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With the rapid development of high-speed railway in China, the rebuilding and extension of modern comprehensive passenger transport hubs which are built for matching with high-speed railway have been implemented largely. The high-speed railway comprehensive passenger transport hub has become the crossing and interface of multi-transportation which includes high-speed railway, civil aviation, highway, waterway, urban rail transit, public transport, motor vehicle and taxi. As the vital node of passenger transport net, the high-speed railway comprehensive passenger transport hub is the important distribution place of various passenger transportations and massive passenger flow. With the increase of high-speed railway operation mileage, the distribution quantity of passengers will be sustained to increase sharply. So there is a higher demand for security forewarning of passenger flow in high-speed railway comprehensive passenger transport hub.
     As the video surveillance system functions of railway passenger hubs are relatively simple, the surveillance and analysis mainly depend on monitoring the screen continuously, interpreting the video information and making relevant decisions artificially. When the quantity of monitor points and the strength of monitor increase, manual operations make mistakes easily and can not find the security risks of passenger flow immediately. It leads to the passive response of railway passenger hub emergency handling and underplaying initiative of video surveillance systems. For the demand of security forewarning of passenger flow in high-speed railway comprehensive passenger transport hub, and the disadvantages of video surveillance system in railway passenger hubs, this paper focuses on the key technologies study of passenger flow safety forewarning in high-speed railway comprehensive passenger transport hub based on Hi-Tech Researcher and Development Program of China "Passenger Security Status Recognition of High-speed Railway Comprehensive Passenger Transport Hub Distribution Network." By the rational layout of video monitor point, rapidly and precisely abstracting information of passenger flow, exactly forecasting parameters of passenger flow parameters and effectively grasping the variation tendency of passenger flow status, achieves to detect the security risks of passenger flow and releases the information of security forewarning promptly.
     Firstly, we analyze the demand of passenger flow security forewarning in high-speed railway comprehensive passenger transport hub from information acquisition, information processing and information fusion. According to the demand, we design the architecture of passenger flow security forewarning, describe the procedure of security forewarning and present key technologies of passenger flow safety forewarning in high-speed railway comprehensive passenger transport hub.
     Secondly, according to the information acquisition demand of safety forewarning in high-speed railway comprehensive passenger transport hub, we present the hierarchical layout strategy of video monitor points, analyze the hierarchical layout procedure of monitor points. For the function areas with or without obstacle, we respectively present different layout model. By using the layout strategy, we take Beijing south railway station for example to implement layout.
     Thirdly, according to the information processing demand of safety forewarning and the characteristics of passenger flow image in high-speed railway comprehensive passenger transport hub, we present the average background model bases on the Dempster-Shafer theory for building background image. After the subtraction of background image, we present the improved watershed algorithm based on marker automatic acquisition and recognition algorithm based on the connected domain characteristic of passenger flow image. We take one ticket entrance of Beijing south railway station for example to recognize the quantity of passenger flow by the passenger quantity recognizing system based on the algorithms mentioned above.
     Finally, according to the information fusion demand of safety forewarning and association structure among video monitor points in high-speed railway comprehensive passenger transport hub, by the studies of association degree among video monitor points and the forecast mode of passenger flow parameters, we present the passenger flow parameter forecast algorithm based on space and passenger flow parameter forecast model base on space-time. By the forecast information, to get the passenger status security level of choke point and release the order of security forewarning. We test the algorithm and model by the passenger flow density and velocity from the ticket entrance and association points in Beijing south railway station.
     Through the key technologies study of passenger flow safety forewarning in high-speed railway comprehensive passenger transport hub, we can improve the speed and precision of safety forewarning, ensure the efficient and safe distribution of passenger flow and reduce the incidence rate and severity of accidents. The study in this paper has the guidance and reference for improving the security capabilities of railway passenger transport.
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