, both of its significance andlimitations are pointed out; and this has laid a solid foundation for building an integrated enterprise risk management system for the leading enterprises of agriculturalindustrialization.
     The questionnaire survey can be used to recognize the risks involved in leadingenterprises of agricultural industrialization, introduce the status quo of risk management ofleading enterprise and put forward the main problems occurred in risk management in orderto offer the basis in facts for the building of an integrated risk management framework.
     A three dimensional integrated risk management framework concerning the leadingenterprises of agricultural industrialization is built, which comprises integrated riskmanagement foundation, integrated risk management procedure and integrated riskmanagement objectives. Meanwhile, the Structural Equation Model is adopted to verify therationality of this risk management framework and make this framework more scientific.
     An study on the risk management is carried out from three perspectives: the first is anstudy on the optimization of the risk assessment index system of leading enterprises ofagricultural industrialization; the second is an study on the comprehensive appraisal of risksinvolved in the leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization; the third is an study onthe risk warning of leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization. The contents of thispart serve as a beneficial complement to the qualitative study of the paper.
     According to the main risks of leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization, themain problems in the risk management and the results of risk appraisal, the measures takento perfect the risk management of leading enterprises are put forward in order to form anintegrated risk management system for the leading enterprises of agriculturalindustrialization. The system is composed of theoretical basis of risk management,integrated risk management framework, study of risk appraisal and the measures taken toperfect the risk management of leading enterprises.
     The studies in this paper mainly involve:
     Chapter Ⅰ: Preface. Firstly, proceeding from presenting the importance of improving theincome of farms, it puts forward the background and significance of studying integrated riskmanagement system of leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization; Next, anoverview of literatures abroad and at home, which are relevant to this paper is given; Finally,the research methods and the technological route adopted in this paper are introduced.
     Chapter Ⅱ: Theoretical overview of the risk management of leading enterprises ofagricultural industrialization. In this chapter, the basic concepts involved in this paper aredefined, which includes risks, risk management, integrated risk management and leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization; in addition, the development history of riskmanagement is introduced in details and the theoretical basis of risk management iselaborated. The final part of this chapter introduces the advanced risk management standardsabroad and at home, including New Basel Capital Accord, COSO Enterprise RiskManagement-Integrated Framework and Central Enterprise Risk Management Guidelinesand offers the analysis and reviews of these standards as the foundation for the study in thispaper.
     Chapter Ⅲ: Analysis of the current risk management situation of leading enterprises ofagricultural industrialization. This chapter mainly studies three parts, including therecognition of risks involved in the leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization,analysis of the current risk management situation of leading enterprises of agriculturalindustrialization and the main problems occurred in the risk management of leadingenterprises of agricultural industrialization.
     Chapter Ⅳ: Building of an integrated risk management framework of leading enterprisesof agricultural industrialization. The contents discussed in this chapter is the core of thispaper, that is to build an integrated risk management framework for the leading enterprises inlight of the actual situation concerning the risk management of leading enterprises ofagricultural industrialization mentioned above and based on the advanced risk managementstandards abroad and at home. The integrated risk management framework built in thischapter is three-dimensional, in which the horizontal dimension represents the foundation forthe integrated risk management of leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization, thevertical dimension represents the process of integrated risk management of leadingenterprises of agricultural industrialization and the longitudinal dimension represents thegoal of integrated risk management of leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization.
     Chapter Ⅴ: Verification to the rationality of integrated risk management framework ofleading enterprises of the agricultural industrialization. The structural equation model is usedin this chapter to verify the rationality of integrated risk management framework built in thispaper from the quantitative perspective.
     Chapter Ⅵ: Study of risk appraisal of leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization.Besides introducing some common quantitative risk appraisal methods, this chapter furtherinvolves the study on the optimization of the risk assessment index system of leadingenterprises of agricultural industrialization, the study on the comprehensive appraisal of risksinvolved in the leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization and the study on the risk warning of leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization.
     Chapter Ⅶ: Measures taken in the integrated risk management of leading enterprises ofagricultural industrialization. This chapter mainly discusses the detailed measures taken toperfect risk management, which is the key link of the integrated risk management procedurein the risk management framework; furthermore, the detailed solutions are put forwardagainst the main risks of leading enterprises and problems occurred in the risk management.
     Chapter Ⅷ: Summary of this paper and prospects. This chapter summarizes the researchconclusions of this paper; the innovations in this paper are summarized. furthermore, it putsforward some views and suggestions concerning the continuous research and development ofintegrated risk management of leading enterprises.
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