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With the research and exploitation of the bioenergy deepening, the problem of how to handle and analyze the growing data efficiently, and estimate its impacts on all aspects, has become an important issue. However, in our country, there is no model or system that can evaluate the supply chain of several plants in the special region at present. For that purpose, a Decision Support System (DSS) based on Geographical Information System (GIS) is built to help bioenergy decision making. The contents are as following:
     1. The structure, function and relationship of the components of the DSS are described in the paper. The system evaluates the economical, environmental and social influence of the bioenergy project using the theory and method of Life Cycle. It includes four main databases, i.e. the GIS database, the biomass material database, the logistic database and the conversion database. Then the Unit Processes are defined to simulate and analyze each stage in the supply chain.
     2. Using the data of the forest biomass, road net and electrical net provided by the GIS, the numbers and the positions of collection points in each city are known. Then the position and capacity of each plant are decided by clustering analysis. In this method, the transportation distance is optimized. Based on the results of the clustering, the costs, emissions and numbers of labor of each stage on the supply chain are calculated. Besides, system evaluates the impacts of different parameters, and then provides the possible improving means.
     3. For the energy use and regulated emissions in the fuel ethanol production and combustion process, the optimization variables, objective functions and restrict conditions are designed and then solved utilizing optimization algorithm. The results can give suggestions for the real fuel ethanol production process.
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