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     (2)在斑点落叶病抗性遗传方面,“秦冠×富士”杂交F1代1039株群体出现抗病、感病两种表现型,其中抗病和感病单株数分别为544和495株,经卡方检验,分离比例符合1:1的比例(χ2 = 2.645,χ20.01 = 3.84);“富士×秦冠”杂交F1代489株群体出现抗病、感病两种表现型,其中抗病和感病单株数分别为235和254株,经卡方检验,分离比例基本符合1:1的理论比例(χ2 = 0.7434,χ20.01 = 3.84)。2个组合杂交后代病情指数呈连续分布,带有数量性状的特征。因此,苹果斑点落叶病抗性遗传抗性遗传可能是由一对主效基因和若干微效基因共同作用的结果。
The early defoliation disease of apple is one of the most serious diseases in the apple production area in China. It is important to process the resistance breeding program using the resistance germplasm. A F1 population from the cross of Fuji (a susceptible parent to Alternaria leaf spot) and‘Qinguan’(a resistant parent) is used in this study. Under the natural conditions, the resistance level in the parents and their F1 individuals were identified to analyze the inheritance of resistance to Alternaria leaf spot in apples. Based on the field data, RAPD molecular markers linked to Alternaria leaf spot resistant gene in apples were detected.
     These are the main results.
     1. Resistance to Alternaria leaf spot in‘Qinguan’was much higher than that in‘Fuji’from the field identification data.
     2. In the cross of‘Qinguan×Fuji’, 544 plants proved to be resistant and 495 plants proved to be susceptible; and in the“Fuji×Qinguan”cross, the number of the resistant and susceptible plants was 235 and 254. The ratio of resistant vines to susceptible vines in both crosses have been tested in accordance withχ20.01 distribution of 1:1 segregation (χ2 Qinguan×Fuji = 2.645;χ2 Fuji×Qinguan = 0.743;χ20.01=3.84). The SI values of F1 progenies in both crosses revealed genetic features of quantitative traits demonstrating successive distribution. This indicates that Alternaria leaf spot resistance in these two crosses may be controlled by a major gene in combination with some minor genes.
     3. Distribution features of the SI values of the progenies in two crosses also revealed that‘Qinguan’may have stronger inheritance than‘Fuji’for Alternaria leaf spot resistance.
     4. In this study, 325 RAPD primers were used to screen the polymorphism between‘Qinguan’and‘Fuji’92 primers can produce polymorphic PCR bands between two parents. Among these 92 primers, 18 primers can produce polymorphic PCR bands between the resistant gene pool and the susceptible gene pool (each gene pool contained 10 F1 individuals). A fragment, S428-854, presented in the‘Qinguan’and the resistance DNA pool, absented in the‘Fuji’and susceptible DNA pool. The distribution of S428 in the F1 individuals showed that the molecular data of the 56 individuals (78.9%) were consistent with the field identification data. 5. The S428-854 RAPD marker was sequenced. Its actual length is 854bp. Results of blasting this sequence with the NCBI database indicated that their homology is no more than 30%. Structure analysis showed that this sequence has no opening read frame, meaning that it does not have a complete structure. Therefore, it could be a new sequence found in apples. Its accession in GeneBank is EU710766.
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