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Since the end of20thcentury especially the Gulf War, the war is presentingdifferent features with previous, which has been called revolution in military affairs(RMA). The revolution is initiated and promoted by Military technologytransformation,and then is causing series changes in the area of military thought,military theory, modes of fight, system and establishment etc. The people have beenreached agreement about the technology especially information technology causing theRMA, but the complicated image covered the essence of the problem, and its concretelogic mechanism and realization process need deeply analysis.
     The technology philosophy has been rising because of the philosophical reflectionabout the effects of widely used technology, and the modern technology philosophyneed to study technology based on concrete process according to the scientific andsystematic characteristics of technology, which called empirical turn. The thoughts ofempirical turn of technology philosophy give the ways of studying military technologytransformation. The essence of studying the effects of military technologytransformation on the modes of fight in information age is to study the technologyeffects in micro approach and detail realization to military area especially wars.
     The modes of fight are application and forms of the military power in certainfighting space, which including fighting space, military power and the application ways,and they are changed by military technology affecting these factors. The main contentof military technology transformation is information reform, but the information andinformation technology don’t change the entity of military power. So according to themilitary power, the modes of fight develop with inheritance. The information revolutionchanges the using way of military power deeply by affecting army command andcontrol, which strengthen the traditional fighting modes. The information reformexpands out the artificial information space, to control the information space derivingthe modes of information operations.
     After examining the development of firearms, Engels made the statement that theimprovement and using of technology would change the modes of fight. The militarytechnology transformation is the basic power of the modes of fight evolution anddifferent form military technologies make different modes of fight, such as cold weaponcorresponding to melee combat, firearms corresponding to fire operations,mechanization equipment corresponding to mobile operations. During the alternation of leading military technology, the modes of fight are changing by interface inheritance.The information reform base on mechanization and inherit the modes of fight of fire andmobile.
     The military technology transformation affects ways and patterns of achieving,transforming, handling and using of information in information age. It mainly show asthe battlefield information obtained and transmitted by real time, the order and decisionrapidly made and implemented, the weapon charged automatically. The command andcontrol informatization makes the modes of fight to achieve strengthen innovation. Thejoint operations is becoming main modes, the fire operations realized of long-rangeprecision strike, the mobile operations having the characteristics of non contact and nonlinear. The traditional operation modes have the characteristics of operational leveldesalination, combat power of fusion and the rhythm of operation well-knit etc.
     The military technology transformation of information age expedites informationspace and the operations of obtaining information dominance derive the informationoperations. It mainly includes the electronic operations, the computer networkoperations and the psychological operations. The information operations modeschallenge the ways of division about the operation space, operation object and fighters.The information operations mode should base on social foundation which includesinformation industry, integration science and technology and intelligent humanresources.
     The military technology transformation strengthens traditional modes of fight andexpedites information operation in information age, which highlights the fundamentalstatus of material and energy, and the leading role of information. In reality, the materialand energy must be effectively integrated with information, and they are innovatedunder the guidance of operation ideas. The modes of fight development needs militarytheory traction and war practice drive. The increasingly powerful function is enhancingthe status of military technology, but it can not change the nature of operational tools.The science and technology and art are very important in modern war, all of themshould be in the modes of fight.
     To deal with the influence of military technology transformation in informationage on the modes of fight, we should study the military technology philosophy to guidethe military practice, review its research orientation, and adhere to practice throughout,and change from "body" to the "body" and "with". We should develop defense scienceand technology according with needs, update development idea, instruct theconstruction with concept of confrontation, construction and system. We should dependon the existing basis to deepen reform, develop spindly by aiming at the forefront. Weshould accelerate the transformation of the mode of generating combat, fully recognize the important role of human and institutional factors for generating combat, and deepenthe reform of construction and application of combat power, and reform the educationand training according to the future war.
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