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The term of "common people" originated from the system of influential families of generations' standing. Different from former studies which attached the study of "common people" to that of influential families of generations' standing, the present paper takes "common people" as the focus of the study, and concludes that "common people" were recorded in biographies of the periods of Wei. Jin and Southern Dynasties; furthermore,
    the paper analyzes the process of "common people" becoming officials and their promotions during the periods of Wei, Jin and Southern Dynasties. The present study described the rise and fall of common people's holding offices in Wei, Jin and Southern Dynasties, and showed that the major ways by which "common people" became officials are: to be accepted in offices at all levels (including government offices, general's offices, residences of princes as
    well as central government offices), to become aides to ranking officials or generals, or to pass examinations for selecting officials; besides, a few of "common people" were appointed officials by central government.
    As for being accepted in offices at all levels, there appeared obvious periods of time for "common people's" to hold office, that is, most "common people" were accepted in offices during time of wars, while few during other periods of time. In Wei Dynasty, "common people" held offices because of their talent or courage in wars, which was especially the case when Cao Cao was in power, and those who were accepted in offices often ranked high and most were
    conferred titles; After that period of time, there were great changes in the way of accepting "common people" in offices at all levels, official positions were mainly held by offspring of officials and influential families of generations' standing, which made it a hard way for "common people" to hold offices. In this way, influential families of generation's standing had become the main body of those who were accepted in offices at all levels. In Jin
    Dynasty, generally speaking, "common people" might be accepted only during special periods of time like internal turmoil or war turmoil, and except for a few who ranked high for outstanding military exploits, the rest only obtained low ranks, and it seemed hard for them to be promoted. During Southern Dynasty, "common people" were accepted in offices at all levels for their advantages like knowledge, talent and military exploit, and because they took
    active part in political turmoil at that time, most of them ranked high and were conferred titles, which showed the growing influence of "common people".
    To be aides to ranking officials or generals is another way of becoming officials for "common people". In Wei Dynasty, "common people" often held offices before the establishment of regime, and most of whom ranked high and were conferred titles for governing talent or military exploits. In Jin Dynasty, especially in Western Jin and the interval between Western and Eastern Jin, it was hard for "common people" to be promoted, and it was even harder for them to rank high. Thus, those who ranked low increased; more and more "common people" remained as aides to ranking officials or generals, and few of whom were conferred titles. In Southern Dynasty, because of the tendency that influential families of generations' standing became local aides to
    ranking officials, few of "common people" held offices in this way. Most of "common people" came to be officials for their talent or war exploits, and there were prominent differences in the highest rank each individual had obtained after different times of transfer. The ones who ranked high may reach first-class or second, and were conferred titles, but the ones holding low positions even had no ranks.
    As for examinations for selecting officials, "common people" mostly passed them at their posts, few of whom held office in this way; this falling trend went on from Wei Dynasty to Jin and Southern Dynasties, furthermore, few of whom could rank high, which showed that it was not
《史记》 《汉书》 《后汉书》《三国志》《晋书》《南史》 《北史》《宋书》《南齐书》《梁书》《陈书》 《魏书》《北齐书》《周书》《隋书》《资治通鉴》《通典》《大唐六典》《唐会要》 《文献通考》《册府元龟》《太平御览》 《艺文类聚》《容斋随笔》《金石萃编》《太平广记》《初学记》《昭明文选》《全上古三代秦汉三国六朝文》《廿二史考异》 《十七史商榷》《陔余丛考》 《读通鉴论》
    严耕望:《中国地方行政制度史(乙)》 史语所1963年版。
    《从<宋书 蔡兴宗传>看封建王朝的“废昏立明”》,《北京大学学报》1987年第2期。

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