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Religious dissemination usually spells linguistic influences on the languages of the converted. Christianity (Protestantism in particular), a faith adhering to the localization of its liturgical language, has been particularly influential to some ex-non-literary languages around the globe. The Lisu language, which is spoken transnationally by some one million hill folks across China, Myanmar, Thailand and India, is one of the ex-non-literary languages that has been enormously influenced by the Christian evangelization.
     Based on the extensive fieldwork in the Lisu communities of both China and Thailand, and through two years' following the Lisu media around the globe, this work aims to examine Christian evangelization's linguistic effects on the Lisu language in the perspectives of orthography, inter-dialect communication, oral literature transmission (both the positive and negative effects), phonology, lexicon, grammars, pragmatics as well as Lisu's use.
     This work consists of seven sections, the preface unveils the value of the research by reviewing the relationship between religions and languages. The preface is also a fact-presentation of the transnational Lisu communities, the Lisu language, the worldwide Lisu churches and the history of the Lisu Scriptures.
     Chapter one begins with the Fraser Alphabet, the first Lisu orthography named after a Scottish missionary who devised it in the mid-1910s. The chapter proceeds to review three unsuccessful alternatives of the Fraser Alphabet before analyzing why the Fraser Alphabet prevails. Chapter one is concluded with information on the Fraser Alphabet's current use as well as its digitalization.
     Chapter two examines Christian evangelization's influences on Lisu's inter-dialect communication, the approaches through which Christianity bridges the Lisu dialects and the consequences of that.
     Chapter three analyzes the phonological, lexical, grammatical changes and the enrichment of pragmatics the Lisu language has undergone due to the influence of Christian evangelization.
     Chapter four studies Christian evangelization's two-sided effects on the transmission of the Lisu oral literature, and it details how Christianity has been both a bless and a curse to the Lisu oral literature.
     Chapter five focuses on how Christianity has extended and vitalized Lisu's use in the fields of education, inter-ethnic diffusion and media.
     The epilogue concludes the entire work with four questions concerning Christianity's positive and negative effects on the Lisu language plus the cultures.
① 丁石庆:《语言:由“此岸”通向“彼岸”的符号阶梯——宗教与语言关系概说》,《西北第二民族学院学报》,2005年第三期,总第67期。
    ② 注:《古兰经》使用的古典阿拉伯语和现代阿拉伯语存在大量差异,因此,今日很多阿拉伯语母语人也不能理解《古兰经》使用的阿拉伯语。
    ④ 薹[英]尼古拉斯·奥斯特勒著,章璐、梵非、蒋哲杰、王草倩译:《语言帝国——世界语言史》,上海人民出版社,2009年,第491页。
    ① 戴庆厦主编:《二十世纪的中国少数民族语言研究》,书海出版社,1998年,第608页。
    ① Rik De Busser, On the Status of Takivatan Bunun, An Austronesian Language from Taiwan, an article presented at the Third International Conference on Heritage Maintenance for Endangered Languages in Yunnan, China, jointly sponspored by Yuxi Normal University and La Trobe University, Australia. Article collection published by the Nationality's Publishing House, Beijing, China,2011.
    ② James A. Matisoff, English-Lahu Lexicon, the Introduction, the Lahu People and the Lahu Language, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles. April 1st,2006.
    ③ Ibid
    ④ David Bradley, Resilience Thinking and Language Endangerment, an article presented at the Third International Conference on Heritage Maintenance for Endangered Languages in Yunnan, China, jointly sponspored by Yuxi Normal University and La Trobe University, Australia. Article collection published by the Nationality's Publishing House, Beijing, China,2011.
    ① 戴庆厦主编:《泰国万伟乡阿卡族及其语言使用现状》,中国社会科学出版社,2009年,第126页。
    ② 李台元(台湾政治大学民族学系博士班学生):《台湾原住民族的语言活力:透过圣经翻译的分析》,详见网页http://wenku.baidu.com/view/a95c0123192e45361066f578.html
    ③ 戴庆厦主编:《二十世纪的中国少数民族语言研究》,书海出版社,1998年,第608页。
    ④ Tianshin Jackson Sun, A Historical-Comparative Study of the Tani (Mirish) Branch in Tibeto-Burman, Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics, University of California at Berkeley.
    ① 见秦和平主编:《傈僳族简史》,民族出版社,2008年11月,第1页-18页。
    ② (唐)樊绰撰,向达校,木芹注:《云南志补注》,卷四,6S页,昆明,云南人民出版社,1995。转引自秦和平主编:《傈僳族简史》,北京,民族出版社,2008,第10页。
    ③ 景泰《云南图经志书》,卷四,选自方国瑜主编:《云南史料丛刊》,第6卷,73页,昆明,云南大学出版社,2001。转引自秦和平主编:《傈僳族简史》,北京,民族出版社,2008,第13页。
    ① (明)杨慎编,(清)胡蔚订:《增订南诏野史》,光绪六年刻本,下卷,32页。转引自秦和平主编:《傈僳族简史》,北京,民族出版社,2008,第13页。
    ② 秦和平主编:《傈僳族简史》,民族出版社,2008年11月,第1页-18页。
    ③ 伪“阿鲁纳恰邦”约有一半以上的面积是我国固有领土,乃我国西藏藏族自治区的藏南地区。现被印度政府非法控制,印度政府于1987年2月20日在该地区非法设立“阿鲁纳恰邦”。
    ① 秦和平主编:《傈僳族简史》,民族出版社,2008年11月,第123页。
    ② 详见www.joshuaproject.net/people-profile.php
    ③ 详见www.omf.org/omf/us/people_and_places/people_groups/lisu_of_Burma
    ④ 旧称“坎姆底龙”(Khamti Lung)或“赫兹堡”(the Hertz Fort).
    ⑤ 侯兴华、张国儒: 《试探中缅泰傈僳族跨国境分布格局的形成》,思想战线2009年1月,第35期。
    ① David Bradley et al. Southern Lisu Dictionary, Sino-Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and Thesaurus Project. Center for Southeast Asia Studies. University of California, Berkeley,2006. Introduction
    ② Ibid.
    ① David Bradley et al. Southern Lisu Dictionary, Sino-Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and Thesaurus Project. Center for Southeast Asia Studies. University of California, Berkeley,2006. Introduction.
    ② Ibid.
    ① 资料来源于笔者对尤金·摩尔斯(Eugene Morse)的访谈,泰国清迈,2011年11月3日。
    ② Ibid.
    ① Isobel Kuhn, Ascent to the Tribes, published by the Moody Press, Chicago, USA,1956.
    ② AW.-WU:D-Wfl; "IAI. MO:(?); DO:M. SU.. Fl..(?)U.. K(?).M C.. MI:"旺五·大卫,《泰国傈僳族福音史》,内部资料。
    ③ 资料来源于笔者与海外基督教使团传教士泰德·侯普(Ted Hope)的信件交流。
    ① (MALAYSIA LI-SU>IU-ZI-(?)O 3 (?)O;BI.._M PAI TV.CI.M(?).,DU (?)O:(?):)《马来西亚傈僳族教会成立三周年纪念通讯》
    ① 史富相:《傅能仁、巴东和杨思惠夫妇》,收录于《史富相文集》,内部资料。
    ② 《司提凡牧师自传》,收录于朱发德主编《滇西基督教史》,内部资料。
    ① "SO RU DU WU-S SI XY (?)O(?) (?):X(?):X(?);" KW_M "LI-SU SI XY (?)O(?) A LI JO L M C.. MI YI MO L(?):"。《傈僳文圣经翻译史》,附录于缅甸圣经协会主编:《傈僳文新约研习圣经》,2009年。
    ② ((?))的字面意思是“油果”。
    ③ ((?))是北部方言(罗乌话)词,原意是“滇橄榄”,在傈僳文《圣经》中指地中海地区产的油橄榄。
    ① Leila Cooke, Fish Four and the Lisu New Testament, published by the China Inland Mission, London,1948. p12.
    ① David Bradley et al. Southern Lisu Dictionary, Sino-Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and Thesaurus Project. Center for Southeast Asia Studies. University of California, Berkeley,2006. "Lisu Orthographies".
    ① 老傈僳文字母Y作元音时,在傈僳语中部方言中读[ia],在北部方言中读[iε]。
    ② David Bradley, Writing Systems and Language Environment:Lisu and Nisu, RCLT International Workshop, the Shaping of Language, La Trobe University, Australia,14-16 July 2010.
    ① Leila Cooke, Fish Four and the Lisu New Testament, published by the China Inland Mission, London,1948.
    ② 云南民族学院民族语言文学系主编:《傈僳文字概论》,一九八三年六月,第21页。
    ① 云南民族学院民族语言文学系主编:《傈僳文字概论》,一九八三年六月,第21页。
    ① 荣凤妹:《傈僳族语言文字现状、发展趋势及对策》,收录于云南省少数民族语文指导工作委员会编:《云南民族语言文字现状调查研究》,云南民族出版社,2001年。
    ② Ibid。
    ② 马效义:《社会变迁与新老文字选择——以僳僳族为例》,《湖北民族学院学报》(哲学社会科学版),2008年第五期。
    ③ 盖兴之:《谈谈新老傈僳文》,民族语言文化论集,云南大学出版社,2001年。第238页。
    ① 马效义:《社会变迁与新老文字选择——以傈僳族为例》,《湖北民族学院学报》(哲学社会科学版),2008年第五期。
    ② Ibid.
    ② 注:“新老傈僳文并用”于1962年首次提出。
    ① David Bradley&Daniel Kane, Lisu Orthographies, University of Melbourne.
    ③ 荣凤妹:《傈僳族语言文字现状、发展趋势及对策》,收录于云南省少数民族语文指导工作委员会编:《云南民族语言文字现状调查研究》,云南民族出版社,2001年。
    ① 资料来源于笔者与泰德·侯普的信件交流。
    ② 也称缅北基督教差会(North Burma Christian Mission).
    ③ 信息来自笔者与大卫·摩尔斯的交谈,泰国清迈,2011年11月25日。
    ① 老傈僳文每个独立的辅音字母自带元音[a],如(M:D.,)“不行”读作[ma31da33]。
    ② David Morse&Thomas Tehan, How Do You Write Lisu, a paper for The Fourth International Conference of the Foundation for the Endangered Languages:"Endangered Languages and Literacy", Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
    ③ 注:新傈僳文也遇到类似的情况,我国国内受教育层次高的傈僳族青年,如云南民族大学傈僳语班的学生,在新老傈僳文二者中更青睐新僳僳文。
    ④ 信息来自笔者与泰国傈僳族传道员旺五·大卫的交流,泰国清岛,2011年12月17日。
    ⑤ 参见《史富相文集》,内部资料。
    ③ 见史富相:《傈僳族的根与源》,内部资料。详见第23页,“傈僳族是文字统一的民族,僳僳族不论居住在国内和国外,都使用着一种统一的文字。”
    ④ 史富相:《傈僳族的根与源》,内部资料。
    ① David Bradley, Resilience Thinking and Language Endangerment, an article presented at the Third International Conference on Heritage Maintenance for Endangered Languages in Yunnan, China, jointly sponspored by Yuxi Normal University and La Trobe University, Australia. Article collection published by the Nationality's Publishing House, Beijing, China,2011.
    ② 戴庆厦:《社会语言学教程》,中央民族学院出版社,1996年,第195页。
    ③ 荣凤妹:《傈僳族语言文字现状、发展趋势及对策》,载于云南省少数民族语文指导工作委员会编:《云南民族语言文字研究丛书-云南民族语言文字现状调查研究》,云南民族出版社,2001年2月,第100页。
    ① 注:大花苗文后来被传教士王怀仁(George E. Metcalf)用来拼写分布在禄劝、武定一带的傈僳语东部方言(傈波语),傈波语《圣经》就是用大花苗文翻译书写的。
    ① David Bradley:Resilience Thinking and Language Endangerment, an article presented at the Third International Conference on Heritage Maintenance for Endangered Languages in Yunnan, China, jointly sponspored by Yuxi Normal University and La Trobe University, Australia. Article collection published by the Nationality's Publishing House, Beijing, China,2011.
    ① David Bradley, Edward Reginald Hope et al:Southern Lisu Dictionary, Sino-Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and Thesaurus Project, Center for Southeast Asia Studies, University of California, Berkeley,2006. David Bradley:Resilience Thinking and Language Endangerment, an article presented at the Third International Conference on Heritage Maintenance for Endangered Languages in Yunnan, China, jointly sponspored by Yuxi Normal University and La Trobe University, Australia. Article collection published by the Nationality's Publishing House, Beijing, China,2011. David Bradley & Maya Bradley:Standardisation of Transnational Minority Languages in Asia:Lisu and Lahu
    ① David Morse&Thomas Tehan, How Do You Write Lisu, a paper for The Fourth International Conference of the Foundation for the Endangered Languages:"Endangered Languages and Literacy", Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
    ② David Bradley:Writing Systems and Language Environment:Lisu and Nisu, RCLT International Workshop, the Shaping of Language, La Trobe University, Australia,14-16 July 2010. David Bradley & Maya Bradley:Standardisation of Transnational Minority Languages in Asia:Lisu and Lahu
    ③ 注:“寒地”译自傈僳语(JY.,Mn:),指的是德宏州潞西市(芒市)中山乡木城坡村到龙陵县黄连河乡一带的山区。
    ① 信息来自笔者与旺五·大卫的交谈。泰国清岛,2011年12月21日。
    ① James. O. Fraser, Handbook of the Lisu Language, Rangoon Superintendent, Government Printing, Burma,1922, page one.
    ② Leila Cooke, Fish Four and the Lisu New Testament, the China Inland Mission, London,1948.
    ① David Bradley, Writing Systems and Language Environment:Lisu and Nisu, RCLT International Workshop, the Shaping of Language, La Trobe University, Australia,14——16 July 2010.
    ① Allan Crane et al. Lisu-English Dictionary (the Revised Edition), Chiang Rai, Thailand,1985, p.152.
    ② Allan W Crane et al. Lisu Dicitonary, Muchengpo, Yunnan, China. May 17th 1929.
    ① James Outram Fraser, Handbook of the Lisu Language, Rangoon Superintendent, Government Printing, Burma,1922
    ① James. O. Fraser, Handbook of the Lisu Language, Rangoon Superintendent, Government Printing, Burma,1922, p60.
    ① David Bradley, Standardisation of Lisu:Competition and Convergence. Non-standard language and linguistic diversity in a globalized world CRLD15-18 December 2012. La Trobe University.
    * David Bradley, Writing Systems and Language Environment:Lisu and Nisu, RCLT International Workshop, the Shaping of Language. La Trobe University, Australia,14-16 July 2010.
    ① David Bradley, Standardisation ofLisu:Competition and Convergence. Non-standard language and linguistic diversity in a globalized world CRLD15-18 December 2012. La Trobe University.
    ② 指名词化后缀。
    ① James.O. Fraser, Handbook of the Lisu Language, Rangoon Superintendent, Government Printing, Burma,1922.
    ① 资料来源于笔者对罗尼·摩尔斯(Ronny Morse)的访谈,2011年11月5日,泰国清迈。
    ① 信息来自笔者与胡兰英老师的电话交谈,2012年9月。
    ② David Bradley, Issues in Orthography Development and Reform, La Trobe University, Australia.
    ① David Bradley, Standardisation ofLisu:Competition and Convergence. Non-standard language and linguistic diversity in a globalized world CRLD15-18 December 2012. La Trobe University.
    ② David Bradley, Resilience Thinking and Language Endangerment, an article presented at the Third International Conference on Heritage Maintenance for Endangered Languages in Yunnan, China, jointly sponspored by Yuxi Normal University and La Trobe University, Australia. Article collection published by the Nationality's Publishing House, Beijing, China,2011.
    ① 祝发清:《西方传教士搜集和学习傈僳族民间诗歌》,收录于朱发德主编:《滇西基督教史》,内部资料,第842页。
    ① David Bradley, Resilience Thinking and Language Endangerment, an article presented at the Third International Conference on Heritage Maintenance for Endangered Languages in Yunnan, China, jointly sponspored by Yuxi Normal University and La Trobe University, Australia. Article collection published by the Nationality's Publishing House, Beijing, China,2011.
    ② 注:卡嘎博雪山(Hkakabo Razi)位于缅甸最北端的葡萄州与我国西藏察隅县的交界,海拔5881米,是缅甸海拔最高的山。
    ① 信息来自笔者与大卫·摩尔斯的交谈,泰国清迈,2011年12月3日。
    ② James Matisoff, Syntactic Parallelism and Morphological Elaboration in Lahu Religious Poetry, University of California, Berkeley.
    ① David Bradley, Resilience Thinking and Language Endangerment, an article presented at the Third International Conference on Heritage Maintenance for Endangered Languages in Yunnan, China, jointly sponspored by Yuxi Normal University and La Trobe University, Australia. Article collection published by the Nationality's Publishing House, Beijing, China,2011.
    ① 荣凤妹:《傈僳族语言文字现状、发展趋势及对策》,转自云南省少数民族语文指导工作委员会编:《云南民族语言文字研究丛书-云南民族语言文字现状调查研究》,云南民族出版社,2001年2月,第100页。
    ① 资料来源于笔者与大卫·布拉德雷的信件交流。
    ② 孙宏开、刘璐:《怒族语言简志(怒苏语)》,民族出版社,第20页。
    ① narrated by Gertrude Morse, and edited by Helen Morse, The Dogs May Bark, but the Caravan Moves on, North Burma Christian Mission,1998, p374-376.
    ② Paul Kauffman, Asian Outreach,1981.
    ① 资料来源于笔者对旺五·大卫的访谈,泰国清岛,2011年12月16日
    ② 原籍为前南罗得西亚Southern Rhodesia,即今日的津巴布韦。
    ③ 秦和平主编:《傈僳族简史》,民族出版社,2008年11月,第64页。
    ① Mrs. Howard Taylor, Behind the Ranges, Fraser ofLisuland S. W. China, Lutterworth Press London and the China Inland Mission, p53.
    ① 资料来源于笔者对海外基督教使团工作人员Neel Roberts的访谈,泰国清迈,2011年12月12日。
    ② 朱发德:《圣歌弥漫的峡谷》,内部资料,第397页。
    ① 史富相:《史富相文集》,内部资料,第185页。
    ① 常竑恩主编:《拉祜语简志》,民族出版社,1986年9月,第15页。
    [12]The Holy Bible (New International Version), the AGES Digital Library.
    [13]The Holy Bible (King James Version), RCK CyberServices, University Place, Washington.
    [3]Allan Crane et al., Lisu-English Dictionary, Muchengpo, Yunnan,1929. Unpublished, property of the Overseas Missionary Fellowship, formerly known as the China Inland Mission.
    [4]Allan Crane et al., Lisu-English Dictionary (the revised editon),Chiang Rai, Thailand,1985. Unpublished, property of the Overseas Missionary Fellowship, formerly known as the China Inland Mission.
    [5]David Bradley, A Dictionary of the Northern Dialect of Lisu (China and Southeast Asia), Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, the Australian National University,1994.
    [6]David Bradley, Edward Reginald Hope et al., Southern Lisu Dictionary, Sino-Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and Thesaurus Project, Center for Southeast Asia Studies, University of California, Berkeley,2006.
    [7]Avia & Ziby Ngwazah, English-Lisu Dictionary, Christian Literacy Fellowship, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2009.
    [36]丽江市傈僳文化研究会、黎明傈僳族乡党委政府.《丽江傈僳族民间故事选》[M].德宏民族出版社, 2010.
    [53]James A. Matisoff, English-Lahu Lexicon, the Introduction, the Lahu People and the Lahu Language[M]. University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles. April 1st,2006.
    [54]James Outram Fraser, Handbook of the Lisu(Yawyin) Language[M], Rangoon Superintendent, Government Printing, Burma,1922.
    [55]Rose Archibald & Coggin Brown, Lisu(Yawyin) Tribes of the Burma-China Frontier[M], Printed at the Baptist Mission Press, and Published by the Asiatic Society, Calcutta,1910.
    [56]Sir Frederic Fryer, Tribes on Frontier of Burma[M], Central Asian Society, London,1907.
    [57]Mrs. Howard Taylor, Behind the Ranges, Fraser of Lisuland S. W. China[M], Lutterworth Press and the China Inland Mission, London, Fifth Impression,1951.
    [58]Eileen Crossman, Mountain Rain, A Biography of James O. Fraser[M], published by the Overseas Missionary Fellowship,1982.
    [59]Phyllis Thompson, King of the Lisu[M], Lutterworth Press and the China Inland Mission, London,1956.
    [60]Leila Cooke, Fish Four and the Lisu New Testament[M], the China Inland Mission, London,1948.
    [61]Leila Cooke, Honey Two of Lisuland[M], the China Inland Mission,1933.
    [62]Alice L. Fitzwilliam,I Will Run After Thee, the Life Story of Jennie Kingston Fitzwilliam[M], unknown publishing agent, property of the Overseas Missionary Fellowship.
    [63]Isobel Kuhn, Second-Mile People[M], Published by the Overseas Missionary Fellowship, Singapore, first published in 1982 and reprinted in 2008.
    [64]Isobel Kuhn, Nests Above the Abyss[M], Lutterworth Press and the China Inland Mission, London,1949.
    [65]Isobel Kuhn, Ascent to the Tribes[M], published by the Moody Press, Chicago, USA,1956.
    [66]Isobel Kuhn, By Searching, My Journey Through Doubt Into Faith[M], published by the Moody Press, Chicago, USA,1959.
    [67]Isobel Kuhn, In the Arena:An Autobiography[M], China Inland Mission/OMF books,1962.
    [68]Edward Reginald Hope, The Deep Syntax of Lisu Sentences, A Transformational Case Grammar[M], Pacific Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies, the Australian National University, 1974.
    [69]Narrated by Gertrude Morse, edited by Helen Morse, The Dogs May Bark, but the Caravan Moves on[M], North Burma Christian Mission, College Press Publishing Co,1998.
    [70]Eugene Morse, Exodus To A Hidden Valley[M], North Burma Christian Mission, published by William Collins World Publishing Co. Cleveland, Ohio,1974.
    [71]Helen Myers Morse, Once I Was Young, an Autobiography[M], North Thailand Christian Mission,2003.
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    [73]Frank Kingdom-Ward, In Farthest Burma [M], first published in 1921, second edition by the Orchid Press, Bangkok, Thailand,2005.
    [74]Frank Kingdom-Ward, Burma's Icy Mountains[M], first published in London,1949, second edition by the Orchid Press, Bangkok, Thailand,2006.
    [75]Frank Kingdom-Ward, Return to the Irrawaddy[M], first published in London,1956, second edition by the Orchid Press, Bangkok, Thailand,2007.
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    [32]Tianshin Jackson Sun, A Historical-Comparative Study of the Tani (Mirish) Branch in Tibeto-Burman[D], Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics, University of California at Berkeley.
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    [34]David Bradley, Lisu Orthographies[Z], University of Melbourne, Australia.
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    [40]David Morse & Thomas Tehan, How Do You Write Lisu[Z], a paper for The Fourth International Conference of the Foundation for the Endangered Languages:"Endangered Languages and Literacy", Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
    [41]James Matisoff, Syntactic Parallelism and Morphological Elaboration in Lahu Religious Poetry[Z], University of California, Berkeley.
    [42]Unknown Authorship, Proposal for Encoding the Old Lisu Script in the BMP of the UCS[R], Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set,2007.
    [43]La Maung Htay, A Sociolinguistic Survey of Three Lisu Dialects[D], Payap University,Chiang Mai, Thailand.
    [44]Zel Handel, Proto-Lolo-Burmese Velar Clusters and the Origin of Lisu Palatal Sibiliants, University of Washington, Seattle.

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