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随着互联网技术的发展,越来越多的企业和部门将其业务放到互联网上进行,这直接导致了对信息安全产品需求的增长。近几年的市场调查报告显示,VPN市场增长突飞猛进。由于IPsec VPN在应用中逐渐显现出来的不足(比如,与NAT设备冲突、配置和使用复杂、给操作系统内核带来的安全隐患等),人们开始寻求更加安全易用的VPN技术。
     基于SSL协议的VPN是当前最引人关注的一种新兴的VPN技术。但由于缺乏统一的标准和规范,目前市场上基于SSL协议的VPN产品(一般称为SSL VPN),技术参差不齐,功能差异较大,这给VPN产品的选择带来困难。另外,由于受美国对出口密码产品管制的限制,在标准的SSL协议实现中,密钥长度较短,因而其安全强度被大大削,不符合在国内一些对安全要求较高的领域(比如政府、军队、金融等)应用的需要。因此有必要对基于SSL协议的VPN技术进行深入系统的研究并加以改进。
     本文首先结合SSL协议的安全性,分析了SSL协议对VPN实现的支持,总结出基于SSL协议的VPN的特征,提出将基于SSL协议的VPN划分为代理型SSL VPN和隧道型SSL VPN两大类。并对SSL协议在VPN应用中应该注意的问题进行了总结。
     代理型SSL VPN的特点是基于代理技术实现和“无客户端”的运行模式,即其运行只需要WEB浏览器即可,无需专门安装客户端。本文研究了代理型SSL VPN的技术原理;总结了代理型SSL VPN支持的应用类型,并针对不同应用类型所采用的代理技术进行了研究;分析了代理型SSL VPN客户端存在的安全缺陷并提出了解决方案;总结了代理型SSL VPN的优势、不足以及适用的场合。
     隧道型SSL VPN基于虚拟网卡技术实现,其运行需要通信双方安装VPN软件,通过虚拟网卡建立的隧道进行安全数据传输。本文研究了隧道型SSL VPN的技术原理;详细说明了虚拟网卡的原理;对隧道型SSL VPN中可能出现的TCP over TCP的隧道数据封装方式带来的问题进行了讨论,并给出了解决办法;总结了代理型SSL VPN的优势、不足以及适用的场合。
     (1)总结出基于SSL协议的VPN的特征,提出将基于SSL协议的VPN划分为代理型SSL VPN和隧道型SSL VPN两大类。
     (2)对代理型SSL VPN和隧道型SSL VPN的关键技术进行了系统的研究,分析了其各自的优势和不足,总结了其各自适用的场合和支持的应用。
     本人在读期间参加过SSL VPN预研项目,对完成本文有较大帮助。
With the development of Internet technology,a growing number of enterprises and departments put their business on the Internet,which led directly to the growth of demand for information security products.The market survey report of recent years shows that VPN market is growing by leaps and bounds.As the shortcomings coming to appear gradually in the application of IPsec VPN(for example,confliction with NAT equipment,complexity in configuration and use,the security risks brought to the operating system kernel,etc.),people began to seek more secure and easy-to-use VPN technology.
     SSL-based VPN is the most spectacular VPN technology,which is a new type of VPN.Due to the lack of unified standards and norms,the current VPN products based on the SSL protocol(commonly known as SSL VPN)differs greatly from each other in technology and function,as brings difficulties to the choice of VPN products.In addition,because of the United States's controls on the export of encryption products, the key in the standard SSL protocol implementation is shorter and thus its strength was greatly weakened.So it can not be used in some fields that require more stringent security(such as government,military,financial,etc.).Therefore it is necessary to make an in-depth study on SSL-based VPN and to improve it.
     Firstly,the thesis analyses the supports provided by the SSL protocol for VPN implementation,which bases on the security analyse of the SSL protocol.The thesis summarizes the characteristic of SSL-based VPN and proposes dividing SSL-based VPNs into two categories:proxy-based SSL VPN and tunnel-based SSL VPN.The security issues are summarized that should be paid attention to in the applications of SSL-based VPNs.
     The characteristics of proxy-based SSL VPN are its implementation relying on proxy technology and "clientless" operation mode,which only needs WEB browser without installation of specialized client.The thesis studies the technical principles of proxy-based SSL VPN,summarizes the application types supported by proxy-based SSL VPN and illustrates the proxy technologies adopted by every application type, analyses the security flaws of the proxy-based SSL VPN clients and puts forward solutions.The thesis summarizes the proxy-based SSL VPN's advantages, disadvantages,and applicable occasions.
     Tunnel-based SSL VPN bases on virtual NIC technology.The ends of VPN both require for the installation of the VPN software and it transmits data through the secure tunnel established between the virtual NICs.The thesis studies the technical principles of tunnel-based SSL VPN,illustrates the virtual NIC technology,discusses the problem brought by TCP over TCP encapsulation and gives a solution.The tunnel-based SSL VPN's advantages,disadvantages,and applicable occasions are also summarized in the thesis.
     Finally,the thesis presents an implementation of VPN based on the SSL protocol which provides support for the domestic crypto equipments and algorithms.The implementation is based on the mature tunnel-based SSL VPN,OpenVPN,an open source project,and calls the domestic crypto equipments and algorithms through a custom OpenSSL Engine to compensate for the defects of weak key strength of standard SSL protocol.The implementation not only meets domestic needs for VPN based on the SSL protocol,but also accelerated the VPN's development and reduces the cost of constructing the VPN.
     To sum up,the thesis mainly:
     (1)summarizes the characteristic of SSL-based VPN and proposes dividing SSL-based VPNs into two categories:proxy-based SSL VPN and tunnel-based SSL VPN.
     (2)makes a in-depth study on the key technologies of proxy-based SSL VPN and tunnel-based SSL VPN,analyzes their respective advantages and disadvantages,and sums up their applicable occasions and the applications supported.
     (3)presents an implementation of SSL-based VPN with support for the domestic crypto equipments and algorithms.
     I took part in the SSL VPN preliminary research project during my studying for a master's degree,which give me a big help to complete the thesis.
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