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     第二章考虑非线性偏微分方程的精确解的构造:首先给出了C-D对和C-D可积系统的基本理论,然后研究了它们具体的应用:在张鸿庆教授的AC=BD的模式下,利用闫振亚博士的Riccati方程展开法求解Modified Improved Boussinesq方程的精确解,得到了方程的26个解,包括新的孤波解和周期解,其中包含文献[65]中所给出的解。
The major contents in this paper include:with the aid of many types of constructive transformations and symbolic computation, some topics in nonlinear waves and integrable system are studied, including exact solutions,Liouville integrable hie-rarchy,and its N-Hamilton structure, constraint flow, Lax representation, r-matrix,in-volutive system and involutive solutions.
    Chapter 2 is devoted to investigating exact solutions of nonlinear wave equations: Firstly, the basic theories of C-D pair and C-D integrable system are presented. Secondly, we choose some examples to illustrate them .Based on Prof. Zhang hong-qing' AC=BD theory, using one of Dr.Yan zhenya' transformations based on one Riccati equation, twenty-six families of exact solutions of Modified Improved Bou-sinnesq equation are found, including new solitary solution and periodic solution, except solutions given by literature[65].
    Chapter 3 concentrates on new Lax integrable hierarchies of equations and Liouville integrable N-Hamilton structures. A spectral problem is studied by using the Tu's scheme , its Lax integrable hierarchies of equations and Liouville integrable Hamilton structures are obtained , r-matrix, new involutive system and involutive solutions of Bargman constraint flow of this hierarchy are found.
    In chapter 4,Maxwell equations presented in the form of exterior and codiff-erential are studied , and Maxwell equations and charge conservation law can be derived by each other. In particular , the derivation of Maxwell equations from charge conservation law is very important for the discovery of unknown physical law.
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