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车辆自组网(Vehicular ad hoc network,简称VANET)是物联网浪潮在智能交通领域所新兴的一种重要应用形态,主要涉及移动自组织网络和传感器网络,近年来已经成为了学术界和工业界共同的研究热点。VANET旨在提升道路交通的行车安全和行车效率,能够有效加强交通安全、防范治理拥堵和改善驾乘环境,具有迫切的实用需求,广阔的应用前景,以及改善民生的重大战略意义。但同时,VANET中隐私信息比较丰富并且十分敏感,加上规模大,速度快,开放性等特点,使得VANET面临严重隐私泄露威胁。人们在担忧其安全和个人隐私得不到充分保障的情况下,不太可能接受和参与VANET,这严重制约了VANET的进一步发展和应用。因此,设计有效的隐私保护机制就逐渐成为了VANET研究与设计、应用与部署中的一个至关重要的紧迫性、基础性和挑战性的问题。目前,有越来越多的研究者投入到这个热点领域,挖掘出了很多问题,并积累了不少成果。但目前还是缺乏对VANET隐私保护进行针对性的系统视角的体系架构研究,现有的隐私保护协议的综合效率、实用性、适应性和可扩展性等也具有一定的提升空间。
     (1)在VANET隐私保护体系架构层面上,提出了一个面向实用的基于代理签名簇的隐私保护框架V S PPF:分析了以消息和隐私保护为中心的安全机制,提出了事先预判模式,事中挫败模式和事后追踪等三种基本模式。并以实际可操作性,可伸缩性为基本设计准则,对该框架进行了多方位的深入探讨和分析,自顶向下按辖区划分了四个级别设置,分析了七个关键角色,在基本框架的关键位置嵌入了四个关键代理签名:条件隐私保护型代理签名,身份认证授权型代理签名,防追溯滥用授权型代理签名,业务前置授权型代理签名。该框架不仅具有对车辆隐私进行安全保护的能力,还具备良好的实际部署能力和可扩展能力,可用于规范和指导实际运营系统的建设。
     (4)基于双线性对(Weil对或Tate对)、无证书公钥体制(CL-PKC)和秘密共享机制,设计了一个用于追溯权管理的可追溯门限代理隐私保护协议:TC TPS。追溯权管理机构能将追溯权授权给特定的n个代理人组成的群体,任何大于或等于t个授权代理人合作,就能得到一个合法的代理签名,但少于t个则不能。为了保护代理签名者的隐私,TC TPS的代理签名者具有匿名性,但同时通过特定标签的设置,需要时可通过认证中心准确追溯到实际签名者。TC TPS满足随机预言机下代理签名的安全性,消除了密钥托管问题,并具备较好的效率。
     (5)基于上述框架和协议,提出了一个VANET隐私保护系统:PKU V P P S,给出了该系统的体系架构并进行了深入的分析和探讨。P KU V P P S系统以T P4RS,F AP P,T C T P S等协议为关键技术支撑点,不仅具有对车辆隐私的保护能力,还具备良好的实际部署能力和可扩展能力。通过系统设计原则的确定,子系统的规划和设计(包括管理总中心子系统,管理分中心子系统,追溯事件审计子系统,路边单元运维子系统,路边单元子系统,车载单元子系统,应用子系统簇),进一步对实际系统的建设提出了直接的指导意见。系统分析表明PKU V PPS能很好的满足VANET隐私保护系统的各项需求。
VANET (Vehicular ad hoc network) is one of the most important Internet ofThings(IoT) applications in the intelligent transportation field, which incude mobilead-hoc network and sensor network. VANET is receiving increasing attentions fromacademia and industry in recent years. VANET aims to enhance the safety and effi-ciency of road traffic. VANET can improve People’s livelihood and has a wide horizonof development. But it also faces serious security threats such as privacy preservation,because of its high privacy sensitivity of drivers, its huge scale of vehicle number, andits openness. VANET has been strictly constrained by security and privacy preservationbecause users would not accept or participate it with fear for their safety or personalprivacy. As a result, how to design an effectual VANET privacy-protecting mechanismbecomes a key, urgent, fundamental and challenging problem, and the research aboutthat is becoming a hot spot. There has been a large number of research issues andresults. However, there is short of research about the privacy-protecting frameworkfrom the system or architecture view. And more, the existing privacy-protecting proto-cols or schemes still have some room for improvement in the over-all performance, thepracticality, the adaptivity, the expandability and etc.
     Directed by the VANET’s privacy-protecting subject, this paper focuses on theidentity-privacy protection, and does a deep and systematic analysis of the conceptions,the models(include the system model and attack model), the secure requirements, andthe research status in this field. We also consider the practicality, scalability, and thedeployment on the practical VANET ecosystem view. The work constituting this thesisintroduces the following five-fold contribution:
     (1) In the VANET privacy-protecting architecture level, we propose a VANET Pri-vacy Protecting Framework (P S P P F). The framework not only can providegood identity and location privacy protecting for the vehicles, but also can beimplemented and deployed smoothly because of its practice-based design and expandability. There are4levels,7key roles, and4proxy signature forms inP S P P F:the conditional-privacy-form, identity-authentication-form, abuse-preventing-form, and application-front-form. And based on the center of messageand privacy protection, we also introduce three basic pattern of the protectingmechanism: priori-prevention, on-the-spot-counteraction and posteriori-audit.
     (2) Using a single hop proxy re-signature in the standard model as a basic buildingblock, we introduce a traceable privacy-preserving authentication protocol forVANET (T P4RS). T P4RS has some appealing features: The TransportationRegulation Center (TRC) designates the Roadside Units (RSUs) translating sig-natures computed by the On-Board Units (OBUs) into one that is valid as forTRC’s public key. As a result, the potential danger that vehicles could be tracedby the signatures on messages can be well deleted, and attacks are thwarted by us-ing an endorsement mechanism based on signatures. If required, TRC can traceout the disputed message’s real signer with the cooperation of the target RSU.Comparison with other existing schemes in the literature has been performed toshow the efficiency and applicability of our scheme and can match the VANETconditional privacy protecting objects well through security analysis.
     (3) Using a float-car-aided group forming method, we propose a traceableprivacy-preserving authentication protocol in Vehicle2Vehicle communicationfor VANET (F AP P). In F AP P, the float car F form a group G which membersare the vehicles around it. As a group leader, F takes charge of the verification ofthe member car through the Revocation List from the TRC. F generates the ses-sion key and determines the configuration for the group, too. F can anonymizethe message from the group member, and then send it to other group membersor other group leader after inserted a corresponding trace entry into the tracelog. If required, Trace Execution Department(TED) can trace out the disputedmessage’s real signer with the cooperation of the TRC. Comparison with otherexisting schemes in the literature has been performed to show the efficiency andapplicability of our scheme and can match the VANET conditional privacy pro-tecting objects well through security analysis.
     (4) Based on bilinear pairings which built from Weil pairing or Tate pairing,certificateless public key cryptography (CL-PKC) and secret sharing crypto-graphic primitives,we present a traceable certificateless threshold proxy signa-ture scheme(T C-T P S). Using our (t,n) threshold T C-T P S scheme, theoriginal signer can delegate the power of signing messages to a designated proxy group of n members. Any t or more proxy signers of the group can cooperativelyissue a proxy signature on behalf of the original signer, but t-1or less proxy sign-ers cannot. For the privacy protection, all proxy signers remain anonymous butcan be traceable by TRC through a tag setting. As compared with other clas-sic schemes, T C T P S satisfies all security requirements in the random oraclemodel, eliminates the key-escrow problem and has performance advantage.
     (5) Based on the above framework and protocols, we introduce a novel VANETPrivacy-Preserving System (P KU V P P S). We propose the architecture, thesystem model and the key management of P KU V P P S. Some security tech-nologies applied in this architecture and relationships among them are analyzedin detail. P KU V P P S is based on the key technologies such as T P4RSprotocol, F AP P protocol, T C T P S protocol, and achieves some good fea-tures: the system not only can provide good privacy protecting for the vehicles,but also can be implemented and deployed well because of its practice-baseddesign and expandability. We confirm the system constructive principles, andthen break down it to multiple subsystems, such as management subsystem, sub-management subsystem, trace-event audit subsystem, RSU maintenance subsys-tem, RSU subsystem, OBU subsystem, application subsystem. The system anal-ysis shows P KU-V P P S could match privacy protecting targets well.
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