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With the rapid development of Chinese economy, the amount of passengers by air grows dramatically. In order to meet this challenge, Chinese airport administration devel-ops aircraft industry rapidly in recent years. For example, in the line between Shanghai and Beijing, there are more than forty airlines each day. Because the airports are far from the cities, the passengers are not permitted to transfer between different airlines and the check-in procedures are intricate, the most passengers are unable to travel between two cities quickly. In order to reverse the tide and cope with competition from the railway, many airlines such as China Airlines, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines and Shanghai Airlines are implementing a policy named "quick route in the line between Shanghai and Beijing" on August 2007. The essential point of this policy is that the passengers can board any flights if there have. However, this policy have not obtained the expectation effect. As some experts pointed out the main reason was that the overbooking was out of control.
     Basing on aforementioned background and some different assumptions, several stochastic dynamic programming models are constructed firstly. Secondly, from these models, some theory results and optimal booking policy are obtained. Lastly, these the-ory results and optimal booking policy are gained through some numerical experiments. The detailed content are displayed as follows:
     Chapter 1, the history of revenue management, its present research situation and perspectives are introduced. At the same time, the background and significance of the issue discussed in this paper are investigated.
     Chapter 2, how to implement the booking policy without considering transference option are discussed. Specifically, basing on the optimality equation, some properties of value function are proved, such as the value function is a decreasing concave function of the number of the booked ticket. These conclusions are prepared well for discussing the relative properties when the transference option is considered in the later chapters.
     Chapter 3, how to implement the booking policy with uni-directional transference option are discussed. Here three methods are adopted. The first one is that, we make all flights' departure time is the same (equal to the last flight's departure time) by means of constructing virtual booking process and cancelation process to all flights but the last one from its departure time to the last flight's departure time, and then the aforementioned question is discussed using the traditional method. The second one is that, we separate the whole system into finite subsystem from each flight's departure time, and then each subsystem is discussed by using the traditional method. The third one is an approximative model of the first two models, curse of dimensionality is avoided. Basing on each method, some properties are obtained, such as:value function is a decreasing concave function of the number of the booked ticket; the overbooking limit of flight 1 under the policy of transference is greater than that without performing such policy; if the transference policy is adopted, the total revenue will not decrease and so on.
     Chapter 4, how to implement the booking policy with bilateral-directional transfer-ence option arc discussed. Here two methods are adopted. The first one is similar to the second method in the chapter 3. The only difference is the definition of each subsystem's terminal function. The second one is an approximative model of the first model, which is similar to the third method in the chapter 3, curse of dimensionality is avoided. Basing on each method, some properties are obtained, such as:value function is a decreasing concave function of the number of the booked ticket; if the transference policy is adopted, the total revenue will not decrease and so on.
     Chapter 5, because the proofs of some conclusions from chapter 2 to chapter 4 are complicated and correlative, they are organized rationally and constitute this chapter.
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