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     1. The purpose of this study is to understand the distribution and composition of the economic burden of disease in rural Henan Province, and the impact on the economic burden of disease. The other further purpose is to provide science evidence by allocating rationally limited health resources for health administrative departments, making correctly economic decisions, controlling and reducing the economic burden of disease, and further to improve the system of rural health protection system.
     2. Research on the economic burden of disease has great significance on the decision-making bodies. Secondly, Research on the economic burden of disease will help improve the health service agencies to provide efficient use of health services. Finally, Research on the economic burden of disease has greater value and guiding role to develop and improve rural medical security system.
     Contents and Methods
     1. Estimating direct economic burden of disease of rural residents in Henan Province
     Mainly through investigating and collating data, the direct economic burden of disease of rural residents was analyzed and calculated in Henan Province. Including: direct medical costs and direct non-medical costs. On this basis further analyzed the overall characteristics of the direct economic burden of disease of rural residents in Henan Province, including gender, age, diseases system, the distribution characteristics of major diseases, and the comparison of direct economic burden and per capita income.
     2. Estimating indirect economic burden of disease of rural residents in Henan province
     (1) Measuring the disease burden of rural residents in Henan Province, to calculate disease burden of rural residents in Henan Province, and clear size and distribution of disease burden, and prepare for calculating indirect economic burden, death information with age, sex and diseases classification, and comprehensive evaluation indicator of disease burden—disability-adjusted life years were used.
     (2) To estimate indirect economic burden of disease of rural residents in Henan province, including comparative analysis with gender, age, the disease classification, a combination of methods of human capital method and disability-adjusted life years was employed.
     3. Affecting factors analysis of economic burden of disease of rural residents in Henan province
     Impacts on the economic burden of the disease may have many factors. It is necessary to control other factors for estimating accurately the role of one factor to the economic burden of the disease, so multi-factor analysis methods are often adopted. Based on the characteristics of information and experience of experts and expertise, this study used multiple regression models to analyze the impact factors of economic burden of disease of rural residents.
     4. Comprehensive analysis of economic burden of disease and health protection system and making policy recommendations
     The study used the method of combining of qualitative and quantitative research, empirical and norms analysis to health protection system analysis in rural areas of Henan province, combined with the research findings of the economic burden of disease, to presented and discussed policy proposals fit to health care reform and to provide information and recommendations for improving health protection system in rural areas of Henan province.
     1. In 2006, the entire economic burden of disease of rural residents in Henan province is 135.36 billion yuan. The burden of the cost is 10.86 percent of the annual gross national product of Henan, 1.24 trillion yuan, and direct economic burden is 69.72 billion yuan, accounting for 51.51 percent of the total burden and indirect economic burden of 65.63 billion yuan, accounting for 48.49 percent of the total burden.
     2. From the disease categories, the ii disease (chronic non-communicable diseases) the economic burden of disease is 87.10 billion yuan, accounting for 65.11 percent of the total economic burden, and for rural residents it is major economic burden. The iii diseases (injury and poisoning) the economic burden of disease is 24.47 billion yuan, accounting for 18.27 percent of the total economic burden. The i diseases (infectious diseases, pneumonia and influenza diseases) the economic burden of disease is 22.404 billion yuan, accounting for 16.72% percent of the total economic burden.
     3. Chronic non-communicable diseases are the main source of financial burden, and malignant tumor becomes the most serious threat to the health and the economic security of rural residents in Henan province. In 2006, indirect economic burden of the first 10 malignant tumor diseases is 27.82 billion yuan in rural of Henan province, accounting for 42.39 percent of all indirect economic burden of disease, accounting for 58.36 percent of chronic disease. In the first 10 diseases of heavier financial burden, malignant tumors have the four.
     4. In 2006, the average economic burden of disease of rural residents in Henan province is 2061.39 yuan, accounting for 63.21 percent of per capita net income of farmers, 3261.00 yuan, so, the proportion is significant high.
     5. Impacts on direct economic burden of rural residents in Henan have many factors, the most important factors including age, income level, whether suffering from chronic illnesses, severity of disease, medical treatment, the level of medical institutions and so on. Impact of out-patient direct economic burden of disease are mainly age, income, occupation, whether the poverty-stricken households, whether suffering from chronic diseases and out-patient treatment and other medical institutions; gender, age, occupation, marital status, education level, Income, whether the surgery, hospital-level and severity of disease, and so on are main impact factors for direct economic burden of disease of in-patients.
     1. In total, the economic burden of disease of rural residents in Henan province is very heavy, and the proportion of gross national product is more than 10 percent, and higher than the national and other provinces average level. In average, the average economic burden of disease of rural residents in Henan province is very high, and brought a heavy burden and pressure to rural residents and increase disease risk. Heavier economic burden of disease not only damaged Physical and mental health of farmers, but also obstructed social and economic development of Henan province.
     2. Reducing the economic burden of disease must firstly focus on the prevention and control of chronic diseases. To solve the serious direct economic burden of disease of rural residents, the reform and perfection of the rural cooperative medical can be considered under the affordability of the socio-economics, to ease economic pressure of medical treatment through decreasing fee, lowering pay level, increasing line cap. It can improve joining enthusiasm of rural residents, make the system sustainable development. At the same time, our government must vigorously develop the rural commercial insurance, and expand medical security coverage to relieve the indirect economic burden of disease of rural residents, and improve modern and future economic security.
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