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急性淋巴细胞白血病(acute lymphoblastic leukemia, ALL)是儿童最常见的肿瘤,约占儿童肿瘤的1/3。美国“监测、流行病学和最终结果”(surveillence,epidemiology, and end results, SEER)显示每年大约有3,250儿童诊断为白血病,中国每年新增ALL儿童12,000人,ALL成为威胁全球儿童健康的重要疾病之一。如何识别ALL的高危人群,降低儿童ALL的发病率,是摆在我们面前的重要问题。儿童ALL的具体病因目前尚不完全清楚,发病机制也十分复杂。流行病学、分子生物学和遗传学的研究证实,儿童ALL是环境因素和遗传因素共同作用的疾病。宏观流行病学研究表明,个体因素(如免疫系统缺陷性疾病)和环境暴露因素(如家庭装修、母亲孕期感染、长期接触放射环境)是ALL发病的危险因素。但不同遗传背景的个体在相同的环境危险因素暴露下发生ALL的危险性不同,说明遗传背景的差异影响了个体癌症易感性的高低。因此,识别ALL的易感基因是鉴别ALL高危人群的关键。
     目前已知,染色体和基因重排是白血病的重要遗传学标志。染色体的末端异常是导致基因重排的重要原因并参与了白血病的发病。端粒位于染色体的末端,由DNA重复序列和蛋白组成,产生一个称为端粒体的特殊结构来保护染色体末端防止融合和降解。端粒包括端粒酶和端粒相关蛋白(shelterin)。端粒酶以自身RNA(TERC)为模板,在端粒酶反转录酶(TERT)的作用下,在染色体末端合成端粒TTAGGG重复序列,维持端粒长度的稳定。端粒酶活性在大多数体细胞中是缺失的,但在90%人类肿瘤中可以检测到端粒酶过表达。端粒酶的异常表达导致细胞生命的延长和永生,从而导致癌变,并且在肿瘤形成过程中,端粒酶还参与DNA损伤修复、染色质结构调节和基因表达调控。目前研究发现,对于大约10%~15%不表达TERT或端粒酶的细胞,选择性地延长端粒(alternative lengthening of telomeres, ALT)通路是维持端粒长度的机制,且为正常细胞死亡逃逸和恶性转化的机制。最新的meta分析发现,缩短的端粒与多种肿瘤的发病风险有关,并且成人ALL患者的端粒长度比正常骨髓细胞短,伴随着端粒酶活性的增高。因此,端粒酶的遗传变异与儿童ALL的发生发展可能存在很大的关联,但是目前尚未见相关研究报道。
     人类基因组计划(Human Genome Project, HGP)研究表明,基因组中的遗传变异会影响基因的结构和功能,而单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotidepolymorphism, SNP)是遗传变异中最常见的一种类型。目前有多个全基因组关联研究(gemome-wide association study, GWAS)结果发现TERT基因内部多个SNPs与多种肿瘤易感性有关、TERC基因附近SNPs与端粒长度有关。
     近年来儿童ALL遗传药理学的研究成为热点,而单核苷酸多态性是遗传药理学所研究的重要的遗传变异。大剂量甲氨喋呤(high dose methotrexate,HDMTX)联合亚叶酸钙(calcium folinate, CF)是儿童ALL常见的治疗方法,成为儿童ALL遗传药理学研究的经典模型。端粒酶已被证实为影响药物代谢的候选基因。
     单个SNP位点Logistic回归结果显示,TERT启动子区rs2736109和rs2735940,内含子区(rs2736100、rs2853676、rs10069690和rs4246742)与儿童ALL的发病风险有关。在联合分析中,我们发现携带6~11个危险等位基因的个体比携带0~5个危险等位基因的个体更易罹患ALL(调整OR=1.44,95%CI=1.13-1.84),并且这种风险在B-ALL中更明显。值得注意的是,TERT第2内含子的两个SNPs与端粒长度有关,即rs2736100CC基因型比野生基因型增加61%的机会获得长端粒,rs2853676AG/AA基因型比野生基因型增加27%的机会获得长端粒。但未发现这些标签SNPs与TERT mRNA表达水平和端粒酶活性的关系。
     研究发现,123例接受大剂量MTX治疗的患儿,44h监测点MTX血清平均浓度为0.73±0.84μmol/L,68h为0.21±0.27μmol/L,一共有69例(56.1%)发生了MTX排泄延迟,41例(33.3%)发生肝功能损伤,其中有18例(14.6%)MTX排泄延迟的患儿发生了肝功能损伤。位于TERT启动子区的rs2735940CT/TT基因型个体发生HDMTX44h排泄延迟的机率比携带CC基因型个体增加1.89倍(OR=2.89,95%CI=1.08-7.77),而位于TERT第2内含子的rs2736100AC/CC基因型个体发生HDMTX44h排泄延迟的机率比携带AA基因型个体增加1.64倍(OR=2.64,95%CI=1.01-6.87),但是这两个SNPs与68h MTX排泄延迟没有关联,亦与肝功能损伤无关联。
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common malignant disorder inchildhood accounting for approximately three-quarters of all childhood leukemiadiagnoses and the incidence is increasing worldwide. According to the report ofsurveillence, epidemiology, and end results (SEER) in USA, each year, around3,250children are diagnosed with leukemia, of which about2,400are ALL. Approximately12,000new ALL cases were diagnosed each year in China. Despite extensive studies,little is known about the pathogenesis of ALL, although both inherited susceptibilityand specific environmental exposure (such as house painting, infection duringpregnancy, irradiation) are supposed to play a role in this process.
     Chromosome and gene rearrangements are the hallmark of leukemia. Abnormalchromosome extremities favor such rearrangements and are thereby involved inleukemogenesis. Telomere-driven genome instability is a widespread cause ofgenome instabiliy. Telomere is a complex DNA-protein structure located at the end ofall linear eukaryotic chromosomes. Telomerase consists of a catalytic protein subunit,human telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT), the RNA component of thetelomerase (TERC) and the shelterin complex. The major role of human telomerase isto catalyze the addition of telomeric repeat sequences TTAGGG onto chromosomeends for stabilization of telomere length in attaining cellular immortality and maytherefore be a critical step in carcinogenesis. Moreover, telomerase is involved inDNA damage repair, chromatin regulation and genes regulation. It is known thattelomerase is active in90%of tumors, while in those cells which do not expressTERT or telomerase at all, the alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) pathway is assumed to preserve the length of telomeres, which are obligate for senescencebypass and for neoplastic transformation of normal cells. Recent meta-analyses havereported an association between short telomeres and increased risk of several types ofhuman cancers. Moreover, telomere length was shorter in ALL subjects than innormal bone marrow mononuclear cells. And compared to healthy individuals,telomerase activity was higher in acute leukemia children. Therefore, genetic variantsof telomerase may play important roles in the development of childhood ALL,however, there were not any studies about it.
     With the completion of Human Genome Projict (HGP), it is known that geneticvariantions play an important role in gene structure and function, and singlenucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is the most common type of genetic variants. In theprevious years, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have successfullydiscovered multiple SNPs at TERT associated with risk for multiple cancers andSNPs near TERC are associated with telomere length.
     Moreover, in recent years, pharmacogenetics in childhood ALL has become amajor field of research and SNPs is of particular importance for drugs with a verynarrow therapeutic index, such as Methotrexate (MTX). The pharmacologic effects ofMTX are well characterized, and telomerase has emerged as one drug resistancecandidate and may be involved in drug metabolism.
     In the present study, we conducted a hospital-based case-control study toinvestigate the associations between genetic variants of telomerase and childhoodALL susceptibility, telomere length and the childhood ALL susceptibility and thepharmacogenetics of MTX. Our study searched for potential biomarkers forchildhood ALL susceptibility and provides clues of MTX for the childhood ALLpharmacogenetics study, which may provide a “proof-of-principle” approach forindividualized prevention, clinical decision and individualized treatment.
     A Molecular Epidemiology Study on the Associationsbetween the TERT Polymorphisms and GeneticSusceptibility of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
     Human TERT is essential for the maintenance of telomere DNA length,chromosomal stability, and cellular immortality. We hypothesized that TERTpolymorphisms are associated with risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia(ALL). In a case-control study of570cases and673cancer-free controls of Chinese,we genotyped TERT tagging single-nucleotide polymorphisms (tSNPs) to evaluatethe association and further examined the association among these polymorphisms andtelomerase activity, telomere length. We found that two TERT promoter region tSNPs(rs2735940and rs2736109) and four intron region tSNPs (rs2736100, rs2853676,rs10069690and rs4246742) were associated with risk of childhood ALL. When thesetSNPs were evaluated together by the number of putative risk alleles, a statisticallyincreased risk of ALL was associated with6-11risk alleles, compared with those with0-5risk alleles [adjusted odds ratio (OR)=1.44,95%confidence interval (95%CI)=1.13-1.84] and this association was more pronounced in B-ALL. Notably, TERTintron2polymorphisms (rs2736100and rs2853676) are associated with longertelomeres. Compared with the wild genotype, CC genotype of rs2736100increased61%and AG/AA genotype of rs2853676increased27%susceptibility of longertelomere length. However, no effect modifications were found for variant alleles andtelomerase activity. Our findings suggested that TERT genetic variants are associatedwith the susceptibility of childhood ALL. They may influence the telomere lengthhomeostasis and contributed to the development of childhood ALL.
     A Molecular Epidemiology Study on the Associationsbetween the TERC Polymorphisms and GeneticSusceptibility of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
     Telomeres are involved in maintaining chromosomal stability, cellularimmortality and tumorigenesis. A recent GWAS has identified an associationbetween telomere length and two common variants (rs12696304and rs16847897) at3q26that includes TERC. We hypothesized that the two variants and relativetelomere length (RTL) would be a predictor of the risk of childhood acutelymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). A case-control study of570cases and673cancer-free controls of Chinese children was performed. We found that rs16847897CG genotype increased risk of childhood ALL compared with the CC genotype by29%. However, there was no association between this polymorphism and telomerelength. Our findings indicated that TERC variants are associated with elevated risk ofALL in Chinese children and rs16847897heterozygote may be the risk genotype ofchildhood ALL.
     Telomere Length Contribute to Childhood AcuteLymphoblastic Leukemia Risk
     Telomere length is a heritable trait, and is variable among different types of cells,tissues and individuals. Telomere shortening is involved in initiation and progressionof malignancies. A series of epidemiological studies have examined the associationbetween shortened telomeres and risk of cancers, but there was no study aboutchildhood ALL in Chinese Han population. In a case-control study of570cases and673cancer-free controls of Chinese children, we examined relative telomere length. We found that there was a protective relationship between second and third quartilesof RTL and risk of ALL [adjusted OR with95%CI by quartile:0.65(0.47-0.91) and0.56(0.40-0.79)], compared with the first quartile (shortest) RTL. Our findingsindicated that extreme telomere length may be a potential predictor for future risk ofALL.
     Telomerase Polymorphisms Are Associated withMethotrexate Elimination after High-Dose Infusion
     High-dose MTX (HDMTX) with calcium folinate (CF) rescue has been widelyused in the treatment of ALL. The high doses and therefore of a high systemicexposure to MTX was shown to significantly improve the outcome in children withALL. Nevertheless, HDMTX administration is responsible for toxic effects includingdermatitis and mucositis, which are related to serum concentrations. Inter-individualvariability in MTX disposition is well known. Genetic variants of telomerase may beinvolved in drug metabolism and are associated with the MTX metabolism.123casesof childhood ALL undergoing HDMTX chemotherapy with CF rescue were includedin the study and their genomic DNA was genotyped to identify polymorphisms attelomerase. We obtained the values of their plasma MTX concentration and liverenzymes at the same time. As a result, we found the serum MTX level was0.73±0.84μmol/L at44h after HDMTX treatment,0.21±0.27μmol/L at68h. The overallnumber with delayed MTX elimination was69(56.1%) and MTX hepatotoxicity was41(33.3%). Those cases both with delayed MTX elimination and hepatotoxicity were18(14.6%). Furthermore, TERT promoter SNP rs2735940CT/TT genotype increasedthe risk of delayed MTX elimination at44h by1.89fold compared with CC genotypeand TERT intron2SNP rs2736100AC/CC genotype increased the risk of delayedMTX elimination at44h by1.64fold compared with AA genotype. Our resultsindicated that the TERT polymorphisms may be involved in the clearance of serum MTX and act as a biological marker for the MTX treatment.
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