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Social transformation, technical progress and management innovation bring new changes with Human Resource Management of enterprises in new era. All of them break the previous role expectations of human resource managers, and replaced them with great pressure and challenges. In response to the stress and challenges, human resource managers of enterprises get many psychological problems, but "professional burnout" is one of the typical problems.
     The human resource managers' professional burnout and its expressions have bad effect on quality of Human Resource Management of enterprises. They not only hinder the growth of the enterprises and employees but also influence the development of the human resource managers' mental and physical health. In order to understand the general situation of the human resource managers of enterprises and the relationship between job burnout and some other variables such as sex, age, work experience and so on, the study takes 162 human resource managers as examples and take the questionnaire to research. At last, according to these research results author puts forward some suggestions to reduce job burnout in human resource management.
     The thesis mainly consists of following parts:
     PartⅠsummarizes the background, puts forward the significance and target of this research, and introduces main approaches adopted.
     PartⅡby summarizing and researching literature, sums up the researches on job burnout and definition for the human resource managers of enterprises.
     PartⅢintroduces the compiling, reliability and validity assessment and statistical of the survey paper on human resource managers of enterprises. Following conclusions are drawn: Firstly, most of the surveyed human resource managers represent serious job burnout. Secondly, the level of the emotional exhaustion of the human resource managers of enterprises is serious, disintegrated personality is ordinary and the sense of success is high. Thirdly, variables, as gender, marital status, age, education, professional background, position, age of working, assert great differential influences on the level and dimensions of human resource managers' job burnout.
     PartⅣaccording to research conclusion, puts forward some suggestions to reduce job burnout in human resource management. At last, it described as the main limitations of this study and follow-up research.
     This study expanded the scope of job burnout, explored the job burnout situation of the enterprise human resource managers. This thesis carried on the reason analysis to empirical result, in order to provide some support for the future research.
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    [1]Maslach C, Jackson SE. Maslach burnout inventory manual (2nd ed.)[M]. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press. 1986
    [2]Schaufeli WB, Greenglass ER. Introduction to special issue on burnout and health, Psychology and Health, 2001,1(16): 501-510
    [3]Bakker AB, Schaufeli WB, DEmerout I E, Janssen PP, Vader Huslst R and Brouwer J. Using equity theory to examine the difference between burnout and depression, Anxiety, Stress and Ciping, 2000,13:247-268
    [4]Cordes CL and Dougherty TW. A review and an integration of research on job burnout. Academy of Management Review, 1993,18(4):621-656
    [5]Barry A .Farber. 2000 Treatment Strategies for Different Types of Teacher Burnout. Psychotherapy in Practice. 675-689
    [6]Maslach, C. (1982). Understanding burnout: definitional issues in analyzing a complex phenomenon. In Paine, W.S.(Eds.), Job Stress and Burnout Beverly Hills, CA:SAGE Publication.
    [7]Maslach C, Jackson SE, measurement of experienced burnout{J}. Journal of Occupational Behavior, 1981, 2: 99-115
    [8]Maslach C, Schaufeli WB, Leiter MP. Job burnout [J]. Annual Reviews of Psychology. 2001, 52: 397-422
    [9]Maslach C, Leiter MP. Burnout and quality in a step-up world. Journal for Quality& Participation. 2001:48-51
    [10]Densten L. Re-thinking burnout. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2001,22:833-847
    [11] Moore JE. Why is this happening? A causal attribution approach to work exhaustion consequences. Academy of Management Review,2000,25(2):335-349
    [12]Hobfoll SE. The influence of culture, community, and the nested self in the stress process: Advancing conservation of resources theory. App lied Psychology: A n International Review, 2001, 50:337- 370
    [13]Bakker AB, Demerouti E, Toon W, et al. A mutiny group analysis of the job demands-Re1 sources model in four home care organizations. International Journal of Stress Management, 2003,10 (1): 16-38
    [14] Moore J E. One road turnover: An examination of work exhaustion in technology professionals. MIS Quarterly,2000,24(1): 141-175
    [15] Harden R M. Stress, pressure and burnout in teachers: Is the swan exhausted? Medical Teacher, 1999,21 (3):245-247
    [16] Leonard B. Can service with a smile lead to job burnout? HRMagazine,2000,45(4) :27
    [17] Schaufeli WB, Enzmann D. The burnout companion to study and practice: A critical analysis. London: Taylor and Francis, 1998
    [18]Lee, R. & Ashforth, B. On the meaning of Maslach's three dimensions of burnout. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1990,75:743-747
    [19] Evans, B. & Fischer, D. The nature of burnout: A study of the three-factor models of burnout in human service and non-human service samples. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 1993,66: 29-38
    [20]Taris TW, Schreurs G, Schaufeli WB. Construct validity of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey: a two-sample examination of its factor structure and correlates. Work&Stress, 1999,13(3):223-237
    [21]Schutte N, Toppinen S, &Kalimo R,et al. The factorial validity of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey across occupational groups and nations. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,2000,73:53-66
    [22]Schaufeli WB , Leiter MP, Maslach C, et al. MBI manual (3~(rd) Edn.)[M].Palo Alto,CA: Consulting Psychologist Press 1996:67-102
    [23]Pines A. Burnout. In: Goldberger L, Breznitz S. Handbook of stress. New York: The Free Press,1993,386-403
    [24]PinesA M, &Aronson E. Career burnout: Cause and cures[M]. New York: Fress, 1981:156-180
    [25]Breminkmeijer V, Van Yperen NW, Buunk B P. Burnout and depression are not identical twins: Is superiority a distinguishing feature [J].Personality and Individual Differences, 2001,30:873-880
    [26]Bideau G. Certaine aspects cultures, diagnostiqueset juridiques de burnout[M]. Montreat: Confederation de Syndicats Nationaux, 1989:73-78
    [27]Leonard B. Can service with a smile lead to job burnout? 2000,45(4):27
    [28]Schaufeli WB,Enzmann D.The burnout companion to study and practice:A critical analysis.London:Taylor and Francis,1998
    [29]Dessler G..Personnel/Human Resource Management,5thed,Pentice Hall Inc Editions,1991,2-8
    [30]Schaufeli W B.The evaluation of a burnout workshop for community nurses.Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration,1995,18:11-40
    [52] 186197.html

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