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     首先,针对现有数字版权管理体系框架多局限于对己授权用户权利的使用控制,缺乏对版权证明和侵权认定等机制描述的问题,基于学习资源生命周期的概念,提出一个学习资源数字权利管理(LRDRM)体系框架。与现有的如OpenDRM、OMA DRM、Imprimatur等体系框架相比,LRDRM框架能够有效覆盖数字化学习资源生命周期全过程,并涵盖了版权证明和侵权认定等必要功能。
     第三,针对现有学习资源访问控制机制中授权多基于传统访问控制策略,存在无法进行细粒度授权、使用控制过程缺乏可持续性等问题,参考Ravi Sandhu等人提出的UCONABC使用控制模型,提出一个基于属性和策略的使用控制模型AP-UCON及相应的执行机制。其创新性体现如下:(1)与传统的访问控制和UCONABC使用控制模型相比,AP-UCON模型增加了权利属性要素,并在条件决策因子中加入了例外(Exception)要素,用于描述合理使用、例外授权等在公共知识领域不可避免的版权获取方式。(2)针对可重用的学习资源在创建阶段的嵌套式封装可能带来的安全策略冲突问题,提出了适用的冲突检测方法和一致性策略创建算法。(3)基于AP-UCON模型,参考引用监控机的思想,提出了AP-UCON引擎机制。该机制采用模块化设计,基于属性和安全策略进行授权决策,能够实现细粒度的动态授权和数字权利的可持续使用控制。
With the further development of education informationization, the copyright protection issues of digital learning resources have become an urgent problem to be solved. Rights management for learning resources is an innovative application of digital rights management technology. With the help of technological tools, we can put intellectual property laws and various copyright protocols into effect, and also provide much more effective and reasonable protection for quality learning resources. All those could help the copyright holders and the legal users to protect their lawful rights and interests.
     Due to the limitations of the digital rights management technology, along with the new challenges brought by the domain characteristics of education reality, new digital rights management mechanisms for education application area are need to be studied.
     Based on our project research work and amounts of research literature references, this dissertation takes an in-depth research on digital rights management key mechanisms for learning resources, which include:(1) research on learning resources digital rights management architecture framework and functional structure;(2) research on rights management-enabled content information model and secure packaging mechanism for learning resources;(3) research on digital rights usage control mechanism for learning resources;(4) research on copyright identification and usage tracing protocols for learning resources;(5) design and implementation of digital rights management system for learning resources. The research focuses of this dissertation are digital rights usage control mechanism and copyrights identification and usage tracing protocols.
     This dissertation conducts a series of research and has obtained the following innovative achievements:
     First of all, since most of existing digital rights management architecture frameworks focus on the usage control of authorized user's rights, which makes them lack of description and coverage of copyright identification functions. A novel concept of learning resource lifecycle was presented. And based on the concept, the learning resources digital rights management architecture framework and functional structure which can cover the whole learning resource lifecycle are proposed.
     Secondly, since the existing content packaging method barely support nested protection for learning resources, on the basis of learning object metadata (LOM) and content packaging (CP) standards, the rights management-enabled learning resources information model and secure packaging mechanism is studied. Unlike existing content packaging technique, the proposed mechanism can separately provide protection for each content item in a learning resource file. It is much more suitable for compounded, heterogeneous reusable learning resources, and could provide a secure foundation for flexible authorization of digital rights.
     Thirdly, since most of existing learning resources access control mechanisms are based on traditional access control policy which can't provide fine-grained authorization and the usage processes are lack of persistent control, Based on Ravi Sandhu's UCONABC model, an attribute-policy based usage control (AP-UCON) model and its enforcement mechanism is proposed. The innovative achievement are as follows:(1) The "oBligation" factor is combined into the "Condition" decision factor, and the "Exception" factor is introduced into the model to describe the "fair use" use case, which is quite common in education research field;(2) The security policy confliction problems brought by the nested packaging of learning resources in the content creation stage are analyzed, and a consistent policy creation algorithm is presented;(3) Based on the concept of reference monitor, an AP-UCON client engine mechanism is proposed, which is proved to be very useful to perform the authorization decision and digital rights usage control enforcement.
     Then, to resolve the piracy and illegal usage issues of learning resources, a series of learning resource copyright ownership identification (CIOP) and usage tracing (UTP) protocols are proposed. Beyond the basic security objectives of security protocol, the proposed protocol mechanism has the following innovative achievement:(1) In the CIOP protocol, a trusted third party embeds robust copyright watermark into learning resources work in the creation/publishing stage with the help of timestamp scheme, to make sure that even the watermark is removed, the copyright ownership can still be identified and proved;(2) In the UTP protocol, user's digital fingerprint is added to a copy of learning resources work in the distribution stage. To ensure honest user's anonymity and traitor's traceability, a new anonymous public-private key pair is presented and the performance is improved.
     Finally, several digital rights management system tools are designed and implemented based on the researches mentioned above, and the secure mechanisms of those system tools and discussed.
     The research achievements can be used in e-Learning, digital libraries, knowledge management, e-commerce and other information content services areas, and is conducive to the establishment of lifelong education services platform with digital rights management services.
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