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The new open environment and the long-term rapid development of whole economy have also made the surroundings of China's agriculture changed significantly since the Reform and Opening. On the one hand, economic and income growth make demand for agricultural products increasing greatly, whether in quantity, quality or varieties;on the other hand, the space to develop for China's agriculture was occupied by expanding cities and rapidly growing industries. Pressures from both demand and supply side made China's agricultural value chain have to evolve, to produce enough outputs with limited inputs in an open environment, to maintain a Chinese agriculture's international competitiveness, to raise farmers' income. To accomplish this hard task, a continued growth of agricultural productivity is necessary, and the purpose of this article is to discuss the direction of the evolution of China's agricultural value chain, find its impact on China's agricultural productivity, whether in short-term or in long-term.
     Based on this purpose, after introducing and literature reviews, in the3rd and4th chapters, this article summed up every impact of openness on China's agricultural, and put special attention on the world agricultural product price fluctuation on domestic agricultural prices, on the evolution of China's agricultural productivity.
     The analysis of the evolution of China's agricultural value chain begins in chapter5. The writer analyzed the determining of value chain integration, summarized the law of agricultural value chain evolution during globalization. Combine the case study on Japan agriculture in Chapter6. the article build a simple model of China's agricultural value chain evolution, point out the existing problem during that evolution.
     Based on that analysis, this article studied the impact of value chain evolution on China's agricultural productivity in short-term and long-tem in chapter8and chapter9. separately. The results show that proper evolution of agricultural value chain can improve China's agricultural productivity significantly, whether in short or long term.
     Given the positive impact of value chain evolution on China's agricultural productivity, it could be effective tools for China's agriculture to improve its productivity and international competiveness. to raise Chinese farmers' income. This article makes some policy suggestions in that way in the last chapter.
     In short, this article summarized the law of agricultural value chain evolution in an open environment, point out the direction of China's agricultural value chain evolution:find the evidence of its significantly positive impact on agricultural productivity. Compared with previous studies, for the first time, this article confirm the effect of open on the emerge of the relationship between domestic and world market agricultural prices, find the convergent tendency of China's agricultural technical efficiency has been enhanced signanificantly in the open environment, point out the direction of the evolution of China's agcicultura value chain, and proved the positive impact of vertical integration on China's agricultural productivity in the short and long term. Based on those results, this article gives some policy suggestion at last.
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