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Regional spatial strcture reorganization is the major strategic issueof region in the transition period of economy and society. And regionalgovernance is the new trend of governance in the regional developmentprocess from growth pole to polarization under the context of regionalspatial reorganization. Both of which are hot topics in the study fieldsof regional economics, geography, sociology and other disciplines intransition period of regional development. Changchun-Jilin-Tumen pilotzone of Jinlin Province in China is the new policy zone confirmed bycentral government for exploring a new regional cooperation pattern forthe development and opening up of border area. This dissertation studiesregional spatial reorganization and regional governance inChangchun-Jilin-Tumen pilot zone.
     Main contents are shown as follows:
     Chapter1discusses the theoretical background of regional spatialreorganization and regional governance, and the practical background ofChangchun-Jilin-Tumen becoming the new pilot zone of exploring a newregional cooperation pattern for the development and opening up of borderarea, points out the theoretical values for regional spatial structureand regional governance and the practical values for promoting thedevelopment of Changchun-Jilin-Tumen zone of this study, and then designsstudy contents and study scheme of this dissertation.
     Chaper2confirmes the concept of regional spatial reorganization andregional governance, distinguishes the relationships between regionalspatial reorganization and regional governance, summarizes the factors,models, basic theory, evolutive theory and the new development of regionalspatial reorganization,summaries the the previous study about regionalspatial reorganization, gains regularity cognition of regional spatialreorganization through the following aspects: the level of industrialstructure, agglomeration and diffusion, regional polarizationtransformation, industry regional division, regional infrastructure,regional development policy adjustment, optimization of regional factors.And then, puts forward the reorganization of regional spatial structure; combing the area governance theory, mode and the summary of the previousstudy about regional governance, from build based on smooth communicationsystem, regional coordination organizations, local characteristics ofhierarchical governance presents the regional governance implementationof path. The theory and model of regional governance are sorted out, andthe implementing pathes of regional governance are put forwarded basedon construction of the smooth communication system, organization ofregional coordination, hierarchical governance with localcharacteristics.
     Chapter3analyses the formation background of regional spatialstructure based on Physical Geography, Human Geography and policy inChangchun-Jilin-Tumen pilot zone, summaries the spatiotemporalevolvement trajectory of urban spatial structure inChangchun-Jilin-Tumen pilot zone, put forwards the driving mechanism ofregional structure evolvement.
     Chapter4identifies analyzee the regional competition, regionalspatial morphology, and spatial polarization in Changchun-Jilin-Tumenpilot zone. Recognizes the problems of regional spatial inChangchun-Jilin-Tumen pilot zone, namely: the deviation between urbanecological niche and urbanization,the not better build of urban multicenter and the prominent position of the city in the region.
     Chapter5puts forward the thoughts of regional spatialreorganization, studies the contents of regional spatial reorganizationbased on urban spatial reorganization, industrial spatial reorganization,ecological spatial reorganization and traffic spatial reorganization.Then, Changchun-Jilin-Tumen pilot zone is divided Changchun-Jilin zoneand Yanbian-Hunchun zone which is studied in detail.
     Chapter6is study on regional governance. Scale management of regionalgovernance is studied through the three scales: provincial spatial scale,Changchun-Jilin-Tumen spatial scale, and spatial scale of county and citylevel in Changchun-Jilin zone. The key points of regional governance arepointed out in following aspects: regional coordination of three spatialscales, development guide, administration and service. Based oncomparative analysis between the existing mode of governance andmanagement system, the two supporting program of regional spatialgovernance system are put forwarded, and the corresponding content of regional governance of different governance system and models are pointedout.Then, how to implement regional governance is analyzed through zoningadjustment and spatial integration, spatial partition and hierarchicalgovernance, regional coordination and compensation mechanism inChangchun-Jilin-Tumen pilot zone. Finally, Initial action of regionalgovernance is made from the model and deployment for regional cooperation.
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