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Along with the development of economic globality, the internationalization of higher education is becoming a necessary development trend. The intercommunion and cooperation of all countries in the fields of higher education advanced the internationalization of teachers in universities and colleges,which is becoming a important content of the internationalization of higher education in all countries.
    On the basis of discussing the basic characters and development current of the internationalization of higher education., this thesis dissertates the concept of the internationalization of teachers in universities and colleges and analyses the background and factors of it in history and nowadays aspects. Follow, this thesis looks back the germination,development, singleness or basic resort and renewing and maturing phases and expatiates on basic characters in all phases. And then , it summarizes the development directions in other countries in the title of a technical post,study,age,status,origin and treatment aspects. Finally, this thesis puts forward a few advices in the internationalization of teachers in universities and colleges in our country: Firstly, building up ideas of the internationalization of teachers in universities and colleges; Secondly, sticking to the principles of Introducing into and Working out ,in order to advancing the degree of the internationalization of teachers in universities and
     colleges; Thirdly, establishing international mechanisms of managing teachers; Fourthly,forming flexible and various systems of the training teachers in universities and colleges.
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