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     本文在生命周期—持久收入假说和预防性储蓄理论的基础上,结合中国转型经济的现实背景对中国居民储蓄率的影响因素进行了理论分析。并使用2006年中国综合社会调查数据(CGSS2006)并通过稳健的最小二乘法、可行的广义最小二乘法(FGLS)和分位数回归(Quantile Regression)的方法,以及1997-2008年的分省面板数据和系统广义矩(System GMM)的估计方法,分别从微观数据和宏观数据的角度进行了相关的实证检验,最后提出了相关的政策建议。本文的主要结论如下:
Since reform and opening, China has made remarkable high economic growth, but there are obvious structural problems. One of the outstanding performance is the final consumption rate showing downward trend in recent years. Corresponding to this is the high household savings rate in China, almost all studies show that China's household savings rate is higher than most countries and regions. High savings, low consumption characteristics result means Chinese economic growth driven by investment and exports in long run, which not only increases the inherent instability of economic performance, but also may bring a deeper problem. Therefore, the comprehensive and systematic research about the determinants of household savings rate in China has become a common concern on academic and policy-makers.
     In this paper, on the base of life cycle-permanent income hypothesis(LC-PIH) and precautionary savings theory, we analysis the determinants of household savings rate in China on the background of transition economies, then, the paper use the China General Social Survey data in China in 2006 (CGSS2006) and the estimation of robust OLS, FGLS and quantile regression, and use Provincial panel data from 1997 to 2008 and the estimation of system GMM, through empirical tests on micro and macro data, respectively, some conclusions are drawn as followed:
     (1) The rise in income and income disparities is an important reason for high household savings rate in China. Empirical tests base on data CGSS2006 showed that: there is significant positive correlation between the household saving rate in urban and rural with permanent income and transitory income and saving rate is more sensitive to temporary income change, especially temporary income had more greater affection on rural household savings rate than urban household. The study based on macro data also obtained consistent conclusion, and further found that:the saving behavior of Chinese household had significant inertia, the current high savings are often obvious long-term effects. In addition, we also found that household with higher income had high saving rate, the income gap expansion will significantly increase the overall saving rate in China. That, the vast majority saving are concentrated in a few high-income household, the gap between household saving is even more than the income gap.
     (2) Uncertainty also has an important influence on household saving rate. This paper defined uncertainty as the participation of social insurance (mainly pension and health insurance). Whether the use of micro or macro data, we also found:the participation of pension insurance and medical insurance can reduce the uncertainty, and significantly reduce household saving rates. After considering the future uncertainty and precautionary motives, the interpretation of model on urban and rural household saving rate has significantly increased. The quantile regression results show:LC-PIH is more appropriate in the household saving rate of the low and median quantile; and the precautionary saving theory is more appropriate in the high quantile. And empirical tests on macro data shown that public expenditure on social security benefits significantly reduce household saving rates.
     (3) Population age structure has an relatively weak influence on household saving rate in China. Contrast on inverted U-shape characteristics of the life cycle in Western. Based on micro data study found that:there is a U-shape characteristics in China's household saving rate, that means:as head of household age increased, the household saving rate first decline, then rise, especially after considering the family's education, medical expenses, the U-shape characteristics is more evident. Therefore, there is difficultly in accurately judge impact of population age structure on China's household saving rate in general, and during the process of population aging, one high saving groups would replace another, the overall household saving rate maybe be stable. The empirical tests on provincial panel data further found that:children dependency ratio has significantly the negative and positive correlation with urban and rural household saving rate, respectively, aged dependency ratio has no significantly correlation with the urban and rural household saving rate. In general, the indicators of population age structure has no significantly impact on household saving rate.
     (4) Urban-rural dual structure significantly improves the household saving rate in China. Due to historical and practical reasons, not only there is income gap between urban and rural household, but also rural public goods and services are relatively scarce. This study found that:the expenditure on education and health care has more significantly impact on rural household saving than urban; and urban-rural dual structure characteristics had a significant impact the whole saving rate, there is a significant negative correlation between urbanization with household saving rates and the widening in income gap between urban and rural would significantly increased household saving rate.
     (5) Housing conditions have significant effect on urban household high saving. After considering market-oriented reforms of housing supply system in China and the rapid rise in house prices in recent years, This paper discusses the mechanism of acquisition mode of house property, house wealth affecting household saving and empirical findings are:there are significantly positive correlation and negative correlation between market-oriented, non-market oriented approach to obtain own housing and urban household saving rate respectively, and owning house would rise saving rate because most of the Chinese urban households got their own houses by way of market-oriented approach. Besides, market-oriented approach of obtaining own housing would rise young family's savings rate, and non-market-oriented way of obtaining own housing has significantly reduced the young family's saving rate, but different ways of obtaining own housing would have no significant effect on the old household saving rate.
     (6)The off-farm employment significantly reduces the household saving rate in rural China. off-farm employment is the most important change in rural China in recent years. This paper argues that the development of non-agricultural employment will not only change the income levels and stability of peasants, and may even affect their the saving habits and culture, thereby have an important impact on rural household saving rate. this paper investigated the relationship between household saving ratio with the two most important forms of off-farm employment:migrant workers and off-farm business. After controlling the endogenous off-farm employment, the main conclusions are as follows:First, migrant workers, off-farm business significantly reduces the saving rate in rural household; Second, working as urban-rural migrant save more than off-farm business significantly; Third, off-farm employment increased expenditure of education, health care significantly in rural household, but the growth of basic living expenses are relatively small.
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