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     涎腺腺样囊性癌(salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma, SACC)是最常见的涎腺恶性肿瘤,约占涎腺恶性肿瘤的22%。此肿瘤无包膜,侵袭性很强。嗜神经生长和远处转移是涎腺腺样囊性癌的两大恶性生物学特性,其中肺脏是涎腺腺样囊性癌远处转移最常发生的部位,也是临床上涎腺腺样囊性癌患者死亡的主要原因之一。
     涎腺腺样囊性癌由肿瘤性肌上皮细胞(neoplastic myoepithelial cells,NMCs)和肿瘤性腺上皮细胞构成。肿瘤性肌上皮细胞具有双向分化的特征,它不仅具有正常肌上皮细胞的收缩功能,还具有平滑肌分泌蛋白多糖(proteoglycans, PGs)的功能。蛋白多糖分布于涎腺腺样囊性癌肿瘤细胞团块中,形成大小不等的囊样腔隙,呈筛孔状分布于肿瘤实质区,形成了涎腺腺样囊性癌特征性的组织学结构。蛋白多糖为涎腺腺样囊性癌的生长提供必要的营养来源。
     硫酸乙酰肝素蛋白多糖(heparan sulfate proteoglycans, HSPGs)是一类由核心蛋白和(乙酰)硫酸肝素(heparan sulfate, HS)多糖链组成的蛋白多糖的总称。根据核心蛋白结构的不同,HSPGs主要包括位于细胞膜表面的磷脂酰肌醇蛋白多糖家族(glypicans, GPCs)和多配体蛋白多糖家族(syndecans, SDCs),以及位于细胞外基质中的基膜蛋白多糖(perlecan/HSPG2)、XVIII型胶原和集聚蛋白多糖(agrin)。GPCs家族包括六个成员:GPC1、GPC2、GPC3、GPC4、GPC5、GPC6;SDCs家族包括四个成员:SDC1、SDC2、SDC3、SDC4。以往的研究表明,HSPGs广泛分布于涎腺腺样囊性癌肿瘤细胞及细胞外基质。并可作为受体、共受体参与细胞增殖、细胞粘附、基质聚集、凝血等正常生理过程,也参与伤口愈合、炎症、肿瘤细胞的迁移及侵袭等过程。
     应用反转录试剂盒RevertAid First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit合成第一链cDNA。
     1.4Real-Time PCR检测
     本研究采用Real-Time PCR(CT相对定量法)检测主要HSPGs,两大细胞膜HSPGs(SDCs家族和GPCs家族)与基膜HSPG(perlecan),在涎腺腺样囊性癌不同细胞株(SACC-M、SACC-2、SACC-83)的相对表达水平。
     2.2Western blot检测
     采用鼠抗人GPC5单克隆抗体,通过Western blot检测GPC5蛋白在SACC-M、SACC-2、SACC-83细胞中的相对表达量。
     针对靶基因(human GPC5, Gene ID:2262)设计干扰序列并合成一套miRNA干扰载体。一套miRNA干扰载体包含4个miRNA oligos,以及阴性对照序列Oligo,退火后序列亚克隆到pcDNA6.2-GW/EmGFP-miR载体。
     mRNA水平鉴定:Real-Time PCR检测GPC5基因在GPC5-silenced、GPC5-NC、SACC-M细胞的表达;
     蛋白水平鉴定:Western blot检测GPC5蛋白在GPC5-silenced、GPC5-NC、SACC-M细胞的表达。
     选择18只BLAB/C nu裸鼠,4周龄,雄性,随机分为3组,分别进行尾静脉注射GPC5-silenced细胞、GPC5-NC细胞和SACC-M细胞,2×107/ml×0.2ml/只。SPF条件下饲养,第4周麻醉处死,称重新鲜肺组织湿重。10%福尔马林固定,HE染色,光镜下观察,进行统计学分析。
     Real-Time PCR相对定量(CT相对定量法)分析结果显示,与SACC-2细胞相比,11种主要HSPGs在SACC-M细胞中的表达,其中SDC2、GPC3、GPC5表达分别上调1.50、2.58、3.24倍;与SACC-83细胞相比,11种主要HSPGs在SACC-M细胞中的表达,其中SDC2和GPC5表达分别上调15.32倍和815.69倍。
     Western blot检测结果显示,GPC5蛋白在涎腺腺样囊性癌肺转移细胞株SACC-M中的表达是SACC-2的3.41倍,是SACC-83表达的675.00倍。
     免疫组织化学检测结果显示,GPC5蛋白在涎腺腺样囊性癌肿瘤组织中表达,主要沉积在肿瘤细胞的细胞膜、细胞浆。另外,在部分假性囊腔和腺腔内细胞外基质中也有沉积。且GPC5蛋白在伴有肺转移的涎腺腺样囊性癌组织表达明显高于不伴有肺转移的肿瘤,差别具有显著性(P <0.05)。
     脂质体介导质粒12MR0055-1-1、12MR0055-2-1、12MR0055-3-1、12MR0055-4-2及NC转染SACC-M细胞。质粒转染48小时后,均可见有绿色荧光蛋白表达,分别收集细胞并提取细胞总RNA,Real-Time PCR检测结果显示,质粒12MR0055-1-1、12MR0055-2-1、12MR0055-3-1、12MR0055-4-2对靶基因GPC5的沉默效率分别达到80.5%、78.1%、80.3%、89.7%。
     裸鼠肺转移试验结果显示,GPC5基因沉默组(GPC5-silenced)裸鼠肺转移2例(转移率33.33%),阴性对照组(GPC5-NC组)裸鼠发生肺转移6例(100%),空白对照组SACC-M组裸鼠肺转移6例(100%),GPC5-silenced组与GPC5-NC组、SACC-M组相比,差异具有显著性(P <0.05);GPC5-NC组与SACC-M组比较,差异没有统计学意义(P>0.05)。
     新鲜肺组织湿重,GPC5基因沉默组(GPC5-silenced组)肺湿重(0.507±0.223g)明显低于阴性对照GPC5-NC组(1.177±0.342g)和空白对照SACC-M组(1.045±0.539g),差异具有显著性(P <0.05);GPC5-NC组与SACC-M组比较,差别无显著性(P>0.05)。
     Salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma (SACC) is one of the most commonsalivary malignant tumors without envelope and strongly aggressive. Itaccounts for about22%of the salivary gland malignanies. SACC has a highpropensity of perineural invasion and distant metastasis, the most common siteof distant metastases is the lung which is also the chief cause of clinical death.
     SACC is composed of duct epithelial cells and neoplastic myoepithelialcells (NMCs) which are the chief proliferative cells of the tumor. Because ofthe bilateral differentiation, NMCs hold the function of constractile andsecreting proteoglycans which is different from the normal myoepithelial cells.Abundant proteoglycans produced by NMCs make SACC typical cribriformstructures full with proteoglycans and provide nutrition and microenvironmentfor the biological behavior of SACC.
     Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs), consist of a protein core towhich heparan sulphate glycosaminoglycan chains are attached are abundantcell-surface and extra cellular matrix (ECM). Secreted extra cellular matrixHSPGs include perlecan (HSPG2), agrin and type XVIII collagen. Syndecansand glypicans represent the two major membrane HSPGs, in mammals fourseparate syndecans (SDC1, SDC2, SDC3, and SDC4) and six separateglypicans (GPC1, GPC2, GPC3, GPC4, GPC5, and GPC6) have beenidentified. The syndecans have a transmembrane and cytoplasmic domain,whereas the glypicans are anchored to the extracytoplasmic face of the plasmamembrane via glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI).
     HSPGs have been shown to act as receptors, co-receptors and playcentral role in many biological process such as cell proliferation, celladhesion/anti-adhesion, inflammation, wound healing, coagulation, matrix assembly, embryo development, tumor metastasis.
     In present study, the two major membrane HSPGs and perlecanexpression were analyzed in SACC with and without lung metastasis toexplore the role of HSPGs in the lung metastasis of SACC.
     Part I HSPGs expression in SACC
     1HSPGs expression in SACC cell lines
     In this study, the following cell lines with different metastatic abilitywere used:
     Highly metastatic SACC cell line: SACC-M cell line;
     Poorly metastatic SACC cell lines: SACC-2;
     SACC cell lines: SACC-83cell lines.
     1.1Cell culture
     SACC-M, SACC-2, SACC-83cells were routinely cultured inRPMI-1640medium containing15%fetal bovine serum, penicillin (100U/ml),and streptomycin (100U/ml) at37C in humidified air containing5%CO2.
     1.2Total RNA extraction
     Total RNA was extracted from the tumor cells by using TRIzol reagent(Invitrogen, USA) following the manufacturer’s instructions. RNAconcentration was obtained through spectrophotometric readings at260and280nm, and quality was evaluated by1%agarose gel electrophoresis.
     1.3Reverse transcription
     Three microgram of total RNA from the sample were used in reversetranscribed with RevertAid First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit.1.4Real-Time PCR
     In this study, Real-Time PCR (CTRelative quantification) was used totest the expression of HSPGs, the two major membrane HSPGs and perlecan,in SACC cell lines with highly and poorly metastatic ability.
     2GPC5protein expression in SACC cell lines
     In this part, we choose the high expression HSPG (GPC5) as the studygene, and investigated the GPC5expression in SACC cell lines.
     GPC5expression and distribution in SACC-M, SACC-2, SACC-83cellswas tested by Immunofluorescence staining with rabbit anti-GPC5monoclonal antibody.
     2.2Western blot analysis
     The relative quantification of GPC5expression level in SACC-M,SACC-2, SACC-83cells was tested by Western blot with Mouse Anti-GPC5Monoclonal Antibody.
     3GPC5expression in SACC with and without lung metastasis
     Sixteen cases of salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma (SACC) werecollected from Department of Oral Pathology and collected from Departmentof Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, College&Hospital of Stomatology, andthe Fourth Hospital, Hebei Medical University. Five out of16cases with lungmetastasis, the other11cases without lung metastasis. Immunohistochemistrystaining was used to investigate the GPC5expression in SACC with andwithout lung metastasis.
     Part II construction of GPC5miRNA expression vector
     1Construction of GPC5miRNA expression vector
     The human gene GPC5(glypican5, Gene ID:2262) was selected fromGenBank. Go to the BLOCK-iT RNAi Designer and input the accessionnumber (NM-004466), the Designer will automatically generate highprobability DNA duplexes miRNA oligos. Hybridize the oligos to form a60-bp duplex with4-nt5′overhangs. Cohesively ligate the duplex into theBLOCK-iT Pol II miR RNAi Expression Vector Kit with EmGFP.
     2Sequence validation
     Three clonies from each plate were picked and sequenced to verify therecombinational cloning insertion sequence and oligo sequence alignmentdesign.
     3Plasmid midi-preparation
     4Evaluation of silencing efficiency
     Plasmids were transfected into SACC-M cells through LipofectamineTM2000, and the silencing efficiency was tested by Real-TimePCR.
     Part III The effect of GPC5down-regulation on the lung metastasis ofSACC in vivo
     1Group of experiment
     Gene silenced group: Group GPC5-silenced, SACC-M cells transfectedwith miRNA vector targeting GPC5;
     Negative control group: Group GPC5-NC, SACC-M cells transfectedwith negative control miRNA vector;
     Black control group: Group SACC-M, SACC-M cells withouttransfection.
     2Establishment of stable cell lines with silenced GPC5
     2.1SACC-M cell cultrue and definition of the minimal lethal concentration
     2.2SACC-M cells were transfected with miRNA plasmid targeting GPC5according to the manufacturer’s of LipofectamineTM2000, transfected with NCmiRNA plasmid as negative control. Three weeks after transfection, stable cellclones (GPC5-silenced and GPC5-NC cell lines) were aquired by usingBlasticidin S HCl.
     2.3Evaluation of silencing efficiency
     mRNA level: the GPC5mRNA expression was evaluted by Real-TimePCR.
     Protein level: the GPC5protein expression was evaluted by Western blot.4The inhibition of lung metastasis of SACC in vivo
     Eighteen four-week-old,14~15g, male BALB/C nude mice were dividedinto3groups of6mice each randomly. GPC5-silenced cells, GPC5-NC cellsand SACC-M cells were collected respectively,0.2ml cell suspensioncontaining1×107cells per milliliter was injected into the vena caudalis. Themice were anesthetized and killed at the4th week after injection. The freshlung samples were harvested and weighed. Formalin fixed/paraffin-embeddedspecimens were prepared by ordinary procedures,2.5μm thick sections werestained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE), and then examined by the microscope to evaluate the morphological changes.
     Part I HSPGs expression in SACC
     1HSPGs expression in highly and poorly metastatic SACC cell lines
     By relative-quantitive Real-Time PCR, HSPGs were expressed atdifferent levels in the three kinds of SACC cell lines, with no expression ofGPC4. Compared with SACC-2, the mRNA expression of SDC2, GPC3andGPC5in SACC-M cell line increased1.50-flod,2.58-fold and3.24-foldrespectively. And two HSPGs (SDC2and GPC5) expression increased(15.32-fold and815.69-fold) in SACC-M compared with SACC-83, onlyGPC5increased significantly (more than3-fold), while others decreased inSACC-M compared with both SACC-2and SACC-83cells.
     2GPC5protein expression in highly and poorly metastatic SACC cell lines
     By Immunofluorescence staining, GPC5expressed not only on cellmembrane, it also be found in cytoplasm of SACC cells. GPC5expressed atdifferent levels in the SACC-M, SACC-2and SACC-83cell lines, weaklypositive in SACC-83cells, and strong positive in SACC-M cells.
     2.2Western blot analysis
     Western blot analysis showed that the expression level of GPC5proteinin SACC-M was3.41-flod as SACC-2and675.00-flod as SACC-83cells.This is consistent with the results of Real-Time PCR and immunofluorescencestaining.
     3GPC5expression in SACC with and without lung metastasis
     In16clinical cases of SACC which were confirmed by pathologicaldiagnosis as SACC with description as cribriform, tumular and solid type, theexpression of GPC5showed strong positive in4cases out of5, and1caseshowed positive in SACC with lung metastasis, whereas negative in3out of11cases,7cases with weakly positive and1case with positive in SACCwithout lung metastasis. The overexpression of GPC5was significantlyassociated with lung metastasis (P <0.05). And the GPC5expression chiefly distributed in the tumor cell membrane and cytoplasm, and extracellularmatrix (ECM) deposit in pseudocyte and lumens.
     Part II Construction of miRNA expression vector targeting GPC5
     Successful construction of miRNA plasmid targeting human GPC5gene:12MR0055-1-1、12MR0055-2-1、12MR0055-3-1、12MR0055-4-2andnegative control plasmid NC. Fourty-eight hours after the transfection of12MR0055-1-1、12MR0055-2-1、12MR0055-3-1、12MR0055-4-2and NCplasmid into SACC-M cells, green fluorescent protein was expressed, and thesilencing efficiency of each plasmid up to80.5%、78.1%、80.3%、89.7%respectively.
     Part III The effect of GPC5down-regulation on the lung metastasis ofSACC in vivo
     1Establishment of stable cell lines with silenced GPC5
     Forty-eight hours after transfection of plasmid targeting GPC5and NCplasmid, stable cell clones GPC5-silenced and GPC5-NC cell were acquiredby using Blasticidin S HCl. Compared with SACC-M cell, the GPC5expression of GPC5-silenced cell was down-regulated by89.7%at mRNAlevel, and96.5%at protein level.
     2The inhibition of lung metastasis of SACC in vivo
     The4th week after injection, The mice were anesthetized and killed andweighed, the lung wet weight of group GPC5-silenced (0.507±0.223g) wassignificantly lower than that of group GPC5-NC (1.177±0.342g) and groupSACC-M (1.045±0.539g), P <0.05. No significant difference betweengroup SACC-M and group GPC5-NC, P>0.05.
     The lung metastasis of group GPC5-silenced decreased to33.33%(2/6),significantly lower than that of group SACC-M (100%,6/6) and groupGPC5-NC (100%,6/6), P <0.05.
     The histopathological analysis of the lung samples of group SACC-Mand GPC5-NC showed that the normal structures of lungs in group werealmost destroyed. The lungs were full of metastasis nodules with differentsizes. The tumor cells were round or polyhedral with eosinophilic cytoplasm and round nucleus, arranged in dense clumps of solid, many mitoses could beobserved. Pulmonary vascular cavities were in condition of hyperaemia. Onlya few metastasis nodules were found in the2lung samples of groupGPC5-silenced and the normal structure of them was still remained. The sizeof the metastasis nodle in group GPC5-silenced was much smaller than that ofgroup SACC-M and group GPC5-NC.
     The high expression of heparan sulfate proteoglycan (GPC5) promotesthe metastasis ability of SACC.
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