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The treatise "The Research on the Family Instructions of the Monarchs and Scholar-officials in Han and Tang Dynasties" gives a comprehensive and systematic check on the documents, research into the content and analysis of the forms about the family instructions of the monarchs and scholar-officials in Han and Tang Dynasties .
    This article is divided into three parts:
    Part one Research on the family instructions of the monarchs and scholar-officials in Han Dynasty. The content of the instructions of the monarchs, such as "Imperial Orders to the Prince Royal" by Liu Bang are simple, but are not beyond the width and depth of Zhou Dan's family instructions. The content of the scholar-official instructions focuses on cultivating one's moral character, and follows a certain pattern. The modes of thought are restricted by Confucianism, and they lack the expression of true feelings. The monarch instructions are written in only a few styles, while the scholar-official instructions are written in a variety of styles, many of which are letters. The sentence patterns are loose, and the language is simple and plain.
    Part two Research on the family instructions of the monarchs and scholar-officials in Wei, Jin and South and North Dynasties. The monarch instructions are rich in content. Cultivating one's moral character, reading and employing a person are closely connected with managing a country. There is a tendency toward individuality in these instructions, and the modes of thought are of diversity. The content of the scholar-official instructions become richer, and the scholar-officials enlarge the range of their instructions. The Instructions of the Yan Family deals with every side of family life. These instructions are more complicated and contradictory than any previously connected, and the trend of diversity in the modes of thought is more obvious. Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism exist together. These instructions heighten emotional character. The scholar-officials begin to express their rich feelings. The style is very complicated, the sentence structure clearly tends toward a parallel style and the language
    is full of variety. In all the family instructions of this period, the Instructions of the Yan Family develops a school of its own for its unique structure, its combination of parallel prose and its beautiful and graceful language style.
    Part three ?Research on the family instructions of the monarchs and scholar-officials in Tang Dynasty. In this part the research on the monarch instructions
    mainly focuses on those by Emperor Li Shimin. Emperor Model is complete and systematic. Emperor Li Shimin emphasizes again and again his dualistic role as both an emperor and a father, so the feelings in the instructions are mixed and contradictory. The content of the scholar-official instructions are clearly affected by the imperial examination system, and they have a tendency of polarity in expressing the feelings. The literary works of the instructions are well known for their strictness and pay little attention to family emotions. In "Women's Analects" there is a strong contrast between theory and practice. The instructive poems play a dominant role, generally following a pattern of five Chinese characters to a line. The language is colloquial and simple. Influenced by the classical literacy style of the Tang Dynasty, the sentence structure is loose in the family instructions, and the language is simple and more practical with less literacy grace.
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